The Perfume part 2 - Jakehoon

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"Who are you?" asked Sunghoon, a puzzled expression on his face.

"I'm Jake" replied the latter, in shock.

"I'm sorry, but do we know each other?" asked Sunghoon, looking lost.

He doesn't remember me?


A couple hours had passed since Sunghoon's awakening. Jake had been asked to step aside so that the doctor could see Sunghoon and run a few tests. Sunghoon's parents had been called and were on their way. The nurse kept running around, entering and leaving the room endlessly.

All that happened in the hospital room seemed blurry to Jake. He sat there, on an uncomfortable chair in the hallway, in front of it. So close, yet still so far.

He was so shocked that Sunghoon didn't remember him that he couldn't think anymore. He kept seeing the half asleep boy asking him who he was in slow motion.

His phone had rang at least six times since then, but he hadn't answered a single call.

Jake was starring at his shoes, he had nothing else to do. Things didn't seem to have any meaning anymore.
He felt trapped inside an invisible cage that didn't allow him to breathe any longer.
Was life worth living when Sunghoon didn't know him anymore?

Jake heard footsteps coming from his left.

The nurse once again.

However the nurse didn't enter the room. Jake felt a hand on his shoulder instead.

"Jake, what's going on?" said a voice that didn't ressemble the nurse's.
"Jay?" asked Jake, not expecting him.

"Why are you shocked to see me?" replied Jay. "The others must be arriving too."
"Good" said Jake, still numb.
"I tried calling you five times, what happened?" asked Jay, not hiding the worried tone in his voice.
"Hoon is up" explained Jake. "But he doesn't remember me."

"He what?" asked Jay.

Jake felt a light pressure on his shoulder. Jay was frozen as well, trying to process the news.

"Does he remember something else?" asked Jay in a painful whisper.

Jake shook his head.

"I don't know, as soon as he woke up they asked me to leave, only his parents have seen him since then" explained Jake.

Jay's eyes wandered around the empty hall.

"He'll be okay, I'm sure" said Jay, trying to better the mood.
"You don't know that" whispered Jake, placid.

As if they had sensed Jake needed them, the rest of the group showed up at that moment. Suddenly the hallway didn't seem so empty anymore. It certainly wasn't quiet anymore as well.

Jake heard them chatting, and he chuckled. They were in a good mood.
That's so unfair. They don't know yet.

Their good mood didn't last however. As soon as they approached the two boys on the hallway seats, they knew something was off. Their faces said it all.


"Excuse me, when will we able to see him?" asked Sunoo, in a low voice.

"His parents will leave soon, then you'll be able to visit him" assured the nurse.

Sunoo nodded politely. He hated the waiting.
Actually, none of them could stand waiting any longer.

After what seemed an eternity, the group saw Sunghoon's parents leave the room. They all bowed respectfully to greet them.

Sunghoon's mother seemed somehow relieved, but his father looked like he was having mixed feelings about it all. In either way, they didn't stay to chat, which the group could understand. They had been through a lot and probably needed to rest.

The members waited for the nurse to allow them in, and finally they got to see their friend.

Sunghoon was sitting on his bed, his back comfortably laid against pillows. He had a smile on his face as he watched the members coming closer.

"Hi guys" he said shyly.
"Hoon" said Sunoo, taking his hand in his. "How are you feeling?"
"Good question" replied Sunghoon. "Overwhelmed would be the best way to describe it, I guess."

The members nodded. They all wanted to ask him if he remembered them, but they were afraid of the answer.

Sunghoon looked down, focused on Sunoo's hand.

"I'm very sorry" he whispered.
"What do you mean?" asked Heeseung.

Sunghoon took a deep breath before looking at each one of them.

"I don't remember your names" added Sunghoon, his voice was trembling.

"Hoon" whispered Jay, unable to say anything else.

"My parents told me who you are, and that I'm part of Enhypen, is that it? But I can't remember you" he continued. "I'm so sorry."

Niki was the first to move. He slowly came closer to his big brother and hugged him.

"It's okay Hoon" he said gently. "It'll come back."
"Of course" added Heeseung, patting Sunghoon's arm.

They ended up group hugging and reassuring him that things would be alright.

Sunghoon didn't look convinced at first, but by the end of their visit, he had learned their names again and had even shared a laugh or two.
The time had come for them to leave the hospital unfortunately.

"Thank you" finally said Sunghoon. "I can feel how much you all care for me. I'll do my best to recover soon."
"There's no rush Hoonie" said Jungwon. "Take your time."
"We'll wait for you" added Jake, smiling through his pain.

Sunghoon nodded and waved them goodbye.


Jake didn't get much sleep that night.

Why did this happen? Sunghoon didn't deserve this. He's the most hardworking, gentle and sweet person I know.

The tornado of emotions raging inside him kept bringing up pieces of memory from the day.

The most painful was waking up to see Sunghoon didn't know him.
The best was hearing his angelic laugh. I hadn't realized how much he had missed that laugh.
The weirdest one was Sunghoon trying to learn their names again.

Jake sighed. This would help Sunghoon. He needed to think positively for him.

Niki's right. Sunghoon will recover. And we'll be there to support him. I'm sure that bringing him ice skating and dancing will help triggering his memory back.
We could also go eat at his favorite restaurant?
I'll make a list of all the things he loved doing and I'll go with him.

That could work, right?

Please, please work.

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