Celebration Ramyeon - Heejake

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"I'm telling you" said Sunghoon, looking pretty serious.
"Why do you always have to be so suspicious of everything?" asked Jay, casually looking through his phone.
"Cause I feel it" explained Sunghoon.
"And what if it's true?" asked Jay, looking up at Sunghoon, who was now destroying the label lid of his bottle of water.
"Well, nothing actually. I just don't like it when things are kept secret like that" he said.

Jay frowned slightly.
"Is the Ice Prince perhaps jealous?" Asked Jay, teasing his friend.
"Me jealous? Not at all" replied Sunghoon, not in the most convincing way.
"Yeah sure" added Jay as the kitchen door behind them opened.

"Hi there" said an energetic voice behind them.

They heard jump-like footsteps approaching the fridge.

"Hi Sunoo" said Jay. "We're out of ice cream in case you were looking for that."
"We WHAT" said the younger, quite disappointed.
"We literally just ate diner" added Sunghoon.
"Yes, but what about desert?" replied Sunoo in a condescending tone.
"There are some leftover pancakes that I made this morning though" said Jay, pretty proud he had seen this scene coming and had made extra pancakes for Sunoo.
"You are the dreamer of dreams Jay, thank you" replied Sunoo, his anger gone as fast as it had come. "What were you guys talking about anyway?"

"Sunghoon is being jealous about Jake spending more time with Heeseung than him" said Jay.
"You mean the same way you get jealous when anyone spends time with Jungwon?" said Sunoo, laughing.
"Hey I made you pancakes, why are you attacking me?" replied Jay loudly.
"Well Jake and Heeseung are close indeed" said Sunoo, shoving a whole pancake in his mouth. "Is the jealousy only based on the time they spend together?"
"I don't know" said Sunghoon. "It's just that Jake is supposed to be my best friend and he doesn't talk to me like we used to."
"We all know that Jake wants to get better at singing and he asked Heeseung to help him. But Jake is your best friend so you are jealous, because he's not spending time with you as much now. But I think you're just scared that Heeseung would take your place as Jake's best friend."
"Jay hyung is so right" added Sunoo. "You literally pouted the other day when Jake didn't go to the gym with you because he wanted to train with Heeseung."

"That's not true okay" replied Sunghoon. "I'm not jealous."

Sunoo and Jay looked at each other and shook their heads.
"You know you can just tell Jake that you want to spend time with him? There's no need to obsessively think about the time he spends with other people" said Sunoo.
"Since when are you so wise?" asked Sunghoon, teasing Sunoo.

Sunoo just rolled his eyes.

"He's not wrong" said Jay, used to them bickering all the time.

"You two aren't helping okay" replied Sunghoon getting up.

"Where are you going?" asked Sunoo.
"Find someone who will help me" said Sunhoon.


"So what's the plan?" asked Niki, curious after Sunghoon had told him everything.
"There's no plan, I just want to know if I'm still Jake's best friend" replied Sunghoon.
"Oh, that's disappointing, I thought we were going to spy on them or something" said Niki.

Sunghoon took a few seconds to consider it. He didn't want to hurt Jake by asking him upfront what was going on. Maybe just peeking and making sure they weren't that close would just solve the jealousy in him.

"Would you agree to?" asked Sunghoon.
"I was born ready to be a spy" said Niki, not at all aware that Sunghoon was having flashbacks of all the times Niki had been clumsy.
"It's settled then" replied Sunghoon.


It was around 2 am, and Sunghoon and Niki where in the hallway. The kitchen was silent, which meant Heeseung and Jake were still practicing singing in the makeup room.

The two boys got closer and listened on the door. However, the sounds they heard weren't from singing.

Niki looked at Sunghoon in panic and grabbed his arm before running to the kitchen.

"Did you hear it too?" asked Niki, as low as he could.
"They were totally kissing" said Sunghoon, still shocked.
"How long do you think they've been... secretly kissing?" asked Niki.
"I don't know" replied Sunghoon. "The real question is why haven't they told us."

The two friends stood silent in the kitchen. They had agreed that if Heeseung and Jake had kept it a secret, they should respect it. Sunghoon was a bit hurt that Jake hadn't share that with him though.

Suddenly the kitchen door opened, and the four men stared into each other's eyes, trying to understand the situation.
Heeseung, who was holding Jake's hand, instantly let it go. Jake looked at Sunghoon with a guilty face on. Whereas Niki was lowkey just enjoying the drama in front of him.

"You guys are up late" said Jake, trying to distract them.
"So are you" said Sunghoon, obviously in a bad mood.
"Are you okay Hoon?" asked Heeseung.

"Oh boy" whispered Niki, sensing it was about to go down.

"Of course I'm not okay" said Sunghoon. "Apparently my best friend doesn't trust me enough to share what's happening in his life!"

Heeseung and Jake looked at each other and sighed.
"It's not that I don't trust you Hoon" said Jake.
"What is it then?" he replied angrily.
"I was afraid you wouldn't accept our relationship" admitted Jake, looking down.

"What?" asked Sunghoon, confused. "Are you happy with Hee?"
"Well, yes" said Jake, blushing while looking back at Heeseung.
"Then I don't see why I wouldn't have accepted it" replied Sunghoon.
"Really?" asked Jake.
"Of course" confirmed Sunghoon.

"So, we're good?" asked Heeseung, relieved that it had gone rather smoothly and fast.
"Yeah, wait until I tell Sunoo" replied Niki with a big smile on his face.
"Don't tell me you're going to-" started Heeseung, but it was too late, Niki was already gone.

"How long has this been going on?" asked Sunghoon, finally smiling at the couple.
"Some weeks" replied Jake, smiling back.

He got closer to Sunghoon and hugged him.
"I missed talking to you, bestie" he whispered.
"Who's fault is that?" asked Sunghoon.

Niki was now back in the kitchen, three sleepy people behind him.

"Okay tell me this is important, because if it's not I'll never cook for you again" said Jay, yawning.

"Heeseung and Jake are together" finally announced Niki, jumping around, soon followed by Sunoo.

The chaos lasted a few minutes, between the cheers, the hugs, the never ending questions.

"Well... how about we share ramyeon as celebration before going back to bed?" suggested Sunghoon, after everyone had calmed down.

"On it" said Jake and Heeseung at the same time.

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