Kpop Night Pt2

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"You're awfully quiet" commented Niki. "You know I know you're not okay, right?"

Sunoo was brushing his teeth, which was an excellent excuse not to answer immediately. Niki got closer and hugged him from behind. Gently kissing his shoulder.

"I'm kind of upset about Sunghoon's presence" he added.

Sunoo hadn't brushed his teeth for this long in a while. His brain was working a hundred kilometers per second.

Oh boy, he noticed.
What am I going to do?
How do I explain that I found him attractive?

"I thought the night would go well, but I noticed you two kept bickering" he said, looking at Sunoo in the mirror's reflection.

Wait, what?

In fact, this had been the only mechanism Sunoo had found not to think too much about Sunghoon. The two of them had gently bickered the whole evening. Apparently Sunoo's technic had worked, cause Niki didn't seem to have noticed how Sunoo had truly felt.

"Yeah, right" he said. "He was kind of annoying."

But in an attractive and sexy way...

"Well, the kpop night is over, everyone left" said Niki. "How about I help you forget about all of this?"

Sunoo returned Niki's gaze. He knew exactly what that meant, and he wasn't going to say no. He had boiled up frustration mixed with sexual tension inside and he needed to let it out.

As soon as he was done with his teeth brushing, Sunoo turned around, still in Niki's arms, and he kissed him passionately without any warning. In fact, he was so railed up that as soon as he felt Niki's hands on his butt, he jumped.

Niki caught him easily before smiling. 

"You don't need to rush" he whispered, separating their lips for a second. "I'm not going anywhere."

Sunoo crashed his lips on Niki's again, but only for a second. He then bit Niki's lower lip and slowly let go, looking into his boyfriend's eyes.

"Not even in my bedroom?" he asked with a side smile.

Niki carried Sunoo to the latter's bedroom and laid him on his bed, climbing on top of him. He continued kissing his lips, then slid down to his neck, before removing Sunoo's shirt.
The pink haired boy moaned lightly as Niki licked and kissed his chest, running his hands through the latter's hair, begging for more.

With a shiver, Niki kept kissing his way down, until he reached his boyfriend's pants. As he had worked fast until there, he decided to tease Sunoo a little bit before removing said pants.

Niki's tongue danced at the limit of Sunoo's remaining clothes, his hands slowly reaching up until they found hardened nipples.
Sunoo kept moaning, eyes closed and head facing up.
He needed Niki.

"Please" he finally begged.
"Your wish is my command" replied Niki in a whisper that sent a smile up Sunoo's face.

Niki slowly unbuttoned Sunoo's pants before sliding them down. The pink haired boy was already hard, which made Niki smile.
He did know his way around.

With one hand, Niki slightly uncovered Sunoo's underwear, just enough to kiss him below he had before.
Sunoo felt his boyfriend's lips along his underwear getting lower and lower, until there was nothing left to hide.

Sunoo let a loud moan as Niki took him in his mouth.


Niki had fallen asleep on his side, an arm on Sunoo's stomach. The latter, on the other hand, couldn't seem to get some rest.


The only thing he could feel was guilt.

Guilt for having fallen for a random guy Jay had brought.
Guilt for having masked his feelings with stupid and childish bickering.
Guilt for lying to his boyfriend.

Guilt for having thought about Sunghoon when Niki was giving him the best blowjob of his life.

Worst thing was that he couldn't do anything about it. Or could he?
Could he really turn off his feelings?
Could he find a way to dislike Sunghoon?

Of course not.
The latter's smile, laughter and perfect face was engraved in his memory, torturing him.

Niki sighed in his sleep, catching Sunoo's attention.
He looked so peaceful right now. His closed eyes displayed his beautiful lashes, his hair covered his forehead and his cheeks were slightly pink.
Sunoo couldn't believe his luck for having found him. Niki was very different than him, but he always tried his best to understand Sunoo's emotions, which were indeed numerous and complicated. He always noticed when Sunoo was down and was always ready to cheer him up.

He's an angel...
And I'm just.. well.. I'm just trash..
He doesn't deserve this.

At least, he doesn't deserve lies.

Sunoo had come to the conclusion that he should be honest with Niki. He knew that it would crush Niki's heart, but he needed to tell the truth.
Keeping things bottled up was never a good option.

Even if that meant that Niki would probably hate him and break up with him.

With a heavy heart, Sunoo finally fell asleep, dreading tomorrow's conversation.


Sunoo woke up first. Niki's arm wasn't on his stomach anymore. In fact, Niki had almost fallen off the bed during the night. He always moved like a tornado during the night. Sunoo got up and sighed. He needed to get ready.

Ready to tell the truth.


It took a while for Sunoo to express what had really happened yesterday. Some part of him wanted to run away, but he knew Niki deserved better.

He explained how he had been impressed by Sunghoon's beauty as he first saw him, how the latter's laughter had mesmerized him and mostly... how he had felt his whole body burning when Sunghoon's hand had brushed against him.

As Sunoo had asked, Niki stayed silent during the whole explanation. He waited for Sunoo to be done before nodding and breathing deeply.

"Are you mad?" asked Sunoo. "Of course you're mad, you have to right to be so. Please know how awful I feel. How guilty I feel. I know it's hard to believe me but my love for you hasn't changed, I promised."
"Sunoo, calm down" asked Niki.
"Alright" agreed Sunoo.

He breathed in deeply before speaking again.

"So.. how are you feeling?" he asked.

Niki took his hand and looked at him.

"Relieved" he said.
"Relieved?" asked Sunoo, not understanding.

"Yeah" said Niki. "Cause I felt the same as you."

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