Finally Pt 2

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So... this story *might* be inspired by real life events (without the roommate stuff) and *maybe* Author Nim's Sunghoon just texted her and she's FREAKING OUT
Like, it feels like the teenager Author Nim inside me is screaming non stop

But anygays, back to Sunsun


Jake saw his friend picking up and greeting Mina. However his expression quickly changed.

As Jake silently asked what was going on, Sunoo pointed at his phone and mouthed "IT'S SUNGHOON"

Jake's eyes widened as his brain processed the information. Meanwhile, Sunoo was almost passing out from actually talking to Sunghoon for real.
After all, they hadn't seen each other in years.

"Yes, it's true!" said Sunoo, smiling.

Jake was shaking his head "no" more intensively each passing second.

"I'll be home tomorrow if that works for you?" asked Sunoo, perfectly seeing Jake going crazy but deciding to ignore it. "I'll text you the info!"

Jake stopped moving, faking his own death.

"See you tomorrow!" finally said Sunoo, ending the call.

Slowly, very slowly, Sunoo dared look up, until his eyes met Jake's judging ones.

"What were you thinking there!!" asked Jake. "You said no stupid things anymore!"
"Yeah well, technically I'm still in my last stupid action" replied Sunoo, not even convincing himself.

It took a few seconds before Sunoo fully realized what he had just done.

"So, uhm, Disney night?" asked Sunoo.
"Alright, but we're talking about this too" said Jake. "I'm really worried about you."

Sunoo nodded, he knew how protective of him Jake was.


Jake was driving them to their favorite convenience store, the one that had ✨the✨ ramyeon Jake liked. Sunoo had stayed silent, waiting for Jake to burst, which still hadn't happened.

"Look, you don't need to worry" said Sunoo.
"I thought we were passed him" explained Jake. "You hadn't talked about him in what? Two years? I was so proud of you... I know how hard it is to let go of someone you love."
"Jakey.." whispered Sunoo.
"But now you invited him to live with you?" asked Jake.
"We don't even know if he'll like the apartment yet" replied Sunoo, which indeed was true.
"Come on Sunoo, you have a killer apartment.. anyone would want the room" answered Jake.

Sunoo nodded. He couldn't contradict Jake on that.

"I'll meet him tomorrow and we'll see how it goes, okay?" asked Sunoo. "Maybe when I see him after all this time I won't get butterflies."
"Yeah, right" mumbled Jake, pulling over.


Sunoo woke up overwhelmed by at least ten different emotions. He didn't even understand what he was feeling exactly.
It was his day off and he laid in bed for a while, doing nothing, just letting his imagination run wild, but not too wild.

Like he didn't imagine at all that perhaps this time Sunghoon would maybe find him interesting. He didn't picture at all how it would feel to slowly fall for him when he was available.

No, having those thoughts would be irrational and a bad idea, so he kept his mind clean.

A little buzz next to him finally motivated him enough to move.
He had just received a message from Jake.


Hey, I want all the tea as soon as he leaves your house

Don't worry, I'll call you :)
Wait, does this mean you're on board?

Not exactly..
I'm curious for now.
Ultimately I have to trust you, and we'll see what happens, right

Thank you😭😭😭😭😭

Sunoo put his phone down and stood up while stretching his arm.
He still had plenty of time to get ready before Sunghoon's visit.
Which also meant he had a lot of time to over think and get stressed.

One thing at a time.

Sunoo headed for the bathroom, where his daily skincare routine awaited.
Don't fight the feeling by EXO was playing from his phone and he mumbled the lyrics as he applied the lotion of his face.

Then, he tightened up the kitchen and living room, erasing the reminiscences of a crazy Disney night that had taken place the night before.

Finally, he heard the alarm he had set up go off.

Time to shine

Sunoo got back to his room and took his pajamas off. He tried two outfits before settling on light blue jeans, a grey T-shirt and a black jacket, something like this

 He tried two outfits before settling on light blue jeans, a grey T-shirt and a black jacket, something like this

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He needed to look casual. He didn't want Sunghoon to think there was anything going on. That would definitely ruin Sunoo's "nothing weird will go on" plan.
Because that was the decision Sunoo had reached at three am, as he couldn't sleep.

Sunghoon probably still thought about him being his little sister's friend who had a major crush on him as they were younger.
Little did Sunghoon know that Sunoo still had feelings for him and that he had waited for an opportunity for years.
However, in spite of the past, Sunoo had decided not to try anything with Sunghoon.
He was okay just being his friend and roommate, if the latter also agreed to that.

The bell made Sunoo jump scare, even though he was waiting for it.

He ran across the apartment until the hallway, where he took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hi!" said Sunghoon.

Sunoo choked on his saliva.

The last time he had actually seen Sunghoon was two years ago, as the latter was shopping with his now ex-boyfriend at the mall.

Sunoo had forced himself to just walk away back then, but right now there was no possible escape.

Sunoo would have to deal with the fact that the most beautiful person to walk this earth, who also happened to be his first crush, was in front of him.

"Hi!" replied Sunoo, trying not to faint.

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