Chapter #18 - A Closer Walk With Thee

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Genevieve, Monique, Davina, Abigail, and Y/n walk through a park as Genevieve continues to lecture them on magic and the supernatural.

"New Orleans is full of ghosts. Our dead are always here, hovering. When supernatural creatures die, they're doomed to spend eternity alone, watching the world go on without them. Of course, that's not the case with the ancestral witches. We linger in a different way: consecrated in the earth, replenishing its power." she explains as they follow her. "...What about humans?" Davina asks intrigued about what happens to spirits. "Some find peace. Some...don't." Genevieve as she was about to speak, Y/n interrupts "Can witches travel to these worlds? Or between them at least without dying?" he asks wondering the limits of these worlds. "Ordinary witches? No." she vaguely answered.

Y/n noticed how she used the term 'ordinary' but before he could question it she spoke "I have to make an appearance at the priest's wake. You four head back to the lycée, take some time to think about those spirits who might still be walking alongside you." They walked away from her except for Monique who followed Genevieve.

"Hey, can you help me with something?" Davina asked breaking the silence on their walk, the other two witches nodded signaling her to continue. "I want to perform a séance, to contact Tim." Davina finished, waiting for their reactions.  Abigail gave a reluctant look but nodded anyway as she walked ahead to prepare for the spell. Davina looked at her brother waiting for his answer, she noticed the unsure look on his face "Come on! I just want to try and talk to him one last say goodbye." she said softly. Y/n then nodded his head "Fine, I'll help you." he agreed as he headed into the Lycee to prepare for the spell. 

Y/n, Davina, and Abigail are setting out the ingredients for a spell in the greenhouse

"I don't know if the ancestors would like us messing around in the spirit world." Abigail states raising her concern "It's just a simple séance." Davina says trying to comfort her concern. "Phony witches do seánces to impress tourists. They're not real." Monique disagrees as she grabs ingredients for a spell and rushes out of the Lycee. Y/n finishes drawing the circle and markings for the spell as Davina sets Tim's violin in the middle. 

"What's that for?" Abigail asks still nervous about doing the spell. "It's my friend Tim's." Davina answered, "It should allow us to focus on contacting Tim, and not any unwanted spirits." Y/n assured. 

"Come on! What's the point of being a witch if we can't use our magic for stuff like this?" Davina encouraged, trying to ease Abigail's concern which it did as her and Y/n both smiled before they connected their hands, forming a triangle, to share their magic for the spell. "Elikopte fantomes soliter mouri, vous reveler..." they chanted as the wind starts to blow around them. Davina cuts her palm with an athame and drips the blood on Tim's violin. All of a sudden, the candles blow out, which scares them. "Tim?" Davina called out.

The song Tim played for Davina and Y/n on his violin starts to play around them, and the wind chime near the window starts to play it as well. Davina walks toward to touch the wind chime and Y/n moves to stand next to her sensing something off.  A hand wearing a lapis lazuli daylight ring caresses both their shoulders from behind. They turn to find the hand belonged to, Mikael. "What a delightful tune." he says before he disappears and all the windows in the greenhouse shatter violently, and broken glass rains down upon them, as they scream in terror.

Later on in the night, Davina organizes herbs in the greenhouse as Y/n is reading his book when the wind starts blowing through the broken windows. When she looks down at her bandaged hand, she sees that her palm has begun bleeding again in the same wound she used in her séance spell earlier. She turns when she starts to hear Tim's song in the wind chimes, Y/n looks up from his book hearing it as well and feeling that same chill he felt earlier, and all the candles and lights in the room flicker.

"Tim? Is that you?" Davina asks, scared of who it could be as she and Y/n make eye contact, they stand next to each other before hearing a sound. They turn around to find Mikael's form flickering in front of them. "Who the hell are you?" Y/n asks as he steps in front of his sister. Mikael smiles at courage and loyalty of the young male witch but moves his head to look at Davina, "Your friend Timothy has moved on, Davina. I'm truly sorry for what my son did to him. What he's done to the both of you." Mikael apologizes. 

"You're Klaus' father?" Davina questions "And I'm the only one who can rid you of him forever. But first, my little witches, I need you, both of you." he says as Davina and Y/n look at each other confused before asking "What can we do?" Mikael smiles before answering "You can bring me back to life." He's form begins to flicker and fade away leaving Davina and Y/n alone to think about what he said. "We're not actually considering this, are we?" Y/n asks out loud, looking at his sister who sighed and looked back at him "I mean, he's the only person who can get rid of Klaus." she answered. 

"But we don't need to get rid of Klaus, he made amends or tried to at least to which considering the guy is the best we're going to get." Y/n argued. "But he killed Tim, don't you think he deserves to pay for that?" Davina questioned, "Klaus isn't our enemy anymore, Dee. We shouldn't start an unnecessary fight because we could put the ones we love in danger." Y/n reasoned. Davina nodded, although she didn't like Klaus, she knew that if they did anything to attack him, that Marcel and Josh would be in danger.

 Davina nodded, although she didn't like Klaus, she knew that if they did anything to attack him, that Marcel and Josh would be in danger

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