Chapter #9 - Fruit of The Poisoned Tree

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Davina and Y/n's Room

Davina and Y/n awoke to a new day doing the usual, Davina at her easel sketching with charcoal while Y/n was writing a poem in his journal. 

"Do you think Elijah's going to keep his promise?" Davina asked, her eyes still trained on her drawing. Y/n looked up from his journal to look at her.

"Let's hope so. I'm a little too tired to plot an original's downfall." Davina rolled her eyes and let out a little snort at his response. 

Elijah arrives and leans against the doorway as he knocks on the door. Y/n gets up to stand next to Davina. They both smile at him, happy that he kept his word on his deal. He holds up several pages of Esther's grimoire wrapped in a cloth.

"I made you both a promise."

"Come in!"

Davina spreads one of the pages of Esther's grimoire for her and Y/n to examine on a table. Elijah holds an elaborately woven knot of rope in his hands.

"The spell of unknotting?"

"Oh, I've heard of this before with the knot, it's a form of representational magic isn't it?" Y/n guesses, looking at Elijah for confirmation.

"Correct, This is a sanguinum knot. The witches use it as representational magic as you said. If you can unknot this using that spell, you will have taken a step towards learning control. This is one of my mother's later spells. It requires much more power than you two realize. Now, if you can perform this, then I shall return with another page.  A spell of each of your choosing, next time." 

Elijah smiles warmly at the two witches before leaving them to work. 

"If he was just like a 1000 years younger or I was 1000 years older, he would so be my boyfriend." the male witch swoons.  

Davina shakes her head at Y/n letting out a short chuckle. They both look down at the spell and the knot on the table. 

For the next few hours Davina and Y/n try to undo the knot, unfortunately they both haven't learned spells in Latin before. Davina grabbed the sanguinum knot and holds her hands over the knot while he put his hands over Davina's as they attempt to undo the knot. 

"Phasmatos omnio ligor coldate sangorium." Y/n and Davina chant mispronouncing the Latin phrases. They both stare at the knot and see it doesn't move or change whatsoever, Y/n sets his hands down on the table letting out a breath of frustration as he lets his scan the spell again. Davina exhales in frustration and runs her hand through her hair before angrily hitting her easel. 

"Hey, just relax okay? We'll get the spell. Just follow my lead."

Y/n takes her hands and close his eyes. She does the same and they listen to the still silence and they can feel their magic flowing. They focus on the feeling, and both open their eyes with more determination than before. They move back to the spell and continue to study it intently, correcting each other on any pronunciation mistakes. They share a look before looking at the knot.

They take a breath and decide to try again, Davina puts her hands over the knot and Y/n puts his hands over hers. They nod at each other to start the spell.

"Phesmatos omnio legares coldate. Phasmatos omnio ligata soluto vingulia cordit.As they finish the spell and the clock strikes the hour. The knot leaves their hands and begins to unknot itself, they watch as the knot completely unravels itself midair, they smile and giggle in happiness that they were able to complete the spell. The knot, now a rope, drops to the table and the witches examine the pages to see if there are any other spells.

"Guess he only brought one spell." Y/n noted, after tucking the spell into his journal. "He'll be back tomorrow then we can ask for more." Davina spoke, as she got herself ready for sleep. 

"I'm thinking, pain infliction or any offensive spells. We need to learn how to deal with a threat better than the way we dealt with Klaus." Y/n proposed.

"What about defensive spells? We could learn to protect ourselves and Marcel, better than Klaus as well."  Davina countered.

"Fair point." They continued talking for the rest of the night before going to bed happy that they're finally learning how to control their powers.  


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