Chapter #1 - House of the Rising Son

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It was a new day. Y/n and Davina were awake and busy doing the same things they would do everyday. For Davina, that included art; whether it was drawing or painting, she was by her canvas attempting to create a new masterpiece that all made sense to her, but to Y/n it made little sense. To him, it looked incomplete as if they were pieces of a puzzle, together they could make sense, but on their own, they were simply confusing. Some paintings were just faceless, making him even more confused. 

For Y/n, his everyday activity was writing. One day it would be stories, another day would be poems, and sometimes just phrases. Y/n always found it easier to write everything. It made things understandable and easier for him. "What's the word, brother bird?" Davina asked in a playful tone as she walked towards him.

"Always and Forever. How profound." Y/n answered from the couch. A curious look crossed Davina's face. "Why does that sound familiar? Hasn't Marcel said that before?" she wondered, "Maybe, sometimes when he talks I randomly decide to stop listening, it's weird." He answered with a shrug. "When do you ever listen?" she teased with a light chuckle. 

"Hey! I listen!" Y/n exclaimed with a mock offensive emotion. "Oh really? Because I remember that a certain someone used to fall asleep in all our classes." Davina reminisced, looking at Y/n expectantly. "I can hear in my sleep. And I still passed those classes." he defended himself. "That's because you used to steal Tim and Monique's study notes." 

"Steal is not the word I would use. I prefer temporarily appropriated."  They both laughed, before a silence fall upon them.

"Do you think about then? Our old lives?" Davina asked with a sad smile. "Everyday...Davina? What if, we never get our lives back?" as the question struggled its way out of Y/n's mouth, a light rumbling of the room was heard. Davina noticed this and grabbed Y/n's hand placing it in her own. "Don't think like that and we've got each other. Till the end, remember?" she comforted. Y/n nodded, calming himself down and the rumbling subsided with his worries.

He hated himself for feeling his emotions. He knew what he was capable of and what could happen if he was vulnerable. He looked at his sister, flinching at the sight of the small scar on her forehead. 

Davina's eyes drifted to the coffin in the room Y/n noticed this and got up and walked over to it. Davina followed behind him and they both shared a look curious about what was inside. Marcel had only told them that Klaus's brother, Elijah, was inside and was given to him by Klaus nothing more, nothing less.

Y/n traced his finger on the symbol on the coffin before opening the lid and inside they saw a man in an formal and expensive suit with grey skin and veins everywhere on his skin. He had to admit that Elijah was handsome beside his current condition and the dagger protruding from his chest. Davina reached to touch the dagger but Y/n pulled her hand away "Let's not fiddle with the dagger currently keeping our handsome original in a coma." They both closed the lid and Davina turned to face Y/n " Did you just call him handsome?" she questioned. "No." Y/n lied hiding a smile. 

It was late in the afternoon and Marcel was on a date, or so they thought until they heard footsteps coming towards the attic

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It was late in the afternoon and Marcel was on a date, or so they thought until they heard footsteps coming towards the attic. They both hid behind the dresser and heard two sets of feet. Marcel opens the door to an attic and enters, Rebekah following behind him. She sees Elijah's coffin and moves to enter the room but is unable to. "Invite me in!" Rebekah demands. "Gotta ask the siblings of the house. Y/n, Davina, come on out." Marcel sweetly says.

Y/n and Davina move to stand next to Marcel, "Invite her in" he tells us, "Come in" they both timidly speak. Rebekah enters and strides over to Elijah's coffin and opens it to find her brother inside. She grabs the dagger and starts to pull it out. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Y/n warns while magically compelling Rebekah to shove the dagger back in. "Who the hell are you two?" she questions us, "Davina." "Y/n." they respond.

Rebekah examined the kids and noticed how Marcel stood protectively next to them. The brown haired girl wore a white dress and the boy wore sweatpants with a baggy t-shirt. She felt something off about them, she could feel power emanating from them. She noticed their eyes on her, possibly judging her every move. 

"She's an old one, isn't she?" Davina asks Marcel, "An Original?" Y/n asks curiously while lifting an eyebrow. "Yeah. Rebekah is an Original, which means she can't be killed." Marcel answers them, "She doesn't seem very nice," Davina remarks as Y/n was silently judging Rebekah wondering what power an Original held. "She can be... but she hasn't been very nice to me tonight." Marcel points out.

Davina and Y/n share a glance as if having a silent conversation and look back at Rebekah, "As lovely as this visit has been..." Y/n starts, "I think it's time we show the way out." Davina finishes. Without moving a muscle, Y/n magically induces an aneurysm, making Rebekah cry out gripping her head in pain as blood slowly pours from her eyes, while distracted and in pain, Davina magically propels her across the room, slamming her against walls of the room before sending her out through a door, which shuts behind her. Y/n had to stop himself from grinning; he enjoyed using his magic, the rush of power coursing through his veins always brought him joy.

Marcel left to go deal with Rebekah's body, "Are you okay?" she questioned, referring to the conversation they had earlier. "I'm fine." he responded. Davina hated that response, she knew that he wasn't. Davina gave him a comforting shoulder rub before they moved back and continued with their same old activities. After awhile Marcel entered the room again grabbing both the witches' attention.  

"Sorry about that unpleasantness," Marcel apologised. "It's okay, she didn't scare us, none of them do." Davina said. "It takes a lot more than that to scare us," Y/n spoke making his way to stand next to his sister. "I didn't think they would, but it looks like they're here to stay." Marcel informed. 

"But they don't belong here." Davina argued, upset. "And why now? What could've possibly made them want to stay?" Y/n questioned, curious about their predicament. "I don't know why but I plan on finding out and while I'm doing that, I need a favor from you two..." Marcel started.

"I need you to figure out how to kill an original."

Author Talks: Thank You so much for reading and I hope you enjoy the book! First Chapter Done!!

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Author Talks: Thank You so much for reading and I hope you enjoy the book! First Chapter Done!!

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