Chapter #7

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The girls are still kneeling in a row outside the farmhouse, where Bastianna touches four of the girls' foreheads with ash to indicate who has been chosen for the ritual. Monique, Davina, and two other girls, Abigail and Cassie, are chosen for the Harvest. Bastianna walks past Y/n and is visited by voices, whispers and visions from the Ancestors. She looks at Y/n, grabs his hands and puts ash on his forehead to show he had been chosen for the ritual. This caused many witches and elders to gasp and whisper amongst themselves. She leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"You're going to be great, child. The Ancestors have big plans for you." Bastianna whispered, giving him a sweet smile before walking away. 

Upon hearing this, Y/n smiled and looked at his sister, who held a big smile for him. 

"They made us and our friends do this Harvest ritual. They said our participation would bring our family strength, health... that we'd forever be celebrated as saviors of the community. But all they really wanted was more power. So, we left before they could get it. Now, they're running out of time, because after the Harvest, comes the Reaping. And if they don't complete the Harvest, there won't be a Reaping. Soon, all the witches in the Quarter will start to lose their power. Eventually, they will cease to be witches altogether." Davina explained.


"So what does it take to complete this ritual?" Elijah wondered

"We have to die." Y/n sighed, closing his journal giving his full attention to the Original.

Davina and Y/n start to pack their suitcases as Elijah, shocked by the revelation, fiddles with Tim's violin. "So, enlighten me. What did you mean when you said you had to die?"

"That's what the Harvest was. They said they'd put all of us in a state of, like, peaceful limbo as part of the offering. And then later, at the Reaping, we'd awaken and be reborn. we never got as far as the limbo part, which means the Harvest isn't complete. That's why the witches are so freaked out. The Reaping is just around the corner, and if they don't finish it before then, it's over. All we have to do is wait it out." Davina answered

"And you said that the witches were particularly excited for this Harvest? Why?" Elijah asked, trying to gather as much information as possible about this 'Harvest'.

"Because I was involved. It's the first time a male had been selected for the Harvest, normally it's only four girls but this time the Ancestors 'chose' me to take part. All I was ever told is that they saw something in me, something that was special." Y/n answered, remembering what they told him upon his selection for the Harvest.

"Do you know what made you special?" Elijah asked, intrigued by the male witch.

"I don't know, no one would ever tell me." Y/n shrugged, carelessly.

"So what happens afterwards?"

"They're punished, and we're free." Davina responded.

"From Marcel?" the Original guessed.

"Of magic. All our power will drain away. We'll be normal." Davina corrected.

Davina smiles, Y/n does too but not as bright as Davina. He enjoyed being a witch, the power coursing through his veins, and the deeper connection with nature. It was something, he loved but if being a witch meant he would have deal with lies, deceit and his loved ones being in danger than maybe it's a sacrifice that he should be willing to make.

"Is that what you both want? To be normal?" Elijah asks confused at why they would want such a thing.

"I just don't wanna be what I am. We can't control it sometimes. Magic. I...hurt people. Even when I don't mean to." Davina cries a bit,  Y/n walk towards her to console her. It was true, sometimes they wouldn't have the best control over their magic.

Harvest Witch - Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now