Ice Ring Part 2 - Heehoon

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Sunghoon was pretty excited. He had had a tiring week and it was finally the weekend.

And weekend means skating alone for a while.

He loved being part of the High School ice skating team. Actually, he also loved being its leader. However, he needed a little alone time on the ice from time to time.

It was his only comfort place.

The ice ring was a place in which he always felt true. Ice is static. It will watch you go and evolve while staying the same, true to itself. Sunghoon liked how he had grown up surrounded by the ring. He treasured the Ice as his oldest friend and confident.
He could never lie on the Ice.

As snow is soft, Ice is sharp. It can be cold and cruel. However it can melt into something warm, if the sun shines bright enough. This is how one could describe Sunghoon, the Ice Prince.

He checked his phone: 11:57.
It's almost time, let's get ready.

He carefully took his skates out of his bag, detaching the security on the blades. In three minutes the brutes that played hockey would be done with their horrible training. Only then, he would be able to join the ring and fly free.

He hated those boys. Yes, they "knew" how to skate. Or rather, they knew how to bully the ring with their blades. Sunghoon despited it so much.

He had always respected the Ice. Seeing them violently skate on it felt like a disgrace. That is why Sunghoon always made sure to whisper sweet things to the ring when he skated after their training.

He knew it sounded silly, but his connection with the ring was so powerful. It was his only friend.

Sunoo would kill you if he knew you had thought that.
Okay, two friends, the ring and Sunoo.

Sunghoon was sitting in the locker room bench. He could clearly hear the hockey team coming towards him.

Well, even people in Europe could hear them. Why do they have to be so loud all the time?

Sunghoon sighed. As soon as they would all be there, he would leave the room and forget about them.
As he was putting his phone in his bag, he noticed eyes on him.

Of course. That boy again.
Why does he keep staring at me all the time? Doesn't he know I notice?
Nevermind, I'm leaving.

However, he felt a slight vibration in his hand that prevented him from standing up right away. He had received a text message from his mother.

Sunghoon had to concentrate to write his answer. The hockey team was loud, messy and to be honest, sweaty. They kept distracting him from writing.

In the end, he hit the send button and stood up, skates in hand, to leave the room. For the second time that boy stared at him again, however this time, he was only wearing underwear.

Can't he cover himself up with his towel? No one wants to see that.

He frowned, intoxicated by the messy hockey boys. However, as soon as his skates glided through the Ice, the noisy boys were forgotten.

Actually, everything was forgotten.

Sunghoon just remembered how alive he felt every time he skated. It wasn't only a sport. It was the reason he lived.

At first he shyly toured the ring, warming himself up as he went. He was always meticulous in getting ready before his routine.

The Ice doesn't forgive.

This sentence was everything to him. Ice doesn't forgive mistakes. If he fell, he fell. The Ice wouldn't catch him up, nor baby him. The Ice was strict.
That's what Sunghoon loved. Ice needed perfection.
He aimed to be the perfection it needed.

Soon enough he felt his body warm. He couldn't hear the boys in the locker room anymore, which meant he was finally alone.

Time for some music.

He enjoyed skating to music when he was alone. Especially because he liked to listen to classical music, which he felt embarrassed about.

A minute later, the first notes of violin spread through the ring, guiding Sunghoon in his figures.

His strong body gracefully turned around, jumped and posed, honoring his title of Ice Prince.

Well, I wonder if Sunoo invited the person he wanted as his partner for prom.
I wonder who that is...
Why didn't he tell me?

Sunghoon sighed as he spun once more.

I wonder who I should invite too.

Sunghoon mentally checked all the people he knew from his school, but no one really attracted him. As he was pretty popular, he knew many people wanted him to be their date.
However he didn't have the heart to mislead them into thinking he might be interested in them.

Maybe it's better to go alone.

Alone wasn't risky. Actually, alone was what Sunghoon liked. It was reliable and comfortable. After all, it was all he sought, every time he came skating before his team's training.

Alone it is.

It felt like a weight had been lifted of his shoulders. More free than ever, he took some speed and performed a perfect triple axel.


Sunghoon had taken a little break from skating. His team would be arriving soon and he didn't want them to know he had skated alone.
He didn't want them to feel like they trained less than him, because he knew they'd feel bad. Plus he hadn't really trained, he had hung up in the ring, rather.

He was casual scrolling through memes on his phone when he heard footsteps approaching.

That must be Sunoo.

He put his phone down and stood up. He was excited to see his best friend.
In fact, he decided to prank him, because why not.

He got closer to the door, however before he knew it, some tall guy had crashed into him.

Some tall guy that obviously wasn't Sunoo.

Some tall guy that he had seen in boxers earlier today.

The Puck Prince

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