Chapter #3 - Girl and Boy in New Orleans

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"My siblings and I are the first vampires in all of history, the Originals. Three hundred years ago, we helped build New Orleans. Now, we have returned to find the city has a new king who rules with the aid of two powerful children. They've taken possession of my brother, Elijah. A coven of witches wants these kids for themselves. They seek to enlist my help, using my unborn child as leverage, though I suspect they have ulterior motives. So, I've made a plan of my own: I will free my brother, and reclaim the city for my family. Then, I will be king."

At Saint Ann's Church:

Davina is staring out the window and Y/n on the couch, writing in his journal about the possible things powering the sliver dagger to incapacitate an original. Marcel walks in the room and looks over at them, he then moves over to coffin and stares at Elijah. "This sucker's resilient. He's like a cockroach in a suit." Marcels remarks before clapping his hand and continuing, "Doesn't matter. Time to give ol' Elijah back to Klaus, anyway." Davina and Y/n move toward Marcel immediately ready to disagree. 

 "You asked us to figure out a way to kill the Originals. We're not done! The silver dagger hurts them, but that's it." Davina disagreed, "She's right and to make it even worse you won't even get us grimoires from the witches to help us." Y/n  complained, feeling as if Marcel is unaware of the danger that could come from The Originals. Marcel shook his head at us clearly unhappy with our response. 

"Davina, we've been through this. Klaus saved my life, I owe him one and I can't go to the witches because they might get suspicious. So I need to return Elijah to--" he tried to reason with us, "Tonight's the annual Dauphine Street Music Festival. I wanna go. Please?" Davina interrupted seeing no better opportunity than now to ask. Marcel instantly shook his head, not wanting the risk that would come from them leaving the attic as he answered, 

"The whole point of you guys being up here is so you're never spotted out there. You know who works smack in the middle of Dauphine Street? Sophie Deveraux. Pain-in-the-ass witch? And you know what the witches will do to you if they find either you." Davina, unhappy with his answer "But you control the witches. Make her go away!" she pouts "Come on, Marcel! There's got to be something you can do."  Y/n adds, upset that his sister couldn't go, knowing the real reason why she wanted to go. 

Marcel shakes his head, and Davina groans in annoyance while Y/n rolls his eyes at his stubbornness.  "Marcel, it's one night!" Davina reasons, "I said, 'No'." Marcel answers. He turns and walks toward the door to leave, but he stops at the door when he realises he can't leave, he turns back around to see Davina in the same position with Y/n next to her, holding his hand up towards the door.  "Very funny, Y/n. Drop the spell." he commands toward the male witch.

"We do anything you say, but sometimes I think you forget what we're capable of. Did you know we can make someone's blood boil? All we have to do is focus." Davina reveals, utilizing the fact that Marcel can't leave, still trying to convince him to let her go.

Davina and Y/n both share a look before they both stare at Marcel, and his blood begins to boil as he can hear the hiss as he starts to sweat profusely. He wipes his damp brow and smiles, clearly impressed. "Fine. We'll compromise, all right? You going out alone? Too dangerous. But, I'll introduce you to a friend of mine that's going to be there. Alright? Nice lady. You three are really gonna hit it off." Marcel negotiates.

"Wait, what do you mean 'You three'?" Y/n questions. "If Davina goes, you go too. It's safer to have you both together." Davina turns to Y/n with a pleading look to go with them. He rolls his eyes, but nods agreeing to go with them. Marcel leaves to let them get ready for the night and sort out a way to protect them from the witches.

Davina smiles widely, bouncing on her heels in excitement. She turns to Y/n to give him a hug for helping her convince Marcel. He doesn't open his arms to accept the hug but still gets it anyway, She spends the rest talking about what she's going to wear and what she plans on seeing. "Do you think we're going to see Tim tonight? I mean what if he's not there?" she questions worriedly.

"Dee, relax he's going to be there. You and I both know he would never miss a festival this big for anything." Y/n comforts, Davina nods accepting his words and continues moving around preparing for the night. 


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It's night time now. Davina smiles broadly as she walks down Dauphine Street in a white sundress, looking at all the people and listening to the music. Y/n walked next to Davina wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a denim jacket decorated similar to Davina's sundress. They walk into Rousseau's, which is full of people drinking and listening to a brass band play up front.

"So, is it everything you two hoped for?" Marcel asked, Davina nods her head enthusiastically and giggles while Y/n look around at the patrons of the bar and shakes his head. "I don't see many cute guys here so color me a bit disappointed." Y/n playfully remarks. Davina and Marcel giggle at the male witch's observation. "Well this is totally everything I hoped for." Davina smiled, still searching the crowd.

Davina spots a young boy yelling for a friend near the bar, whooping for the band members. "So, we should probably go over the rules." Marcel says, with a serious look on his face their safety being his top priority.  "We won't talk to anyone about anything. We won't say anything about witches, or vampires, or Originals, or you." Davina sighs.  Marcel nods at Davina and smiles, and looks at Y/n.

"I won't leave Davina's side the entire night and I won't talk to strangers even if they are cute." Y/n finishes, rolling his eyes at his orders. Marcel nods at both of them pleased they remember the terms of the deal. Davina and Y/n both smile embarrassed back at Marcel. "You said you weren't going to hover!" Davina reminded him, trying to get him to leave them. "Ya, you said you would 'give us some space to have fun'" Y/n mocks, imitating Marcel causing all of them to laugh.

 "Ya, you said you would 'give us some space to have fun'" Y/n mocks, imitating Marcel causing all of them to laugh

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