Chapter #2 - Tangled Up in Blue

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Davina and Y/n had been up and working all day trying to figure out a way to kill the Originals. Unfortunately, because of their lack of resources such as grimoires or spell books and their lack of experience in witchcraft, it was a little difficult to create a spell or object that would kill a thousand-year-old being. They worked through the afternoon, but eventually called it a day when Marcel came to tell them he would be at a function he was hosting. 

While trying to get some sleep, they thrash in their sleep as they hear whispers which grew louder and louder. They both awake as Davina utters, "Marcel, something's coming". She looks at her brother, who can also feel it. Davina moves to her easel and starts drawing rapidly while her brother grabs a piece of paper and spells out letters in a fast motion matching Davina. They get visions of Katie performing a spell. "Magic," they both speak.

Klaus watches as more of Marcel's men lead Thierry out of the party and out onto the street, where a small crowd of vampires watches Katie approach as she chants loudly. Klaus watches the events unfold from a window above. Davina continues to scribble, and Y/n is spelling out letters to form a name.

Katie walks towards the group of vampires who were currently escorting her boyfriend to The Garden, as she began to chant "Donn moi se la vroh kondu feh aila ra donn toi moi. Donn moi. Salacku tusdeh do. Vala."  Thierry notices his girlfriend moving toward them and desperately cries for her to stop trying to prevent her from suffering for breaking Marcel's rules. "Katie! No, stop!" Klaus is standing by the exit of the compound in the shadows watching everything unfold with a smirk on his face, "Like clockwork," he spoke, satisfied that everything was going according to plan.

 Katie waves her arm and a lamp's light explodes; all the vampires grab at their heads, falling in pain. Davina's drawing appears to be Katie's face and Y/n spells Katie's name. Marcel alone rises back up to face Katie, but she smashes another light with magic and Marcel goes down again. Sophie continues to chant for her spell as Rebekah stands before her anxiously waiting and hoping that their plan succeeds in finding Elijah and the two witches. "Hurry." she rushes Sophie in an attempt to speed things up.

Marcel rises again, but Katie uses magic to break his bones, and he falls again shouting in pain.

Y/n drops his pencil and lifts his hands slowly as if attempting to relieve the magic on Marcel, Davina notices this and does the same, which seems to cause Marcel to rise yet again. Katie looks astonished at the fact he was able to rise from an attack that is fueled by magic from the Ancestors. Marcel smirks at the fact he was able to get up as he can an external force fighting against the effects of Katie's spell. "You're here to save your man. Well, come on, little girl!" he taunts.

He growls as he runs to attack Katie, but she halts him with magic, and he groans as he falls to his knees. In their room, Davina and Y/n fall to their knees at the same time as much as they try to help Marcel the magic that's attacking him is also affecting them because of the amount of power behind Katie's spell. In the street, Katie lifts a wooden stake above Marcel's head, "Die, you son of a bitch." she seethes out of pure rage, ignoring Thierry's calls for her to stop. "No! Katie! Don't!" Thierry pleads horrifed at what outcome could be of his girlfriend killing his leader.

Before Katie can kill Marcel, Klaus swoops in and snaps Katie's neck. She dies as Klaus drops her body carelessly to the ground. Davina and Y/n can feel the use of magic subsiding meaning one of two things either Katie stopped the spell or she was dead, the latter was more likely as Y/n couldn't even feel Katie anymore. They both look relieved at the fact the attack was over but they also became worried that this might be the first of many to come. " I bet it was the old ones, they were probably the reason this happened." Davina spoke, trying to find a reason for the situation to occur. "Well they're vampires so they can't practise magic but I think they definitely had a part in this." Y/n reasoned.

Davina and Y/n are looking at Elijah's coffin until the door opens to reveal Marcel, Davina moved towards him to hug him. "Are you okay? We were worried about you." Davina spoke, "We tried to help as best as we could." Y/n informed as he moved to stand next to his siter, in front Marcel. "I'm okay and I felt it, whatever you two were doing, it helped. Thank you." Marcel thanked, meeting their eyes showing his gratitude.

"Was it the old ones?" Davina questioned, "Actually, Klaus is the one that saved me tonight. I'm gonna make things right, starting by giving him his brother back." Marcel answered. Leaving Y/n and Davina confused and upset. "What? No, you can't do that" Y/n said, "Look Y/n..."Marcel tried to say "No, he's right, you said they were dangerous we can't give them back not until we know how to kill them." Davina interjected. "And think about it, they all of a sudden come back into town and then this happens. It can't be coincidence, which means we keep Elijah until we can find a way to protect ourselves in case they try anything." Y/n reasoned making Marcel quiet which Y/n and Davina took as a victory.

" Y/n reasoned making Marcel quiet which Y/n and Davina took as a victory

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