Black Swan - Jaywon

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This story is a request
Hope you like it❤️


The word spread quickly through the members. Smiles of excitement as well as pressure appeared on their faces.

"Did you really say Black Swan?" asked Sunoo.
"I did" said Jungwon.

Sunoo screamed a little (okay, he screamed a lot).

"Will we do the intro as well?" asked Niki, always eager to dance as much as he could.

Jungwon smiled and nodded.

Enhypen had been doing extremely well these past months, so they wanted to challenge themselves in doing a beautiful BTS performance next. They had talked about which song would suit them the best, as they wished to celebrate their older brothers, BTS.

Of course, they already had covered some BTS songs, such as Boy In Luv, Fire or PTD, as well as several others during I-Land, but this time it needed to be bigger.
It needed to be perfect.

"I talked to our manager and he also thinks that we're ready for Black Swan, with the intro" said Jungwon.

"So, should we watch it for parts?" asked Heeseung.
"Exactly" confirmed Jungwon.

They all gathered around as Jungwon set up the video. It was the performance for the 2020 MMA.
Instant silence spread in the practice room as Jungkook appeared on screen.

He was on his knees, head facing down.
Everything went fast after that. Dancers appeared as well, dancing around BTS' maknae, before a second member was revealed: Jimin.

Now, Jungwon had watched all of the possible choreographies and this one was is favorite for a reason.
It started with Jungkook, then Jimin appeared and before moving on to the next members, Jungkook would carry Jimin in his arms and spin with such an angelic grace.

This scene was everything to Jungwon.

Enhypen had debuted three years ago. They still felt every fiber of their beings shiver from excitement when they danced, practiced and sang, however now that they had been artists for a while, Jungwon could understand what his hyungs meant in Black Swan.

He could feel the fear and the pain encrypted in each word, each movement.
He understood why they had chosen to express these feelings in the song.

However, it also was a way of showing hope somehow. Because, realizing your fear of not being able to create anymore means that you can give more value to your art, right?
It meant that even though they have fame, wealth and everything they wished, they stayed compassionate and humble.

Because they know that they are artists.
What matters is living their passion.

Somehow this echoed through Jungwon a lot.
At first, he was so busy trying to be the perfect leader that he hadn't realized how important Jay was to him. Now that he had grown older, things had started to clear themselves. Jungwon had finally understood that being in the music industry could eat him up, which he didn't want, obviously.

He had processed a lot of doubts in the last months, but now he was ready.

Ready to live life to its fullest.
Ready to find himself again in his passion.
Ready to open his heart.

Which is why Black Swan was so important to him. It reflected his own journey. He had thought that if Jay could have Jungkook's part, he could dance Jimin's.
And Jay could hold him and make him fly.

A shiver spread through his body as he envisioned Jay and him sharing eye contact as they danced.

"Agreed?" asked Sunoo.

Everyone nodded, so Jungwon nodded as well. He hated being distracted when his members talked and hated to admit it even more so.

"Next is RM and Jin" said Heeseung.


Jungwon's eyes were wide opened, in shock.
He saw himself nodding at Sunoo's last question, slowly realizing the latter had probably asked for Jimin's part.

The rest of the conversation was a blur to Jungwon. He ended up with V's part, which was extremely good, it simply wasn't the one he wanted.

As he hadn't paid attention in the beginning of the conversation, he had to wait until the end to confirm his fear. Jay had gotten Jungkook's part.

It meant he would carry Sunoo.

Jungwon felt outside of his body.
He knew it wasn't much, it was just a part. It was just a performance. However his heart sunk deeper than any broken ship in the ocean.

Jay seemed to have noticed something was wrong with Jungwon, because the latter felt a hand reaching for his. He took it and looked at Jay. His eyes couldn't hide the concern he was feeling.
Jungwon nodded, faking a smile.

"Just a little headache" he lied.

Jake instantly got up and came back two minutes later with water and an aspirin.

"There you go" he said smiling.
"Thank you" replied Jungwon, overwhelmed.
"Will you be okay if we start now?" asked Niki.
"Of course, let's do this" replied Jungwon.

Niki had already analyzed all of the intro, and was now monitoring Jay's first moves.

"This reminds me of I-Land so much" said Sunghoon, laughing.
"Old times" commented Jake.

In fact, they had decided to learn everything on their own, without their dance coach.
Plus, they had Niki, which somehow had become even more dedicated than said coach.

Jungwon watched Jay's every movement from the mirror. He had changed so much since the survival show. Jungwon couldn't help but being proud of him.
Proud of the person he had become.
Proud of how much he had changed, but was still the same where it mattered.

Jay had always been passionate, considerate, and the most faithful friend. Yet he had become even more mature, responsible and dedicated with time.
So much so that Jungwon couldn't find words to describe the tornado of feelings that took over him every time he saw Jay.

"Now Sunoo" said Niki, nodding at Jay's last movements.

Jungwon tried to look. He really did.

However this was the part he wanted.

Pain ripped his heart when he saw Sunoo gracefully jumping to be perfectly caught and spun by Jay.

He should have been the one in Jay's arms.
Not Sunoo.

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