Chapter #8

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Elijah looks at Davina and Y/n in shock, clearly appalled by how they were treated. He seemed to digest the information they were giving him. 

"Everyone involved in the ritual knew that this would happen." Elijah realised.

"Except the five of us. They weren't putting us to sleep, they were slaughtering us!" Davina exclaims


The next witch, Cassie, is pushed forward, and Bastianna slashes her throat with the knife as well, despite her protests

"No, no!" Davina screams, terrified.

 "Monique Deveraux." Bastianna calls.

"NO, NO, NOOO!" Davina pleads, as man forces Monique forward toward Bastianna to be sacrificed next.

"Monique! Let me go!" Y/n screamed, struggling against a man holding him still.

"We begged for someone to help. Our own mother turned away from us. Sophie screamed and screamed for her sister, anyone, to do something." Davina spoke, upset.

"What is wrong with you!?" Sophie questioned her sister, disgusted that she would allow this to happen.

Jane-Anne looks worried, but does nothing.


"And yet, you both survived. Therefore, someone or something intervened."

Davina nods, her eyes filled with tears seeing how difficult it was for Davina to continue, Y/n answers for the both of them.

"Yeah, someone finally did."


"Monique, run away! Run away!" Sophie screamed desperate and terrified for the life of her niece.

A shrill whistle can be heard, and a group of vampires, led by Marcel, infiltrate the cemetery. They immediately start killing the witches.

"Marcel."  Sophie whispered relieved.

The vampires are still attacking the elders. A vampire bites Bastianna and feeds on her until she dies, and when her body falls to the ground, so does the knife in her hand. Another vampire bites and kills Davina and Y/n's mom. Agnes picks up the knife from the ground, grabs Monique, and slits her throat with it. Davina screams, hysterically trying to break free. Y/n starts to struggle and breaks out of the grip of the witch holding him. The witch is then killed by a vampire. 

Davina: "No, Monique! Nooo! Let go of me! Stop it! Stop it! Let go of me! Stop it!"

Davina fights against the witch holding her. Marcel watches her fight against him as she head-butts the guy in the face and breaks out of his grip. Y/n runs towards her and pushes the witch who was previously holding her, trying to protect Davina. Marcel quickly rushes over to the man and snaps his neck before he grabs Davina and Y/n protectively.

"I got you. You're both okay." Marcel whispers to them, holding them both protectively.

Marcel is still holding Davina and Y/n while Sophie kneels on the ground, holding Monique's body in her lap. Sophie looks up at Marcel, Davina, and Y/n. Davina and Y/n hold each others hands before he stretches a hand out toward Monique. A light inside Monique leaks out of her body, and into Y/n outstretched hand which courses through his body and into Davina's. Sophie and Marcel stare at them in amazement.

Harvest Witch - Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now