Maknae Talk - Sunki

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"Sunoo Hyung" said Niki, looking at him. "Let's play some animal crossing together!"
"I'm sorry Niki, I have to go" replied the later.

As the pink haired boy was looking for his jacket, he didn't even look back at Niki. He kept opening his wardrobe and his drawers to no avail. He went to check the clothes chair, passing in front of Niki, still not giving him attention. The youngest felt a pinch in his heart.

Niki frowned. He didn't want Sunoo to leave.

"You said you were free today" said Niki, frustrated.
"I know Niki, but something came up" he replied, finally finding his jacket, which turned out to be buried under a hundred other clothes on the chair.

Sunoo left his bedroom, soon followed by Niki.

"Where are you going?" asked Niki, trying to sound casual.
"Meeting Hoon" simply replied Sunoo, now putting his shoes in the entrance hall.


"Oh okay" replied Niki, hurt.
"See you then" replied Sunoo, offering the youngest one of his classic "melt your heart in one second" smiles.
Niki couldn't help but smiling back, Sunoo was his ray of sunshine.

"See-" started Niki, but Sunoo was already out.


Why didn't he say Sunghoon. Why did he call him Hoon?
Just Hoon.

That means something, doesn't it?

Niki laid back on his bed, sighing. He knew Sunoo didn't owe him anything. Of course, he could go out and meet whoever he wanted. However, Niki had thought they'd spend time together today. Since Sunoo had taken a job in a cooking show, his already limited free time had dropped massively.

Niki decided to change his mind by spending some time on his phone. He had some videos in his "to watch" list that he had neglected for too long.

As soon as he opened YouTube, his face became blank. For some reason, the universe had decided to punish him today.

*Sunghoon taking care of Sunoo, top ten moments*

Sunghoon taking care of Sunoo?

He knew it would hurt, but some deep dark part of his brain needed to watch it. He needed to see.
He clicked on it, revealing a whole avalanche of "Sunsun" videos.
Engene was so dedicated. There were some on Sunghoon being whipped, some of him pranking Sunoo, and a whole lot more of them just bickering.

Niki didn't even notice time going by. He was just focused on watching every video.

Worst thing was he remembered almost all of the scenes in the videos, but he hadn't noticed how close to Sunghoon Sunoo was as they happened.

Damn it... Sunoo even piggy back rides Sunghoon on this one. And I'm RIGHT THERE. How didn't I notice that?

Niki was so obsessed by the edits that Jungwon had to knock once more for him to hear.

"Niki?" asked Jungwon out loud.

Finally, Niki detached his eyes from the screen, Jungwon had broken some kind of painful curse there.

"Yeah?" he replied, putting his phone away.
"Are you okay?" asked the leader through the door.
"Come in" simply said Niki.

Jungwon opened the door slightly and smoothly entered Niki's room.

"How did you know I'm not okay?" asked Niki, really curious.
"Well, it's your free day and your switch his still waiting for you in the living room. So either you were sleeping, either you're not okay" explained Jungwon.

Niki didn't answer just yet. He was constantly amazed by their leader's sixth sense. He always knew when one of the members needed comforting.

"Want to talk about it?" asked Jungwon.
"Not really" replied Niki, looking away.
"Alright. Want to we do then?" asked Jungwon.
"How do you feel when people get close to Jay?" asked Niki, who apparently had changed his mind.
"Well, I feel okay, I guess" replied Jungwon, looking lost.

"Don't well me Won. You're pretty jealous of Jay, we all know it" replied Niki.
"Do you want me to ask who you're jealous of?" asked Jungwon, trying to escape Niki's last comment.

"No one" replied Niki, looking away once more.

"Look, we both don't like to admit we have feelings, right?" admitted Jungwon, sitting next to Niki on the bed.
"Obviously not" replied Niki, kinda disappointed in himself.
"Believe me, I don't want to have feelings. They're complicated, useless and bothering most of the time" began Jungwon.
"But at the same time..." said Niki. "At the same time, they are not so burdensome when Sunoo is around."

Jungwon nodded. He got Niki. He himself didn't even like the notion of romance, nor relationships. However, when Jay was near him, he couldn't help but want to be by his side forever.

"What happened today?" asked Jungwon.
"Sunoo is out" said Niki, placid. "With Sunghoon."

Jungwon nodded, finally understanding Niki's jealousy.

"I don't think anything weird goes on between them" commented Jungwon, trying to be supportive.
"Open YouTube on your phone" he simply replied.

Intrigued, Jungwon did as told. Niki indicated what to write on the search bar and soon enough Jungwon discovered what had broken Niki's heart.

"Do you want to take what you said last back?" asked Niki, in a bad mood.

Jungwon stayed silent, but he typed something else on the bar. As soon as the new set of videos loaded on the screen, he showed it to Niki.
The latter opened his eyes widely, in shock.

"Wait, so you also check this kind of videos?" he asked. "Jay and Heeseung? That feels so unsettling."
"I know" said Jungwon. "But see, these are only videos. They do not reflect how reality hits for us."
"Really?" asked Niki, his eyes innocently filled with hope.
"Of course" confirmed Jungwon. "You know damn well that Sunghoon acts like a big brother to Sunoo because he is the one just above him in age."
"True" confirmed Niki.
"And mostly, you know that Sunghoon has a date tonight" continued Jungwon.

"Wait, what?" asked Niki, confused.

"You didn't know?" asked back Jungwon, surprised.
"With whom?" continued Niki. "Is it Jakey or Heeseung?"
"Well" replied Jungwon, enjoying the suspense.

"TELL ME" implored Niki.
"It's both" whispered Jungwon, laughing.

"That's something" commented Niki.

Jungwon noticed how Niki was smiling.

"Feeling better?" he asked.
"I do, thank you Won" replied Niki, grateful.

Niki's phone rang several times behind them.

*Sunshine sent you messages*

*Hey Niki, sorry I had to leave so rashly*
*Sunghoon needed help choosing an outfit for his date tonight*
*What about I make it up to you this evening?*
*Ramen and Animal Crossing?*
*I miss you ❤️*

Niki automatically smiled at his phone. Jungwon was about to ask when Niki just showed him the screen, allowing him to read Sunoo's messages.

"He misses me" whispered Niki, undoubtedly in love with the pink haired boy.

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