Forever - Jaywon

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TW: This one will be emotional and sad, and will mention death!
If you don't feel like reading that, please don't!
I don't want anyone feeling bad because of this.

"IT'S TODAY, IT'S TODAY!!" shouted Niki.

Jay smiled. It had been years, but Niki always reacted the same on their anniversary day.

"I know!" he replied in a chuckle. "I'm excited too!"

Niki's smile was so bright and wide that it almost achieved warming Jay's heart.

"What are your plans?" asked Jay.

The two of them had been living together for a long time now, and even though Jay had a pretty precise idea of Niki's plans, he still asked him about them.

Niki ran a hand through his hair before sitting down with Jay. They were in their white themed living room. Well, to be honest, the whole apartment was either white or had soft and light colors.

"Hummm, first I'm going to say hi to my sisters and Sunoo I think" replied Niki, who had been planning his trip for the last year. "Then I'll spent the day with Hoonie."

Jay nodded, that was pretty much what he had imagined.

"How about you?" asked Niki. "You're going to see Wonie huh?"

Jay smiled even wider.

"I have no secrets left do I?" he replied in a chuckle.
"Well, you've been doing that for every single visit we ever got" explained Niki.

The oldest nodded. Niki was right.
Sometimes, when Jay thought about it, about who he would like to see, other names popped in his head. However when time came, his heart only wanted one thing. Or rather, one person.



Jungwon woke up early, as he usually did. He couldn't sleep a lot these days, but it didn't bother him. His training as an idol had thought him to keep going even if he didn't sleep as much as he needed to.

In any case, it didn't matter. Today was an important day, and Jungwon knew he wouldn't possibly fall back asleep.

It was the anniversary.

He got up slowly and reached the bathroom as he needed a shower.
Once freshly clean, Jungwon headed for the kitchen to grab something to eat, which meant oat cookies and some tea.

Everything was still in the apartment, just the way Jungwon liked.

He had been alone for a while, but he hadn't been as lonely as one could think. Jungwon's place was filled with the colorful memories he had collected along the years.

Jungwon took a look at the clock on the wall and took a deep breath. He knew he wasn't allowed to get too emotional. His heart wouldn't allow it.
However he couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

In one minute.


"Jayjay" called Niki.

He was waiting in front of their white door.

"I know" replied Jay, joining him.

It was a strange feeling, and even though they had been through it countless times, it still felt like they were headed into the unknown.

Tension rose and Jay felt the familiar tingles in his stomach.

"See you tomorrow" said Niki.

Jay smiled at his little brother and nodded.

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