Chapter #5

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 "You two are absolutely adorable! Warms my heart, it really does." Klaus announces upon his entry, walking toward the three kids. "And you so protective of your sister reminds me of me with my sister. But I do need a word with the young witches." Klaus spoke to the male witch before directing his attention to Tim. "So, Tim — Go sit down. Count to one-hundred-thousand." he compelled.

Tim walks to the back of the church. Y/n move to stand in front of Davina to protect her from whom Marcel had informed them, is Klaus.

"Quietly, now, there's a good boy." Klaus says as he watches Tim follow his order before turning back to Davina and Y/n. "I assume you know who I am? Then, let's get right to it, shall we? Your current dilemma strikes me as a case of poor alliances. You two are loyal to Marcel, and yet he keeps you both tucked away in an attic. Surely you prefer just a little bit more freedom. And yet Marcel keeps you prisoner." Klaus remarks. 

"Marcel doesn't keep us prisoners, he keeps us safe. He's our friend." Davina defends.

"He protects us from people like you in particular." Y/n adds, scowling at Klaus.

"Well, I've no doubt he is. And I don't believe that you require protection from me." Klaus responds meeting their glare at him.

"For two kids caught in a war between witches and vampires, I might be a better friend. I would keep you safe from people even more dangerous than I am. And, I'd allow you your freedom."  He stands up and begins to pace up and down the aisle continuing with his proposition.

"If Marcel could do that, why hasn't he done so already? And it does beg the question: ''If Marcel can't protect you, then what of those you care about?" he finishes gestures to Tim who is sitting in the last pew.

"If anyone tries to hurt the people we care about, I'll rain hell on them." Y/n snarled.

"And I'll help him." Davina says, moving to stand next to her brother.

"Well, then. Sounds like you two don't need Marcel at all. Perhaps you've suspected it all along. Your dear friend Marcel tricks you into doing his bidding, and all the while, you two rot in an attic, alone, while young Timothy moves on with his life." Klaus retorts, continuing to aggravate the young witches.

Davina stares intently at Klaus, clearly angry at what Klaus was saying. 

"You feel that? That's your blood starting to boil." Davina taunts.

Klaus groans, and a hissing noise is heard as his blood increases in temperature. Sweat starts to drip from his forehead, and he composes himself from this unexpected turn of events before he vamp-runs over to Tim and puts him in a headlock

"Such a shame to lose him, just as you found him again.  And I really did admire your skill with that violin." Klaus taunts back, directing his last sentence to Tim who was struggling to get out of the headlock. 

"Don't you dare hurt him!" "Let him go!" Davina and Y/n exclaim indignantly. 

"Oh, I hope I won't have to, sweetheart. But, then, that depends on the two of you." he smirks maintaining his hold on Tim.

"Let him go now!" Davina orders 

"You should know, I don't do well with demands." Klaus snarks back at her. 

Davina thrusts her open hand out and twists it, using her magic to break the bones in his leg, Y/n does the same and using his magic to break the bones in his arms almost allowing Tim to escape. Unfortunately, it takes only a moment for Klaus to reset his bones and heal while maintaining his hold on Tim.

Harvest Witch - Y/n ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now