Chapter #4

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The young boy Davina was watching earlier, is on stage with another band playing a fiddle. Davina continues to watch him intently while Y/n's busy listening to the music with his eyes closed, enjoying the sound of the atmosphere. "It's good to see you. I was worried you thought I was some hothead after that display at the Masquerade." Marcel said to Cami, she smiles pleasantly at him "We all have our hot-headed moments! Anyway, I'm almost done here until clean-up, so the three of us can hang out if you need to go shmooze, or whatever." She shrugs.

Davina leans over to butt into their conversation. "You know, he was supposed to stop hovering like ten minutes ago." Marcel looks over to Cami and gestures toward Davina. " See what I mean? Authority issues! I'll go talk to the mayor — he actually knows how to show some respect!" he exasperates. "Since when are you an authority figure?" Y/n snorts back at him. 

Marcel walks out pretending to be mildly offended while Cami and Davina both giggle. Cami watches Davina stare at the boy and smiles as she approaches her. "Soooo, what's his name? Hot guy with the fiddle?" Cami questions, wondering who made her smile. Davina shyly smiles before responding "Tim." 

Cami smiles encouragingly urging her to continue.  "Why are you smiling like that? Please don't tell me you like him because even if he was a friend, I'm still going to have to give him a talk." Y/n spoke, protectively.

They both look at him slightly laughing at his 'overprotective behavior'. "I knew he would be here, he always performs at these kinda things." Cami nods at Davina before asking "How long have you three known each other?"

 Davina hesitates before answering "Since we were ten," Cami looks at her expectantly, and she continues, "We had to leave school, and we didn't get to say goodbye. So, I was just hoping to talk to him tonight." 

The band finishes their song, and all the patrons of the bar whoop and applaud them. Davina continues to smile and watch Tim play. Cami smiles before turning to Y/n, seeing him lying back in his stool with his eyes closed, listening to music and atmosphere of the bar.

"And you? Davina's here for Tim, what about you? What are you here for?" Cami asks him looking at him expectantly.

Y/n sighs before answering "Well the main reason is to lookout Davina, she's the only family I've got left. But I guess I just wanted to see the city, I barely go out so it's nice to see what it's like."

Cami nodded taking a breath before formulating a response. "Well I think it's great to look out for your sister, don't let it take over your life. Co-dependency is not an easy thing to escape." she advised before asking, "Isn't there anything you like to do?" 

"I like to write, I guess. Stories, poems, songs. I'm not any good but I like to do it anyways." Y/n shyly confessed. Y/n thought about to his response, he could've lied because he barely knew Cami and he didn't want to open himself up to anyone just yet. But he was honest to her, and Cami is one of the first people he's had at chance at really talking to and Marcel seemed to trust her so why couldn't he.

"That's great, there are so many writing competitions and Rousseau's hosts a poetry slam once in awhile. I'm sure they would love to hear what you have to say." Cami replied, giving him a warm smile. 

The bands are finished performing and now Cami, Davina and Y/n are looking through the crowds to find Tim. "Well, he couldn't have gone far, he just got off-stage a minute ago!" Cami exclaimed while searching the crowd. Davina sighs and blinks tears away from her eyes, Y/n notices this and pulls her into a comforting side-hug. "It doesn't matter, this was a stupid idea anyway." Davina says, holding back her tears. 

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