Parchment Pt2 - Heehoon

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Heeseung didn't have much information as to where they were going. Sunghoon hadn't said anything since they had shook hands. He simply had started walking, so Heeseung had simply followed.

It felt so weird. Being there with Sunghoon, walking towards a treasure.

Like old times, but also nothing like old times.

The good thing was that Heeseung wasn't feeling attracted to Sunghoon. Well, not completely not attracted. Sunghoon was an extremely handsome man. Let's say he wasn't feeling as attracted to him as he used to.

Yes, that worked.

Heeseung was however getting tired of this silence. That didn't mean he would break it first. No, his pride wouldn't allow that.
He was however intrigued by Sunghoon's silence.
Shouldn't he be questioning him about what he had been up to? About the adventures he had had?
Didn't he want to know wether Heeseung missed him?
Wether he had found someone else?

Cause Heeseung wondered all these things about Sunghoon. In fact, his lips almost burned from all of the questions he had.

It was understandable after three years without seeing nor hearing from Sunghoon, right?

"So" said Sunghoon finally interrupting the heavy silence they had been walking in.

What is he going to ask about first?
Probably if I have someone.

"We're getting closer, here's the plan" whispered Sunghoon.

Wait WHAT?

Heeseung couldn't believe it. They had walked for almost four hours together in a forest after being apart for three years, and Sunghoon hadn't asked him anything? Anything!

And now the wanted to tell him about his plan?
Heeseung didn't care about the plan.
Wait, no, well, he needed the money. However he would have liked it if Sunghoon had shown a little interest in him.

Was it so much to ask?

"Got it?" asked Sunghoon.


"Sorry I don't" replied Heeseung. "Could you repeat please?"

Sunghoon stopped walking suddenly.

"Why weren't you listening?" he simply asked, with a cold stare that brought horrible flashbacks to Heeseung.
"I'm sorry" repeated Heeseung, even though he wasn't.
"Tell the truth" demanded Sunghoon. "This is an important mission. I need you to be focused. If tou can't do that then leave."

It would have hurt less if he had punched Heeseung in the throat.

"I wad distracted" admitted Heeseung, without saying about what.
"If you can't put yourself together, just leave" said Sunghoon.

Heeseung stared at him in disbelief.

"I know we went our separate ways a while back, but is treating me like this really necessary?" he asked. "Cause I've accepted to help you, haven't I? You could at least not talk to me like you did. Or well, actually talk to me when we walk."

"I don't owe you anything" replied Sunghoon.

"Stop it!" shouted Heeseung.

Sunghoon looked at him with a chuckle.

"You know what?" said Heeseung. "I'm leaving. I thought I'd help you but it's not worth it. There's not enough money in the world for it to be worth being treated by you like that."

Heeseung was furious now. If Sunghoon wasn't interested by him anymore, well, so be it. But he was done with all of this.
He was done with Sunghoon.

He turned around and started walking back home, hoping never to hear about Sunghoon anymore.

He had been fulminating and mumbling to himself for about five minute when he finally heard it.
Something behind him.

However, before he could turn around, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Next thing he knew, he had been spun and lips had crashed on his own.
He pushed the person as powerfully as he could.

"What the hell?" he asked, shocked to see Sunghoon just a few centimeters from him. The latter was still holding Heeseung's arms.

"You want to know why I didn't speak the whole way?" asked Sunghoon. "It's cause I was too scared to hear the answers. Why I didn't look at you? Cause I was afraid I would be weak and want to kiss you. So I tried to focus only on the mission cause it was easier. There. I said it."

Heeseung just stared at him in disbelief.

"But" he started.
"I don't need your help for this mission" added Sunghoon. "I wanted your help. I wanted to walk with you. To share an adventure with you."
"Why couldn't you have said that before?" whispered Heeseung, bringing Sunghoon closer to him.

Now, if we don't count Sunghoon's poor attempt at kissing Heeseung just a minute before, they hadn't been this intimate in three years. However that didn't mean Heeseung had forgotten how Sunghoon liked to be kissed.

He knew very well that Sunghoon liked to be kissed at the corner of his lips first. There was something about being kissed half on his cheek and half on his lips that he just loved.
Then, Heeseung's hand would go from Sunghoon's cheek until the back of his head, so that when he kissed him with more passion, he could gently guide him.
It didn't take long for Sunghoon to moan into Heeseung's mouth, inviting the latter's tongue in.

He had missed it so much.
He had craved it so much.

And there it was. The kiss of a lifetime.

Sunghoon passed his hands on Heeseung's back, bringing the latter closer to him. He wanted to feel his body against his own. He wanted to feel the warmth and the electricity between them.

At some point, when Heeseung knew there would be no turning back, Sunghoon stopped the kiss as suddenly as it had started.

Heeseung frowned.

"C'mon, we have work to do" he said with a smile.
"Are you really going to stop this now?" asked Heeseung, with his finger going from Sunghoon to him and back to Sunghoon again.
"We've been mandated" replied Sunghoon with a chuckle. "Plus, sex is always hotter when we just stole something very valuable and have been paid a buttload of money, right?"

Heeseung smiled too.

"You're right" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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