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Hi! Long time no update here, but don't worry I'm back, with a cool one !

"You have no idea how happy am I!" she said.

Sunoo smiled. He loved chatting with his customers whenever he could. Thankfully, the tearoom was quite empty this afternoon and Mina, one of Sunoo's most loyal customers, seemed to have a lot to talk about.

She was an old friend of the family and Sunoo had spent a lot of time with her daughter growing up. She had been the closest to a best friend to him back in the days.

"Tell me!" asked Sunoo as he delicately placed her cup of tea in front of her.
"Well, Sunghoon's home" she said.

She was all smiles and so was Sunoo, but for different reasons. Unfortunately, the waiter needed to gather more information before getting to excited.

"Home?" he asked. "So... his boyfriend?"
"They broke up!" she said. "For good this time."
"What do you mean, this time?" asked Sunoo, trying to keep it together.

See, Mina didn't know that Sunoo had been in love with her son for at least fifteen years. To her, Sunoo saw Sunghoon as a family friend.

"Well, they've been on and off for four years" she explained. "Even though I liked him, I don't think they were a good match for each other."
"Of course" replied Sunoo.
"But this time, as they separated, Sunghoon came back home, so I knew it would be definitive" she continued. "He's currently looking for a place to rent, if you know anything."

Sunoo's heart exploded so loud in his chest it was surprising that Mina didn't hear it.
Sunoo, who had first met Sunghoon when he was twelve years old and Sunghoon was fourteen, had spent his adolescence dreaming about the older.
Whenever he visited Sunghoon's sister, he hoped that he'd meet her brother in the hallway or even eat together. Unfortunately, Sunghoon was always busy, either with work or with this girlfriend or that boyfriend.
However, when they did spend a little time together, it always felt amazing. They liked to gently bicker together and he made Sunoo laugh a lot.

Sunoo had learnt to live with the fact that Sunghoon would never be his. After all, the latter had never shown this kind of interest for Sunoo. On top of that, Sunghoon never stayed single for long, so even if he wanted to, Sunoo never got the right timing to approach Sunghoon.

"Well.. to be honest, I was looking for a roommate, but I don't think he'll want to live with someone younger than him" said Sunoo.
"How old are you again?" she asked.
"I'm twenty seven now" Sunoo replied.
"You're only two years younger than him, I don't think it would bother him" she replied. "I'll let him know!"


Sunoo was cleaning up the tearoom.
He couldn't believe he had told Mina that he was looking for a roommate earlier.

What on Earth was he thinking?

As if the universe had heard his struggle, his phone started ringing at that moment.

"Hey Jakey" he said as he picked it up.
"Yo! Are you still at the tearoom?" asked Jake.
"Yep, I'm almost done cleaning up" confirmed Sunoo.
"Cool, I finished earlier than expected, so I'll come pick you up" said Jake.
"Perfect" agreed Sunoo, trying not to face palm himself too hard.

Tonight was Disney Night with Jake.
Each Wednesday night they'd meet up and eat and watch a Disney movie together, but Sunoo had been so overwhelmed with this Sunghoon nonsense that he had forgotten about it.

Jake hung up and Sunoo finished what he had to do as fast as he could.
He may had forgotten about his evening plans, but now that he had been reminded he felt more calm. He would be able to tell his friend everything that had happened and they'd come up with a solution.


"What is it?" asked Jake as he opened a bag of chips.
"What is what?" asked Sunoo, trying to avoid it for now.
"I know this face. Something happened" explained Jake.

Sunoo sighed.

"Sunghoon's single, after four years of a bad relationship" said Sunoo.

Jake rolled his eyes.

"Not Sunghoon again" he whispered. "I thought we had gone through it four years ago."
"I know, I know" said Sunoo. "Don't worry, I'm over him."

Jake raised his eyebrows and gave Sunoo his best judgment stare.

"Yeah, right, and I don't like Layla" he said sarcastically.
"Okay, maybe I like him, but it doesn't matter" said Sunoo. "We know he doesn't think about me that way. And I'm okay with that."
"Are you sure?" asked Jake.

Any trace of sarcasm or annoyance had disappeared in his voice. Sunoo knew that Jake was only worried about him. After all, how many times had he comforted Sunoo because of Sunghoon?
A lot of times.

"I am" he said. "I won't do anything stupid."
"Goo-" started saying Jake.
"Anymore" finished Sunoo.
"Sunoo...." whispered Jake.

"I might have told Sunghoon's mom that I was looking for a roommate" he said as fast as he could.
"You did WHAT?" asked Jake.

Sunoo stayed silent. He knew he had made a huge mistake.

"But.. what about when he brings his new partner in here? How heart broken will you end up being?" thought Jake out loud. "Look, I'm just trying to protect you. Having your crush living with you when the latter only sees you as a friend is bad news."
"I know, but-" started Sunoo.
"Please, call Mina and say the spot isn't available anymore" implored Jake.

Sunoo's heart broke.

He knew Jake was right.
If somehow Sunghoon came live with him, he would end up getting hurt.

"You're right" he whispered. "I'm tired of being the one getting hurt."

As Jake nodded, Sunoo's phone vibrated in his pocket.

"Oh, it's Mina!" he announced. "I'll tell her."

Jake saw his friend picking up and greeting Mina. However his expression quickly changed.

As Jake silently asked what was going on, Sunoo pointed at his phone and mouthed "IT'S SUNGHOON"  

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