Yellowish Pt3 - Heejake

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"Who are you?" Jake instantly asked.
"Well.. I'm Heeseung" replied the person behind him.

Jake turned back to face the gravestone.

"Great, I'm definitely crazy now" he mumbled. "Imagining ghosts and hearing voices. As if this was what I needed after..."
"I'm not a ghost" said Heeseung.

Jake sighed.

"I need to leave, now" he said as he stood up. "Don't follow me ghost. I don't want to be crazy. Just stay here and haunt you grave or whatever."

Jake only took two steps before the ghost grabbed his jacket.

That's right: grabbed.

"What the-" started Jake, before being interrupted by the ghost facing him.
"I'm not a ghost" he repeated.
"Aren't you dead?" asked Jake, planting his eyes into the ghost's.

He did look very real.
The sparkle in his eyes did look very real.
His hand firmly grabbing his jacket did look very real.

"Well.. uhm.. yeah, technically I'm dead" replied Heeseung.
"Oh boy, don't tell me this is some "unfinished business that you can't let go and have to solve in order to go away in peace"?" asked Jake.
"What?" replied Heeseung. "No!"

Jake closed his eyes and wished really really hard for this situation to end.

Please ghost, go away. I need to go home.

He couldn't be talking to a ghost in a graveyard.
That couldn't be any good.

"I'm not a ghost" repeated Heeseung once again.

Jake sighed.

"Alright, I'll give you five minutes, then you're leaving me alone. So not-a-ghost, what are you then?" asked Jake.
"What I am isn't important" said Heeseung. "Who I am is more important."
"I don't believe you are Heeseung" said Jake, partly because he was why too handsome to match the Heeseung he had imagined, partly because he suspected this man to have watched him clean Heeseung's grave and decided to use his name to talk to Jake.

"But..." started Heeseung.
"Look, I don't know what on Earth you're trying to do, but impersonating someone I cared about just to get to talk to me isn't right. I'm dealing with a lot of stuff and I refuse that you would use this against me. And I refuse that you usurp my friend's identity" said Jake, very seriously. "So, you are now going to let me go, and you won't talk to me ever again, is that clear?"

Heeseung looked very shocked, but he let go of Jake's jacket. The latter began to walk away without looking back.

"I'm sorry" said Heeseung.

Jake slowed down but kept going.

"What I'm about to write won't be easy to read, but I need to tell you" added Heeseung.

Jake stopped completely, trying to convince himself that it was just a mere coincidence.

"I'm sick... I think it's the plague, but I can't be a hundred percent sure" continued Heeseung. "What I know is that everyone is getting sick in the village and that from what we've heard, it usually doesn't end well."

"No" whispered Jake, turning himself to face him.

"I'm sorry because I was going to find a way to find you, that was my plan" continued Heeseung. "But I think I will pass away before being able to. I wished I had never written you in the first place. If everything had gone according to plan, my letters would have found you before me, letting you know I was coming to meet you. But now you just know about me and.. perhaps got attached to me.. and I will be long gone for a while."

"How..?" whispered Jake.

"I wrote it... I wrote all of these letters" replied Heeseung.
"But.. that can't be.. how?" asked Jake.
"To be honest, I don't really know" replied Heeseung. "I don't know.. I have a few memories, but they don't seem to make any sense. The only things I know is that I did write the letters, I was sick and I did... pass away? I don't know.. I woke up in a while back and I have been hiding ever since. Trying to figure things out."

Jake stood in shock, that was so unreal, so weird, so... unbelievable.
But the fear and the pain in Heeseung's voice were genuine, he knew it.

"There's something I need to know before we try to figure out the rest" said Jake.

Heeseung nodded.

"How were you able to send me letters from the past?" asked Jake. "Cause I've been trying to understand that and I just can't."
"Uhm.. well, I visited a.. I visited a witch and she showed me my soul-, uhm, she showed me my loved one" started Heeseung. "But she also told me we were separated by something unusual: time."

Jake didn't answer yet, his brain was too focused on listening.

"So I asked how I could reach, well, you" he continued. "And she told me about the letters."

"And I accepted. I wrote and gave her the letters. She promised that they would reach you" he added.

"I see" said Jake. "Well, that kind of explains it.. even if I still don't know how they did reach me."
"That I don't know either" said Heeseung.
"What about you?" asked Jake.
"When I started getting sick, I went back" he said. "I asked her if there could be a way to cancel the letters. I didn't want to give you false hopes. It was clear to me that wouldn't make it. And I didn't want you to suffer because of me."

Jake felt his heart sinking.

"But there was no way. The first letters were already sent" he continued. "This is why I wrote the last one... to let you know about what had happened."
"But you're here" said Jake.

"Yes" replied Heeseung. "And I have no idea how."

Jake frowned. There was something still missing, on top of all of the questions he also had. However he felt there was something bigger underlying it all.

"You said that it didn't matter what you were" slowly said Jake. "Why would you say that?"

Heeseung's face got more serious.

"Cause I don't want to scare you" he said slowly. "I didn't choose it. It just.. I don't know.. happened? I think the witch did make my wish of meeting you come true. But it came with a price."

"What was the price?" asked Jake. "I'm not scared, you can tell me."

Heeseung looked upset.

"Well.. I uhm kind of don't need to eat food ever again" he slowly said, looking into Jake's eyes.

It took a few seconds, but eventually Jake's brain got an idea.

"Oh you mean you are a-" whispered Jake.
"I'm a vampire" said Heeseung.

Jake slowly nodded.

"Ok" he finally said.
"What?" asked Heeseung.
"I think I'm okay" said Jake. "I'm okay to try making us work."
"What?" repeated Heeseung. "No, no, we shouldn't. I came here because you deserved an explanation and an apology. I didn't come here to start anything with you."

"But.." started Jake.

"You can't be with a monster like me" whispered Heeseung. "It wouldn't be right."
"But.. Heeseung!" said Jake, a little louder. "I... The letters!"

Jake was desperate now. He had gone from thinking he was crazy, to being sceptic to finally accepting the story he had been told.
He trusted Letter-Heeseung, why shouldn't he trust Real-Life-Vampire-Heeseung?

"Look, what if I hurt you?" asked Heeseung.
"But, the witch, she showed you your loved one. And that's me" said Jake. "You braved time itself to contact me. I won't let you throw that away now that we are both here. What if you are a vampire? I love you anyway!"

Heeseung looked shocked.

"You.. you still love me? asked Heeseung slowly.

Jake didn't answer. Instead he slowly walked to Heeseung and hugged him.
He could feel the coldness of his skin even though there were clothes between them.

"You're my loved one, ever since I've read your yellowish letters" added Jake, before feeling Heeseung lips on his.

The end

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