Chapter #16 - Back Into The Fold

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Davina and Y/n were advised by Marcel to return to the witches and rejoin the Coven, they were reluctant at first but eventually gave in and they were accepted back into the Coven with open arms under the mentorship of Genevieve who has assumed the position of leadership.


Monique, Abigail, Davina, and Y/n are in the greenhouse, practicing spells on dried roses. 

"Belle la vie à cette fleur. Belle la vie à cette fleur. Belle la vie à cette fleur. Maintenent."  They chant as Monique and Abigail's dried roses return to life, Davina and Y/n's roses remain dead. "See you guys? It's easy. All you have to do is try." Abigail says attempting to help Davina and Y/n but failing when Davina responds frustrated "We are trying." Monique rolls her eyes before she looks at them "Trying and failing. Ever since you both came back." she insults. "When are you going to stop being such a bitch, Monique?" Davina asks, fed up with the attitude they've been getting from her.

"When you stop being weak. You're supposed to be a Harvest girl," she glares at Davina before moving her eyes to Y/n "and you're the first male harvest witch, you're supposed to be powerful. But maybe you don't belong here. Maybe you both never did." she sneers. Davina glares at Monique until Genevieve enters, "That's enough Monique, why don't you girls take a break and prepare for tonight? There is a faction party and as the pillars of the witch community you all need to be there to represent." she states, dismissing the witches.

Everyone moves to leave the Lycee, before Genevieve calls "Oh, Y/n. Could I talk to you for a minute?" Y/n makes eye contact with Davina, who sent him a 'good luck' look, before he turns around and walks back to Genevieve. "I'm sure you're still trying to find out why you were chosen for the Harvest, to find the answer to that you'll need this." she explains handing him a book. The book was bound in leather, the pages were crisp and fragile, and carved into the book cover was numerous symbols combined and the words "la légende du suprême." 

The Legend of The Supreme. 

"That book will offer some answers and once you're ready to start your training, you can come talk to me." she said before strutting out leaving Y/n alone to stare at the book in his hands. He notices the symbols and sigils carved on the cover and rolls up his sleeve to see they match the branded marks on his arm. He gets a text from Davina notifying him that she was at a Pub meeting with Josh, he texted that he would be there soon before making his way over.


"It's Monique. She has no idea what I went through when I was dead. The ancestors hated me and Y/n for what we did with our magic. We can't just start practicing again. I knew we shouldn't have trusted Marcel when he told us to go back. I don't know how much more of it I can take. And I'm worried about Y/n, he hasn't said much since he told me what happened when he died and I don't want to pressure him, I just want to be able to support him." Davina ranted, frustrated as she raked her hand through her hair. 

Josh gave her a sympathetic look before grabbing her hands, "Hey, don't let that girl get to you. You can't give her the power to affect you like this. And Y/n will come around he just needs time, speaking of which look who showed up." His eyes landed Y/n who had just entered the pub, Davina turned and raised her hand to signal to him. Y/n made his way over to them as Josh got up and out of his seat to give the male witch a hug, "Hey, Davina told me what happened to you. Are you okay?" Josh asked concerned for his friend.

Y/n accepted Josh's hug, and sat down "Honestly, no. I'm afraid of practicing magic. I'm afraid of everything these days." he admitted getting worried looks from Josh and Davina, including Marcel who listening from the rooftops. Y/n, Davina, and Josh talked before the two witches had to leave to prepare for the Faction Party.

Harvest Witch - Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now