Valentine's Special - Heehoon

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Hi everyone!
I hope your 2022 has started well☺️
As you know, today is Valentine's day, so I decided to give you all a Valentine's gift!
Here come 5 one shots ☺️

They'll maybe be a bit shorter than usual, but you'll get all ships 😌

Please enjoy

And thank you all for the support, I'm truly honored and so grateful that you read my stories🥺





"Come on" said Sunghoon with an excited voice.

Heeseung, who was leaning forward, looked up. He couldn't believe his luck. He had waited so long for this day! All the worrying, the planning and and headache had been worth it.

I'm on a date with Sunghoon!

The Ice Prince dove into Heeseung's eyes and the purest smile appeared on his face. Heeseung's heart felt like it was going to explode.

After all, seeing Sunghoon this kind of happy was something rare. So rare that Heeseung had decided to do something he wasn't at ease doing just to see it.

"I'm almost done" replied Heeseung, as he finished lacing up his skates.

Once ready, he stood up, trying to figure how to stay balanced on the blades.

"You're doing amazing!" encouraged Sunghoon.
"Easy for you to say" mumbled Heeseung, almost regretting his choice of activity.

Sunghoon took Heeseung's hand and the latter gained confidence instantly. Nothing felt impossible with Hoonie by his side.

The two of them walked together out of the changing room. Heeseung was overwhelmed by the difference of temperatures around him. The whole place was cold, obviously. However, his hand delicately yet firmly held by Sunghoon's was burning him from the inside. It felt comforting and intimate.

At this point, they were in front of the ice and Sunghoon's face almost hurt from the smiling. He hadn't come here for so long.

Heeseung had contacted Sunghoon's mother to know in which skating ring the Prince had skated for the very first time and had managed to organize their date over there.

It turned out that Sunghoon had fallen in love with ice skating in this very place, however he had trained in a another ring for the most of his athlete's carrier.

"Ah" sighed Sunghoon as soon as his skates had met the ice.

Heeseung was still outside. He was too busy admiring Sunghoon's smile to follow him. The latter savored sliding around, playfully reconnecting with his oldest friend.

He looks so happy.

For an instant, Heeseung saw a younger version of Sunghoon in front of him, as if the pictures he had seen had come to life. Without even knowing, Heeseung was smiling as well. Hoonie's joy was contagious right now. Plus, his grace was mesmerizing. Heeseung had to breathe manually in order not to faint.

The Prince has returned to his kingdom.

In a dash, Sunghoon stopped in from of his date. His beautiful lips offered him a smile.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked. 
"No, nothing" replied Heeseung, still obsessed by the Ice Prince's grace.

Sunghoon nodded, as to invite his friend to join him. After all, Heeseung wouldn't be able to skate if he didn't enter the ice ring.

The oldest member of Enhypen took a deep breath and stepped inside. Maybe it was because time since he had last skated had passed, or maybe it was Sunghoon's influence, but Heeseung felt more at ease that he expected.

In fact, after a few minutes, Heeseung even tried some moves that Sunghoon showed him.

"Like this?" said Heeseung, before spinning around.
"Exactly!" said Sunghoon, coming closer.

His smile had changed though. It wasn't as playful as before. If was a proud smile.

"You did so well" he added, finally deciding to hug Heeseung.

The latter instantly wrapped his arms around the Prince as well. As they were on ice and Sunghoon had slid over to Heeseung to hug him, they were slowly moving.

It could have made Heeseung uncomfortable, as he wasn't controlling the movement, however it didn't. Sunghoon was holding him and he was in charge.
They slowly turned around, in the cutest and most romantic embrace one could imagine.

Heeseung closed his eyes. He wanted this moment to last forever.
Sunghoon and him, together.

He could feel Sunghoon's breath tickling his neck, the warmth of his skin against his, and his heart beating as fast as his own.

"This is perfect" whispered Heeseung.

Sunghoon pushed his head back, in order to look into Heeseung's eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I have to disagree" he whispered back.

Heeseung's heart stopped.

"Let me show you" added Sunghoon, before passing his hand on Heeseung's cheek.

When his fingertips had reached Heeseung's neck, Sunghoon stopped his hand and leaned in.

Heeseung felt Sunghoon's lips on his and finally, the whole world made sense. Every doubt, every question, every challenge didn't seem so troubling anymore. He could solve them all, as long as he had the love of his life kissing him like that.

Heeseung closed his eyes once again. Everything seemed enhanced by their kiss. The light pressure of Sunghoon's hand on his cheek, the sweetness of Sunghoon's lips on his own, the cold air around them.

Once they felt ready, they took a step further in their newly found intimacy. Shy at first, their tongues playfully discovered each other.
As it got more intense, Sunghoon moved his feet, reviving their previous motion.

In their own and intimate world they spun.
In their embrace they found each other.

"You were right" whispered Heeseung. "You made it perfect."

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