Chapter #10 - Bloodletting

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Davina and Y/n were busy doing their regular activities. They were annoyed at the fact Elijah hadn't come back yet to give them new spells. Y/n was busy writing in his journal when he felt something, whispers growing louder. He looked up to see Davina feeling the same thing; someone was practicing magic in the Quarter. Davina began drawing a woman while Y/n was writing letters of the witch's name. 

Marcel entered the room with a large bag over his shoulder. 

"Marcel, something's wrong. Someone was doing magic, in the quarter." Y/n spoke as soon as he entered.

"Oh, no worries, that one is Marcel-approved! Besides..." Marcel informs us.

He drops the large sack onto the floor.

"Got something else for you two to handle!"

Marcel opens the bag to reveal Josh inside. He frantically tumbles out of the bag and looks around as if searching for an escape before cowering at the sight of the two witches. 

"Oh, no. Y-you're the super-witches." Josh fearfully mutters. 

"Say hi to Josh." Marcel introduces to Davina and Y/n.

"'Super-witches', that's what people are calling us. How unimaginative." Y/n comments, Davina rolls her eyes and turns back to Marcel confused, "Why would you bring him here?"

"Josh has a problem. Klaus compelled him to spy on me."

Marcel forces a still-scared Josh to sit in a chair as he winces in pain at Marcel's grip on his neck. 

"I can't have that. So, I thought, "I'll just kill Josh"--"

"Marcel, please! It's not my fault!" Josh interrupts trying to explain his side of the story.

" --then I thought, "Killing a vampire? That would be breaking my own rule." Smart thing to do is to flip Josh. That way, he can tell Klaus whatever I want. He could even spy for me. All we gotta do is wipe away that compulsion. So, what do you guys think?" Marcel asked, looking at the two witches.

Davina and Y/n look at each other thinking the same thing.

"We can make him forget what Klaus told him." Davina started,

"Only problem is the more Klaus said, the more it's gonna hurt." Y/n finished, looking at Josh.  

"Hmm. Probably gonna hurt a lot. Josh?" Marcel, looking at the scared vampire, said as if to ask if he was willing to do it. 

"I-I'll do it. Anything. Yes. How much pain are we talking?" Josh hesitantly enquired, nervous under the stares of Marcel, Davina, and Y/n. 

"On a scale from 1-10, maybe an 8...multiplied by pi." Y/n answered before nodding at Davina, who holds up a hand and starts to remove Josh's compulsion. He begins to scream in pain and agony while Y/n tries to make the spell less painful. He stretches his hand out and uses his magic to try and give Josh some comfort, his screams lower a bit in volume but are still evident.

The sound of Josh's screams flood the attic as he holds his head in pain. After some time of Davina, trying to remove the compulsion, drops her hand and stops the spell, Y/n does the same, knowing that his comfort spell isn't working well enough. Josh stops screaming but continues to cradle himself in the fetal position on the floor.

"I'm sorry, but it's just gonna get worse. Klaus' compulsion runs deep."

They both help Josh up and bring him to sit back in the chair.

"She's right, I'm doing my best with the comfort spell but it's all I can do. Maybe you just need to distract yourself." 

"That's right just think of something else, take your mind off it. Do you like music?" Davina asks, in an attempt to distract him. 

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