Sope Opera - Jaywon

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I everyone! Sorry for not updating for a while, I got busy writing two other stories (The Psychiatrist and Perfect Storm) but I'm done with both now, so this book will be updated regularly again!❤️



I should call it a day

Jay looked at his reflection one last time. He did look exhausted. His forehead was quite shining from the sweat, and he could feel his cap was humid too.
What else could be happening after a six hours dance session?

As he had been a little sick at the beginning of the week, he had felt the need to stay longer to train even after the other members had come home.

Maybe one last time?

He was rehearsing for an upcoming show. They would be presenting a whole new choreography for one of their b-sides, so it needed to be perfect.

For Engene.

This name always had the power to put fire in Jay's heart. He knew why he was training, he knew why he was tired, as much as he knew why he would continue.

"For Engene" he whispered, pressing play once more.

He stood in his position, waiting for his cue to start dancing. However, someone opened the door this instant, thus interrupting him.

He looked to his right, quite shocked to see who was standing there, a bright smile on his face.

"Hoseok Hyung!" said Jay, instantly bowing to his role model.
"Hi Jay" said the latter. "May I come in?"

Jay was confused for a second. Did THE J-Hope ask him if he could enter the practice room?

"Of course" he instantly replied.

Hoseok walked in, he was holding his phone in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

"Here" he said, giving Jay the bottle.

Jay accepted it, and didn't wait to drink from it.

"I saw your members leaving, but I got worried when I didn't see you with them" he explained.


"I just needed to practice a little more" explained Jay.
"Oh, I get that" replied his Hyung. "Would you want to show me? I can give you feedback if you want to."

It was a good thing Jay had already swallowed his water, because he would have choked otherwise.

"I'd be honored, but I don't want to bother you" said Jay.

Hoseok shook his hand, denying that last part. Soon enough, the brightest smile appeared on his face, somehow reassuring Jay.

The younger pressed play once more, and got into position as Hoseok leaned against the mirror.

Jay couldn't let stress take over him.
Of course he had already performed in front of important people, however, this was J-Hope.

No. It was J-Hope, who would give him personal feedback as soon as he'd be finished.

It was J-Hope, one of the most precise and talented dancers Jay knew.

Jay had one second before his cue. He breathed deeply and tried to give his best.


"You should go home" said Hoseok as Jay panted after the last notes.

Jay felt a heavy weight on his chest. Had he performed so badly?

"Everything was perfect, you don't need to practice it anymore" explained Hoseok.
"Really?" asked Jay, in disbelief.
"Sincerely so" claimed Hoseok. "To be honest, it was beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing this choreography with all the members together."

Jay couldn't help but feel the blood rushing to his cheeks.

"Thank you Hyung" he said, bowing once more.
"Stop" replied Hoseok, chuckling.

Jay sighed. There was something on his mind for months now, and Jay didn't have anyone he could talk to about it.

Maybe this is my chance.

"Hyung" started Jay, unsure if it was a good idea. "May I ask you something?"

Hoseok nodded, sensing this was going to be sensitive.

"I don't know with whom I can talk about all this, but if it makes you uncomfortable, please let me know and I'll stop" said Jay, feeling very stressed. "It's about Jungwon."

Hoseok's lips widened in a sweet smile.

"I, uh, Jungwon" continued Jay, not able to form a sentence.
"I noticed" simply replied Hoseok.

He wasn't judging Jay. The latter knew that.

Silence spread between them, before Hoseok walked closer to Jay.

"I think I know exactly what you're going through" added the older idol.
"Really?" asked Jay for the second time.

"Yeah" confirmed Hoseok. "You can decide to ignore it, but I'd advise you to talk to him about it. In either way, you'll be set."
"What if I get rejected?" asked Jay, fear in his eyes.

"You'll eventually get over it" simply said Hoseok. "It's part of the risk."
"I don't know" replied Jay.

Hoseok seemed in doubt. After a few seconds his expression changed. 

"I got rejected" he said.

His words were painful, yet somehow he had spoken softly.
Jay looked at him, only to see smiling eyes looking back at him.

"It was hard at first, but I went through it" he continued. "Funny thing is that when I thought I was healed, Yoongi told me he regretted rejecting me."

Jay's eyes widened. Neither Hoseok, nor Yoongi had an official relationship.

"How?" simply asked Jay, still not processing how big of a secret Hoseok had just shared with him.
"We were at home, watching a movie, but Yoongi fell asleep -you know- and thankfully we were alone because he started talking in his sleep and he kind of admitted he had feelings for me" explained Hoseok.
"Wow" commented Jay, imagining the same scene with Jungwon.

"I know" replied Hoseok. "So after that, I asked Yoongi to go out with me and he accepted."

Jay was touched by this story. He knew how hard it was to have a romantic life when one was an idol. He could only understand why they hadn't said anything to the public.

"And next week, we'll be celebrating four years together" added Hoseok.

Jay looked at him. He had stars in his eyes and the purest smile on his lips. Yoongi truly made him happy, that was undeniable.

"That is a very sweet story" commented Jay. "I wish I could have that as well."
"I think you can" replied Hoseok. "I think Jungwon has feelings for you."

"What if we're wrong?" asked Jay, not even questioning why Hoseok was saying that.
"What if we're not?" asked Hoseok back.

"Why would you try to help me with Jungwon?" finally asked Jay, realizing it was quite random.

"You know I've been watching you all since I-Land" began Hoseok.

Jay's face instantly transformed. He didn't like the mention of I-Land. He was kind of tired of being teased for it. He was defined mad at how they had treated him there, even though it had all worked out in the end.

"And you seemed pretty close to Jungwon there" continued Hoseok.

Jay's expression changed to surprise. He wasn't expecting that at all. Hoseok had noticed that?

"It's true" he said, trying not to blush.
"And I've noticed how he looks at you too" added Hoseok, carefully analyzing Jay's reaction.

"Don't do this, please" said Jay, as he started to believe there might be a possibility for Jungwon and him.
"Don't do what?" Asked Hoseok, laughing. "Give you Hope? But that's what I'm here for."

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