Sope Opera - Jaywon Part 2

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Hoseok came home with a wild smile on his face. He couldn't help but feeling happy and hopeful thinking about new love.

"So?" asked a familiar voice as he took his shoes off.
"I think it'll work" replied Hoseok.

Namjoon nodded in satisfaction.

"The both of them are really cute, aren't they?" asked Hoseok.
"For sure" confirmed Namjoon. "Thank you for talking to Jay."
"Always" replied Hoseok. "So... dance practice ?"

Namjoon sighed.

"Are you aware of how late it is?" asked Namjoon.

However Hoseok was already putting his dance practice shoes.


"Jay!" greeted Jungwon, as the latter opened the dorm door.

What a coincidence.

In fact, Jungwon was worried about Jay not being home yet, so he had left the living room to check the kitchen, thus passing in front of the entrance hall.

"I'm home" said Jay, smiling uncontrollably at the sight of Jungwon.
"Did you eat?" asked Jungwon.
"Not yet" admitted Jay, under the careful stare of the leader.

"Good thing I ordered corn for you, then" said the latter.

Jay's eyes sparkled at the mention of corn.
Corn was so good. It tasted awesome in every form. Jay liked it with-

"How did practice go?" asked Jungwon, freeing Jay from a tornado of corn thoughts.
"Funny thing, I had a visitor" he said.
"Really?" asked Jungwon as they entered the kitchen.

They hadn't noticed it, but they had walked extremely slowly, as they were to focused talking to each other.

"Yeah, Hoseok Hyung was around so he decided to check on me" said Jay proudly.
"Wow" replied Jungwon.

It could seem insane to still be impressed by idols that worked kind of in the same company as them. However, they felt extremely shy around them.
Intimidated, amazed, mesmerized by these people that were their role models.

Of course, they had met, they had talked, but it still felt insane to interact with them.
Especially since everyone was extremely busy, making their encounters even more meaningful.

"Did you guys talk?" asked Jungwon.
"Actually he offered to give me feedback on the choreography" explained Jay.

Jungwon chuckled, imagining how Jay felt under pressure. It wasn't just a BTS member. It was the supreme dance god J-Hope.

Jay munched on his beloved corn, because he was indeed hungry, but also to keep the suspense in his story.

"He said I should go home because it was perfect" added Jay, proudly.
"I told you, you were perfect" said Jungwon, suddenly hearing what he was saying.

Jay didn't show it, but he choked in his mind.

Did he really say that?
Was Hoseok really right?

This question was driving Jay insane. Evidently, his talk with his Hyung had filled him with hope, however it also had brought doubts.

"How's the corn?" asked Jungwon.
"Here" said Jay, placing it right in front of Jungwon's mouth, so that the latter could take a bite.

As Jungwon did, his lower lip touched Jay's finger for a second. They acted as if no one had noticed, but Jay felt his heart going through a rollercoaster in his entire body.


"Good night" said Jay, closing his door.

Jungwon and him had talked for a while, but it was late and they needed to rest. Jay wanted to confess to Jungwon, however he did not find the courage this evening.

Every time he had tried to, his hands had started trembling, and his stomach felt really weird.

He laid down, thinking about his talk with Hoseok. If even Yoongi had opened his heart to love, could it be possible that one day Jungwon would as well?

Jay was about to close his eyes when a soft knock on the door caught his attention.

"Jay Hyung?" whispered Jungwon after having opened the door a bit.
"Come in" said Jay.

He would have sent anyone else away, but this was Jungwon.

The latter approached Jay. He was dressed in a soft pajama, paw hands in sight. The leader sat on Jay's bed, while the latter sat up.

"Do you think about..." started Jungwon, suddenly too shy to continue.
"Go ahead" encouraged Jay.

Jungwon breathed in deeply.

"Do you think about dating sometimes?" asked Jungwon. "I know how we were told to be careful, and avoid it if we could, but at the same time, sometimes, it gets difficult to ignore."

Jay frowned, not believing it.

"Well, sometimes I do think about it" he said truthfully. "But sometimes, as an idol, you don't want to put the other person in a delicate situation, so you hold on."

Jungwon nodded.

"I get that" he whispered.

Jungwon didn't show the emotion that had taken over him.


As the leader, he always put his members first, and he always felt like he had to be strong for them.

"Is there someone you want to date?" asked Jay.

At this point, he didn't even care if it wasn't him. He just wanted Jungwon to be happy, and apparently Jungwon wanted to date someone. If that made him happy, then Jay would accept it.

"There is" said Jungwon.

Silence floated between them. Jay didn't want to ask who it was.

"But he's a idol too" said Jungwon. "So I'm worried about the consequences."
"If you like him, you should go for it" said Jay, painfully.
"Oh" instantly said Jungwon. "But I don't like him."

Jay's heart sunk deeper than the titanic.

"I love him" whispered Jungwon, looking right into Jay's eyes.


"Can't believe he came to you" commented Yoongi. "That's adorable."
"Trust me, I just wanted to hug him right there" said Namjoon.

Hoseok was still dancing in their living room, apparently never being tired, while Yoongi and Namjoon chatted around the table.

"He came asking for advice because I also am a leader" added Namjoon. "I still think he's too young to be a leader, but he's doing an amazing job."
"Everyone knows that" confirmed Yoongi. "What did he ask?"
"He apologized a thousand times, even though I told him to stop. He knows I want to be there for him, yet he always apologizes a lot when we speak" continued Namjoon. "Eventually, he asked me if he was allowed to date."

"Really?" asked Yoongi. "Why wouldn't he be?"
"Because he's the leader and he doesn't want to create any scandals" added Namjoon.
"Understandable" commented Yoongi.

"But don't worry, we talked and I think he's doing better now" said Namjoon, winking.

"You mean I did the other half of the work, right?" asked Hoseok in between two songs.

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