Chapter #20 - From a Cradle to a Grave

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Mikaelson Compound : 

Davina and Y/n enter the compound's courtyard and are horrified to see all the dead and dying vampires laying around. Cami and Marcel are tending to Diego and the other vampires who are still alive. "Cami?" Davina calls as if to ask her what happened. They see Marcel beaten and bloody, they rush towards him. "What happened? Who did this to you?" Y/n asked, worried. "Klaus." Marcel answers weakly and out of breath, "They fought, and he got bit." Cami interrupted as she puts a damp cloth on Diego's forehead and moves to tend to other vampires.

"Marcel." Davina says, worried about the state of their caretaker. "It's okay! I gave as good as I got. But, we need Klaus' blood to heal." he says as he rubs the arms of both witch attempting to calm them down. He grips their shoulders before walking to Cami to try help but was stopped by Y/n "Wait, you said 'you fought Klaus', did you make him bleed?" Marcel nodded, "I got him pretty good, yeah." 

"Where?" Davina asked, determined.

French Quarter Street:

Y/n and Davina walk down the street to the place where Marcel told them he fought Klaus, Davina picked up the plastic cup off the floor. "Do you think this'll work?" she asked as she place the cup on top of the hood of a car. Y/n nodded "It'll work, it has to." They connected hands and lifted their unconnected hands in the air and began to chant, "Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis. Venez–" They were interrupted by the sound of Josh's voice. "Uh...Davina? Y/n? What the hell?" They stop chanting when they see Josh in front of them.

"Josh, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting." Davina scolded. "I knew we should've used a barrier spell." Y/n commented, worried that his vampire friend with a werewolf bite had been wondering around town. "I'm fine." Josh weakly states, not proving his statement. "You're gonna start hallucinating soon." "Which means you'll become dangerous either to others or yourself." Davina and Y/n both said, reminding their friend of his dire issue.

"Don't worry, we're gonna save you. We're gonna save all of you, so just hang in there for us." Y/n said, determined as Davina nodded in agreement, before he and Davina got back into position and continued their spell "Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis, la force de la bête à moi."  Josh watches in amazement as their spell siphons all of Klaus' blood that splattered onto the ground and over the hood of the car into the air, where it falls into the cup. "Okay... I am hallucinating..." 

The Mikaelson Compound:

 Davina and Y/n returned to the Compound with a cup of blood they salvaged from the fight, they noticed Cami sitting by Josh's side and he was fading fast. His was eyes were closed, he was soaked in sweat and his skin was pale. They presented the cup to Marcel who sighed before saying "There's only enough here for one." Y/n shook his head in disbelief, "No, this has to be enough." Davina's eyes began to water from frustration and fear as she mutters "We can't choose. Please don't make us choose, Marcel." Y/n stood, still in shock trying to process everything that was happening. Marcel takes the cup from his hands.

"Save your friend." Marcel says as he walks toward Josh with the cup "I can take care of the rest of us." "Marcel?" Cami says shocked that he might die. "I can't--" Josh tries to deny but Marcel doesn't allow him to, "Judging by the look of that bite, you don't have time to argue." he silences Josh. "Marcel?" Y/n says as tears begin to run down his face.

"Josh is one of my guys, and enough of my guys have died today. So, come on." Marcel says as he helps Josh sit up, and Cami helps feed him the small cup of blood. Behind them, Mikael's spirit is watching this happen "One point for you two, and one point for Niklaus." he says directly to the witches as they glare at him angrily before he disappears.  Marcel forces himself to stand up, and makes his way to the door as Davina and Y/n sit down next to Josh.

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