Chapter #14 - Après Moi, Le Déluge

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Upstairs in Davina and Y/n's room, Marcel has just arrived with food for them, but she stands up and screams at him, angrily "Go away!" As she telekinetically throws him against a wall. This sudden noise wakes Y/n up from slumber. He slowly tries to get up, but he feels extremely hot as sweat builds up and he's breathing is slower as if the air got thinner.

Marcel gets up from the floor and moves closer to the bed Davina and Y/n are on. "Come on. You guys got to be starving. You haven't eaten since--" he says, trying to get them to eat something. "Since your best friend killed our best friend?" Davina interrupted him, clearly still mad about Tim's death. 

"Davina, Y/n, I'm sorry about what happened to this kid Tim." Marcel apologised, "It's a shame sorry doesn't bring back our friend." Y/n retorted. "I'm sorry you don't hate Klaus for what he did or want to make him pay." Davina added. "He'll pay for what he did one way or the other, but right now, I just want to make peace with you, the both of you." Marcel explained, all he wanted at this point was the forgiveness of the two witches he treated like family.

"Why? So we can be one big happy frankenstein family?" Davina scowled at him, "You kinda missed that boat anyways." Y/n added weakly.

Davina uses her magic to throw a vase Marcel, before she begins to cough and Marcel move closer to rub her back but she continues to cough until Klaus enters the room to find her cough up dirt as he mutters "Bloody hell." under his breath. She stops coughing and takes a deep breath before the entire French Quarter begins to shake as if experiencing an earthquake and in the skies thunder booms among the clouds. 

Marcel tucks them in and leaves. They are left alone until Rebekah comes to check on them where Davina and Y/n lie sickly on the bed. 

"Hey. What kind of game do you think you two are playing? I said disrupt the household, not destroy the whole city and bring about Armageddon." she scolds wondering why they would go this far. "We didn't do it. Not on purpose. We...we don't know what's wrong with us." Davina explains. Rebekah gives them soft glances, "I'll go talk to the others, see if they what's wrong." she replied before leaving the two witches alone. 

"They told me what you did." Y/n turns to see Davina looking him, as he responds "Is now really the best time to be talking about it?" Davina scoffs, "No other time like the present, how did you do it?" Y/n hesitates before answers, "I don't know, I just knew I couldn't let you die."

"And now you're suffering and in pain because of me." Davina says feeling guilty about her brother's condition. "It's not your fault, and even if I knew this would happen I still would've done it a thousand times over because you're my sister." Davina begins to shed a tear and so does Y/n before withering in pain again.

Rebekah comes back inside with a sad look on her face, "For months now, you two have been holding all the power of the three girls sacrificed in the Harvest ritual. A force that was meant to flow through you and back into the earth. It's tearing you two apart and if we don't do something it will the whole of New Orleans down with you." she informed before taking a breath knowing what she'll say next isn't something they want to hear. 

"They want to complete the Harvest." Rebekah states, immediately getting a reaction from Davina, "No!--"  "The witches say you'll be resurrected." Rebekah attempts to assure them. "If we believed them the first time, we wouldn't be here in this situation." Y/n coughs, still not believing that it would actually work. "They're liars! They'll say anything to get what they want. Just like Marcel. Just like you!" Davina cried, hating the current predicament they were in. 

"Y/n, Davina, you may think that I don't care about either of you, but you're wrong. I know what it's like to have your life stripped away from you because of other people's bad decisions. How do you think I became a vampire?" Rebekah pulls out two syringes,  "What--what is that?" Davina asks noticing the syringe. "The more upset you both become, the faster you'll deteriorate. I compelled up some sedative." Rebekah answers moving toward them.

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