Chapter 05.Promise

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**Time : 08.00AM, At PrincipalTheresa's Room**
**Thirdperson POV**

It was bit early morning that Nadia and her friends got called by Principal Theresa to come to her room. At that time, Saint Freya suppose to have holiday because saturday is free day for all the valkyrie. But, the girls remembered that they have mission to check Adlehyde condition. This village is history for Nadia. Since the 2nd Honkai Erruption is over, Adlehyde cannot be enter unless they have permission and high resistance of honkai in their body. Luckly, the honkai energy activity in Adlehyde is slowly decreased from time to time and some valkyries can get in there without problem. Nadia and her friends arrive to Principal Theresa's room and ready for the briefing of the mission.

Kiana : *Yawning* What's up with this early?

Theresa : Did you sleep enough, Kiana?

Nadia : *Sigh* Oh boy... Don't you tell me that you've been doing something until late again?

Kiana : No, it just... I have a nightmare.

Mei : No wonder, you've been look down since the breakfast. You alright, Kiana-chan?

Kiana : Yeah... I can hold myself.

Himeko : Alright. Also, did you bring your report about last night training?

Nadia : Here you go, miss Himeko.

Nadia gave all the papers that they did about last night.

Himeko : Good. Lastly, how about the permission?

Mei : Right here. *she show all permission paper that we have our name in it*

Theresa : Perfect. Now, your mission is to check some dungeon that have been found under the church.

Nadia : Hm. Looks like Adlehyde hiding something in there. No wonder papa ever told me about this secret.

Theresa : Correct. Good thing is, the area also low on Honkai Energy activity. But still, keep on your guard. And last, get some sweaters. The area is cold.

Kiana : Really? Cold?

Theresa : Yes. Nadia, if you don't mind.

Nadia : Yes. Adlehyde is snowy village. Rain is often to drop. If you want to say winter, it almost in every month. But don't worry, sun still up around it.

Kiana, Mei, Bronya and Himeko take their own size sweater to wear when they arrive at Adlehyde, except Nadia.

Mei : I see. Nadia-san, you're... Not going there with sweater?

Nadia : Don't worry, my leather jacket and gloves are already good enough. Miss Himeko, would you like to explain to them?

Himeko : Alright. To tell you, Nadia has high resistance against cold. Well thanks to her pyro power to keep her body on the temperature.

Kiana : Lucky girl. Wish I have that. I won't stand cold around breezing area or got wet because of the rain. I hate when I get myself wet and fever from it.

Nadia : It doesn't mean I have to dry myself like that. My weakness is water. Don't you ever learn about fire always die because of water? Also, train a lot. Your body will get use to it.

Kiana : Here we go again... Same lecture like Class Monitor.

Nadia : Hmph, baka Kiana *cross her arms and look away*

Himeko : Alright, that's enough both of you. Don't worry, I will accompany you girls on this mission. If there is anything weird, report immediately. We split up into a team. Nadia you will go with Kiana, check around the dungeon. While me, Mei and Bronya... We will secure the parameter around the church. You can proceed to battle once you must to. Don't hurt yourself, okay?

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