Chapter #19 - The Battle of New Orleans

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French Quarter Park:

Josh is sitting on a park bench with Y/n and Davina as he basks in the sun, "Have I told you guys that you're awesome? Cause you are! I'm with the sun... Daylight rings... That guy jogging in a tank top..." he says as he watches a cute guy jog past them. Davina and Y/n are lost in their thoughts before they look at each other and nod. "Josh," Y/n speaks, Josh hums in response, "Now that you have a daylight ring, we think it's best if you leave town." Y/n finishes. 

This catches Josh's attention and he immediately takes his sunglasses off and looks at them in concern and sadness "Whoa! Wait, we're breaking up?" he says. Davina looks at him pointedly saying, "We're serious." 

"I know! Serious is kind of your guys default setting. Which is why you both need me around to lighten you up! Ergo-- not leaving."  Josh responds with. Davina and Y/n look past Josh to see Mikael standing on the sidewalk of the other street, alarmed, they squint their eyes to get a better look but as a car drives past, he's gone.

Josh notices their distant staring "Hey, you two okay?" he asks concerned. Davina and Y/n stop staring off to meet Josh's concerned face, "Yep, just witch stuff" Davina lies. "You know, Marcel came to us yesterday, he wanted a cloaking spell. He's gonna make a move against Klaus a big one. We tried to talk him out of it but..." Y/n said. Josh frowns that Marcel didn't call him, "Wow, okay. Guess he forgot to call me. Rude! Did you guys help him?" 

"Well, of course we did. We don't want him dead but if Klaus finds out that we helped him then..." Davina panicked, "Hey! Look, if Marcel's got a plan, maybe Klaus will buy a clue, realize he's a negative on the popularity chart, and go into vampire retirement? I hear Palm Springs is nice!" Josh interrupted, attempting to sooth the two worried witches. 

They look back at where Mikael's ghost was before looking back at Josh, "Just promise us, that if a war starts then you'll leave the city as fast as you can, okay?" Y/n spoke, worried for Josh's well-being. Josh sighed, not wanting to leave them, but nodded anyways. This reduced the worries that bubbled in Davina and Y/n's stomach. 


Later on in the day, Davina and Y/n are studying in the coven's home's greenhouse, when they sense something nearby. Behind them, Mikael appears, looking concerned, "Davina! Y/n!" his voice sounded from behind them. They get up from the table and walk towards the window trying to find the source of the voice but Mikael has disappeared. While investigating, a thud is heard behind them. 

They turn to find Josh who was just thrown into the room. "Josh?" Davina says as she and Y/n walk toward him and kneel to find him breathing deeply and his neck covered in blood. "What happened to you?" Y/n asked, worried as Davina raises Josh's head to rest on her knee while Y/n examines his neck. "Joshua went and got himself a werewolf bite! Well, a hybrid bite, technically, but it will kill him just the same." Klaus informs appearing out of nowhere.

"Why are you doing this?" Y/n asked, mad at what he Klaus did. "Well, I blame the both of you! After all my overtures of friendship, you've once again sided with Marcel, forcing me to do horrible things to someone you care about." Y/n and Davina glare at him, and Klaus kneels down to look them in the eye. "I'm not without mercy, Y/n Davina. I can cure him. But, you have to cooperate, and tell me where to find Marcel."

"Why? So you can kill him, too?" Davina asks furiously, glaring at him. "Marcel chose his path. Seems unfair that Josh should have to suffer for it." Klaus says. Y/n and Davina remains silent, so Klaus walks out of the Lycee "Y/n. Davina. Please." Josh pleads. Y/n gets up and walks to catch up with Klaus as he's about to leave the gate magically shuts and he turns to see Y/n standing with a closed fist. 

"Wait, I know where Marcel is. But please Klaus, you have to save Josh. I'm giving you a chance here, please." Y/n utters, near tears. Klaus walks towards Y/n and cups his face, "Tell me where he is, love and I'll help Joshua." he negotiates. "He's at a warehouse by the docks. Thierry's place. Now heal Josh, please." Y/n softly pleads, Klaus sighs before slamming Y/n against a wall knocking him out, "I'm sorry, love" he whispers giving an unconscious Y/n a kiss before vamp-speeding off. 

Y/n eventually woke up and told Davina how Klaus wouldn't help them, he lifted Josh on to the Greenhouse table, and they stood beside him. Davina offered Josh some water. "Josh? Please, drink this." she said as she lifts his head so she can feed him some water but it makes him gag and cough instead. "Oh, man." Josh groans in discomfort. "Davina, go and get a wet rag, he's burning up." Y/n instructed as he felt Josh's forehead. 

"Just hang on, Josh. I'm gonna be right back okay." Davina says near tears, as she moves to the other room to get it. Josh lays back down on the table, very out of it. "I'm so sorry, Josh. This wasn't supposed to happen." Y/n cries as he rakes his hand through his hair and picks up the glass Davina left and throws it at the wall in anger. Mikael appears behind him. "Surely you're not surprised? Deep down, you knew Niklaus would leave Joshua to die. That he would take advantage you and manipulate your feelings to get what he wanted."

Y/n turned to face him "Why are you still here?" he asked frustrated, ignoring the comment on his feelings. "I haven't much time left. But then, neither does your friend." Mikael answer as he walked closer, Davina appeared back from the other room "Stay away from them." She walks up to Josh with the rug and places it on his forehead. "We can heal him. We'll find a way, we always do." Y/n said as he looked at Davina who nodded back at him agreeing with his words.

"Even if you could, how long 'til it happens again? As long as Niklaus remains in your lives, you and your loved ones will continue to suffer his torment. " He spoke, looking at Davina before turning his attention to Y/n. "He will continue to manipulate your feelings and he will only bring you pain, my dear boy. I am the only man in history who's been able to drive him off. To bring him fear and pain. If your friend needs Klaus' blood to survive, I've been known to spill a fair share of it." he finished. Davina and Y/n both shared a look skeptical of what he said.

"You'll help us save, Josh?" Y/n questioned. "I do have personal reasons for wanting Niklaus to suffer, but yes. I'd like nothing more than to help you." 

"And all we have to do is raise you from the dead." Davina confirmed. "A small price to pay to cure your friend and live a life free of a monster. Think, Davina, Y/n. There still exists a weapon that can kill Klaus. Bring back the one being who has the strength to use it." Mikael persuades.

Josh has another coughing fit, which distracts them for a moment. When they look back to where Mikael was standing, he's gone.

"Who were you talking to?" Josh asked, weakly. Y/n and Davina smile at each other, "It doesn't matter. We're gonna fix you." Davina said, "You're gonna be just fine, Josh." Y/n added, both witches giving the vampire comforting smiles.  


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