Chapter #6 - Sinners and Saints

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"My siblings and I are the first vampires in history, the Originals. Three hundred years ago, we helped to build the city of New Orleans. We were happy here, a family. Recently, a coven of witches lured my brother back, using his unborn child as leverage. I tried to help him, but he betrayed me to his enemy, the vampire, Marcel. Since then, I've been held prisoner by two powerful witches. My brother seeks to manipulate others to procure my release, but I have my own plan. If these witches prove to be an enemy, I will stop them. By whatever means necessary."


Elijah is standing in Davina and Y/n's room in the attic, where he is standing in front of Y/n as they stare at each other. His skin is gray and mottled still from not feeding during the time he was daggered, and he can't help but focus on the cuts on Y/n's arms, the scent of his blood drawing him in, because of his hunger. He continues to stand composed ignoring his impulses.  

"You're the one they call honorable." Davina claims.

"You know, I thought Marcel was joking when he said you always wore a suit. You're known to keep your word as well, correct?" Y/n asks. 

"Yes, that's what they call me. And yet, I followed my brother here to New Orleans to engage in a war. So, I ask you, both of you,-- does that sound honorable to you? And yes, I believe in fulfilling promises and that one must keep their word." Elijah responds with a smile and a light chuckle.

"You don't look well." Davina notes, concerned.

"Well, only this morning, I had a mystical dagger embedded in my chest, so I'd say I'm holding myself together quite well. Davina, Y/n, I believe that the three of us have the power to end a war between witches and vampires before it truly begins. I, by keeping my brother in line; you two, by behaving like your true selves-- not tools for Marcel or the witches." Elijah explains. 

"Why should we trust you? Everyone keeps talking about how they want the best for us but why should we even believe you to begin with?" Y/n asked, trying to figure out if Elijah's intentions were true.

"Well, for one thing, in spite of a ravenous hunger, I have not tried to take your blood." he mentions

"Why not? We're the only ones here." Davina shrugs.

"She's right, no one would hear us scream or anything." Y/n added.

"Even in my present condition, I would not feed from a child." he states.

Y/n looks at his wrist and gives it to Elijah, Davina looks worried and gives him a 'What the hell are you doing?' look. He gives a look indicating for her to trust him, she nods and moves back. Y/n looks back at Elijah to find him staring at him.

"You want us to trust you? Prove it." Y/n says, showing his wrist. Elijah brings Y/n's wrist to his mouth, Y/n closes his eyes and winces when he feels teeth pierce his skin, slowly drain some of his blood. He feels the teeth exit his skin and opens his eyes to find Elijah's skin color starting to return, he grabs a handkerchief and presses it on Y/n's now fresh bite wound.

"Thank You, Y/n." Elijah smiles at him.

Y/n smiles back and move to sit down on the couch, he ties the handkerchief around the wound and opens his journal to write, Davina moved to her canvas picking up a piece of charcoal and began to draw. Elijah walks around the room and picks up Tim's broken violin, examining it.

"Do either of you play?" he asks

"That's... not ours." Davina answers, in a sad tone remembering last night's event.

Elijah sits in a chair and tinkers with the violin for a moment, he hears something and hides away as soon as he does Marcel enters the room.

"Good news, Little D, Dickinson, I'm moving you two out this pile of dust." Marcel announces upon his entry.

"Are you serious? When?" Davina questions, happily.

"Finally! We're not moving to another attic, are we?" Y/n asks, smiling.

"Tonight. I just need to lock in the arrangements. And no Shakespeare, you aren't moving to another attic. How's our Original?" Marcel asks, gesturing and moving toward the closed empty casket. Davina's eyes widen and she looks at Y/n to come up with a lie. 

"Uh, don't disturb the body! We have a spell in progress, any movement of the body will stop the spell." Y/n lies put his arm to stop Marcel unknowingly reveal his scars to his guardian. "Y/n, how the hell did this happen?" Marcel questioned, lightly gripping the young witch's arm who felt his heart race at trying to come up with another lie. 

"It was my fault. Last night, I got a bit emotional and hurt him. It was an accident. Please don't be mad at him, he was just trying to help." Davina guiltily lied, giving Marcel a sad look. "I'm not mad. [sighs] I just need you guys to tell me when stuff like this happens, okay? No secrets, got it?" he reasoned, letting go of Y/n's arm, looking at both witches for confirmation. 

Davina and Y/n give Marcel nervous smiles and nod their heads at his request.

"Pack up, 'kay? Only what you wanna take. I'll buy ya anything else you need and I'll bring a first aid kit for those scars." he says smiling at them.

 "Okay." "You got it, bye." Davina and Y/n state, wearing fake smiles and feigning excitement as they watch Marcel leave. Y/n and Davina share a look of  before Y/n lifts his hand from behind back showing Davina's his crossed fingers. "Sorry Marcel." he whispers as Elijah appears from behind a corner. "You didn't reveal that I was awake."

"We're not done talking yet!" Davina replies as the siblings return to their activities. 

Elijah picks up the violin again and sits down before returning to fixing it.

"You both seem close with Marcel." he notes.

"Besides each other, Marcel's the only family we have left." Y/n mentions

"You two are related?" Elijah asks, looking between them to find the resemblance.

"Y/n is my brother. Practically my twin at this point." Davina states, sharing a smile with her brother. "Davina's mom adopted me when my parents died." Y/n informs.

"Best thing she's ever done. Marcel, Y/n and I are like our own little family." Davina says, moving to sit on her bed facing Elijah, while Y/n continued to write in his journal from his spot on the couch. 

"I understand the value of family better than anyone else. Yet, Marcel is someone who delights in harming the witches. Those people, I would think, you would also consider family. This doesn't trouble you?" Elijah asks, curious why they would allow other witches to suffer at the hands of Marcel.

"No. They deserve it." Davina angrily answers.

"We don't care about the witches, they should suffer." Y/n chimed in with spite.

"Why would you say that?" Elijah questions, confused as to where these feelings of hatred towards the witches come from.

"Cause they're liars. All of them." Davina seethes.

" Davina seethes

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Harvest Witch - Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now