Chapter #17 - The Big Uneasy

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Lafayette Cemetery:

Monique, Abigail, Davina, and Y/n are in a tomb at the cemetery, each in different yoga positions, while trying to do a spell. "Vie dans des ancêtres, renforcer noblesse. Comme des ancêtres, de coeur noblesse. Décider on de ancêtres, garder noblesse." The Harvest Witches chanted in unison until Monique gasped then screamed grabbing everyone else's attention as she began to chant, "Aah! Sine la quatrieme puella leve, comme Genevieve ceciderit. Sine la quatrieme puella leve, comme Genevieve ceciderit."  Everyone else surrounded Monique as she stopped chanting.

"Monique, are you okay? Monique, you sounded like you were possessed." Davina spoke, worried. "What was that?" Y/n asked curious about he just saw. "I wasn't possessed. I was channeling the ancestors. They say it's time to complete the Reaping. To do that, the last Harvest witch must be resurrected, which means... it's time for Genevieve to die." Monique explained. 

The rest of them looked at each in worry at what they just heard. "What do you mean, Genevieve has to die? She's our leader." Abigail said, in a panicked tone. "Genevieve is currently taking the place of another Harvest Witch, and she needs to die so that the Coven can be at full power." Monique argued, "So what? You're saying we kill her?" Davina questioned, unhappy about the current development. "If it's the Ancestor's decree, than yes." Monique answered. 

"No." Y/n spoke, drawing the attention of the other three witches. "The Ancestors said that Genevieve needs to die which means that we don't have to kill her, we could just tell her what the Ancestors said and she will take her life herself. That's better than us risking our lives trying to kill her." he reasoned. Monique rolled her eyes, got up and left the room. "I agree, I'll go talk to Monique see if I can convince her too." Abigail said, before following the same path Monique took. 

"That was a good idea." Davina spoke, looking at her brother happy his slowly going back to the way he was. "Let's hope it works." Y/n replied before speaking again "Hey, remember when Genevieve asked me to stay behind?" Davina nodded allowing Y/n to continue "Well, she decided to give me this book and it talks about something called a Supreme. I think the Ancestor might believe I'm one." he explained showing Davina the LOS book (Legend of Supreme) and the things he had read through. "That's amazing, I always knew you were powerful." Davina praised as they continued to talk until Y/n decided to go to the Mikaelson Compound to fetch Genevieve.

Mikaelson Compound:

Y/n walked into the compound and noticed construction workers setting up their tools in the middle of the courtyard. "Y/n, to what do we owe this unexpected visit?" Elijah greeted, getting Y/n's attention as he appeared from what Y/n assumed was the dining room. "Elijah, I'm here for Genevieve. People say they last saw her here." Y/n greeted in return, answering the suited Original brother's question. 

"Well your leader is currently occupied by my brother, but I'm sure she'll make an appearance soon enough. In the meanwhile, there is something I'd like for us to discuss. Shall we?" he asked, gesturing to the dining room. Y/n looked at him confused before realising that the construction workers were about to start their drilling, he gave the vampire a nod and walked into the dining room. He looked around the elegant room noticing the hanging chandeliers, the framed vintage photos, and other antiques that filled the room surrounding the dining table that sat in the middle of the room.  

Behind him, Y/n heard the door close and turned to find Elijah leaning against a dining chair that was clearly designed for the head of the house to sit at. "Well...I'm listening." Y/n spoke, giving Elijah his attention. "Firstly, I feel it necessary to apologise for everything my family has done to both you and Davina. And I can assure you there is no need for animosity between your family and mine--" Elijah started before being interrupted by the male witch. 

Harvest Witch - Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now