Chapter #12 - The Casket Girls

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Cami is screaming in agony on the floor while Davina and Y/n magically strip the compulsion from her mind. While they work, Josh stands in the background and examines the notes Cami has left around her room.

"Oh god, it hurts!" Cami cries, as the sweat beats down her face..

They kneel in front of her as they sympathetically rub her shoulders.

"We're sorry, Cami. It's the only way to break Klaus' compulsion."

"We know it sucks, but it's all going to be worth it when we're done. Just hang in a little bit longer." Y/n sympathizes, rubbing her shoulder as he helped her sit up properly.

"And believe me, I know what it's like. You're okay. And hey — all these notes that you made? It's very memento of you. Nice work." Josh comments while reading her notes.

"We've been at this all night. I don't understand what's happening to me, I don't understand any of this--" Cami states confused, at what all this means.

"But you will. We will unlock every stolen memory, undo every piece of mind control that any vampire has ever done to you. When we're done, you will understand all of it, and you'll be free. We can stop, if you want us to." Davina offered.

"No, don't stop. I want to remember everything." Cami answered, determined.

Davina and Y/n continue working their magic while Camille screams in pain. They drop to their knees and releasing the spell, allowing Cami a moment to breathe.

"You should start to feel, like, a weight lifting."

"Like your memory is starting to piece itself back together."

"And your cheat sheets are about to make a lot more sense." Josh bends down to drop the files onto the floor, but when the sunlight streaming through the window burns his hand, he winces in pain and quickly jerks his hand back.

"We promise, as soon as the world stops hunting us, we will find the daylight ring spell." Davina promise, feeling gulity that Josh can't walk in the sun, Y/n nods his head agreeing with Davina.

"I know, just... don't worry about that right now."

"I remember why I wrote this. I found a picture of Klaus and Marcel from 1919. Klaus compelled me to go out with Marcel, to spy on him. That's what he said yesterday, before he told me to forget. I'm remembering." Cami states as she stares at the photo Klaus and Marcel.

"I guess that means, we're getting somewhere."

"Let's take you back more."

Camille nods and Davina and Y/n put their hands on Camille's temples and begin to work more magic. 

Davina pours water into a glass and sets it on the kitchen table in front of Cami. While Y/n is busy helping Cami move around as she's still a bit weak from the spell. Josh stands next to them.

"Keep drinking. You need the vervain in your system so you can't be compelled again." Davina informs

"Hey Cami, you don't have any like... human blood in your fridge, do you?" 

"For crying out loud, here." Davina sighs, offering Josh her arm. 

Davina holds her arm up in front of Josh's face. He hesitates a moment before taking a hold of her wrist. Y/n starts to hear whispers and realises someone is doing magic, he can tell Davina knows as well as she spaces and Y/n gets lost in the voices. Cami stands up and looks at them, clearly concerned.

"Davina? Y/n?"

"Someone's practicing magic." Davina confirms.

"They're trying to find us." Y/n informs.

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