Chapter #15 - From The Dead They Rise

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St Anne's Church:

Y/n and Davina's bodies both lay on the bed in the Attic. Marcel had brought them there and was waiting for them to wake up after he and Rebekah killed two witches who had borrowed the power and magic from the Harvest. Davina was the first to awake as she fought to escape the sheets that covered her. Marcel rushed to her side and helped her sit up. "Davina. You're okay. You're safe now. You hear me? You're safe. I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" 

Davina looked around before meeting Marcel's eyes. Her eyes were watery and there were bags underneath them. "Where's Y/n?" she croaked and as if on cue, Y/n awoke next to her and started to escape the sheets that covered him, his hand flew to his neck as if to check if he was actually alive of if his throat was still intact. Next to him, Davina grabbed his hand which garnered his attention as he finally noticed his sister and Marcel staring at him in worry. 

"Hey. Welcome back, buddy. You're going to be fine, you're both safe." Marcel comforted, but noticed how Y/n flinched when moved to sooth him. Marcel hid his hurt expression before standing up, "I'll let you guys settle in for a bit, I'm just going to go grab some stuff. Okay?" He said, waiting for a response but nodded his head and left when all he got was blank stares and empty silence. Once he left, Davina turned to Y/n "Did they do the same to you?", Y/n shook his head saying no before raising his arms, to show scars and branded marks across it. 

Davina looked alarmed immediately and slowly moved her hand to try and touch them, but Y/n flinched and moved them away. "Please say something, Y/n. What did they do to you?" Davina pleaded, upset at what the Ancestors could have done to him. Y/n opened his mouth but nothing came out, so he closed his mouth again. Davina continued to examine her brother, she noticed his eyes were dull, and his face was blank. It was as if his soul had been stripped away.

Marcel enters their attic room with a bag. Davina is very pale, and looks extremely sad as she sits quietly on her bed along with Y/n who looked empty and tired. 

"Hey, D, Y/n, how you guys feelin'? Got you some stuff-- organic soap, and scented candles, some incense... Just trying to help you get back to feeling, you know, yourself." He waits a beat trying to find the right words to approach the topic of their death. 

"Word on the street is the witches are celebrating. Three out of the four girls sacrificed in the Harvest have come back and so did their first male Harvest Witch. First, it was your friend, Monique, and then another girl, now you two. What I hear, the others are saying that the ancestors were with them while they were, uh, dead. You know, talking to them, teaching them. They say they're stronger than ever. Was it like that for either of you?" Marcel asks, genuinely curious about what happened when Davina and Y/n were dead but also wondering if they came back strong enough to free Rebekah. 

"There was nothing. It was cold, empty, and dark. And it went on forever. It was horrible, and I didn't even get the worst of it." Davina explained, directing the last part to Y/n. Marcel catches on and looks toward Y/n, who was staring off still wearing a blank face, he briefly examines him before noticing the scars and branding marks on his arm. He moves his hand to gently grab Y/n's arms, "Oh my god, What did they do to you Y/n?" he asks, shocked at the boy's condition. 

"He won't say anything, that's how bad it was. We don't want to talk about it. Please, Marcel, don't make us." Davina explained. 

Marcel, once again, left leaving the siblings alone not long before Cami enters, "Davina? Y/n?" she calls garnering their attention as she moves towards them, giving Davina a hug who accepts it and Y/n allowing Cami to hug him but not hugging back. "Marcel told me you two were up "here. Do you want to tell me what happened?" she asked, gently.

Davina started to cry as Y/n looked down at his fingers, "We died. And at first, I was alone, but then I heard them. Voices, whispering to me."


"The ancestors. They're so angry with me. I used my power against my own, and they said they'd do horrible things to me if I misuse my magic again. And I don't know what they did to Y/n, it's like... like they broke him." Davina cried. 

Cami continues trying to help Davina and Y/n as they now moved to stand by the window. "I've studied the effects of trauma and abuse. The witches that forced you both into that ritual, they've lied to you. They hurt you." she said trying to help, "Cami. There's nothing you've studied in some book that can help us." Davina denied, knowing that Cami wouldn't be able to help them.

"Okay, forget the books. Let me tell you what I know from experience. When my brother died, I never thought I'd be okay again. I cried for weeks. I felt my life stop, as if I would never be able to move past this point or I would never be able to deal with. I blamed myself. I blamed him, and then I realized all that... sadness was swallowing me up. And I made a choice. I wasn't going to let it. Y/n, Davina, You too can make that choice." Cami spoke. 

"You say that like it's so simple, but the witches aren't just gonna let us go. They're not done with me or Y/n." Davina responded. Y/n sat by the window and focused his attention outside and watched the people of NOLA while listening to the conversation. 

"No one can control you unless you let them." Cami advised

"How do I even know who to trust? Should I trust Marcel? The first thing he did when I came back was try to use me again to help Rebekah. Be honest, Cami. Isn't there something you want, too?" Davina asked, knowing that people on her side were limited.

"Yeah. My uncle is sick. I thought you two could help him." Cami admits before moving to Davina and Y/n grabbing their hands and rubbing them comfortingly, "That's not why I'm here. I care about you two. I want to help you both."

"What can you do? When I came back, the voices I heard, they said the only ones who could help us are the witches. But, after what we did to them, they hate us. So, how can we go back and ask for their help now?" Davina questioned, frustrated.

 Cami unable to provide an answer walks towards them and gives them a hug before exiting. Davina sighs before going through the things Marcel brought them.

"They said that I killed my parents." Davina hears Y/n croak softly. She turns to look at him and he looking at her with tears in his eyes. "They said that I would kill you. That anybody I love would die because of me." he continued, as tears rolled down his cheeks and he began breathing deeply, "I wouldn't be strong enough to save you, they made me listen and watch you suffer in the darkness just to show me how powerless I was. They gave me these scars so I would never forget and they said the brands will show me the truth." Y/n explained, as he got up and walked towards Davina, "I couldn't help you." he cried.

Davina had tears in her eyes hearing the amount of suffering her brother went through, she opened her arms and gave him a hug and held him tightly as he cried over her shoulder. This wasn't the first time she had seen her brother breakdown but it never was this bad. "I'm okay, you're okay. I'm here and alive and whatever happens from here on out, we'll protect each other, okay?" Davina soothed her brother. 

They released each other from the hug and Davina raised her pinkie "Till The End." Y/n connected his pinkie with hers, "Till The End." he nodded.

" he nodded

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