Chapter 1

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Remus Lupin could be Described as a lot of things. Witty, sarcastic, chaotic, Jewish, bisexual. But the most oft used was, smart. Mainly because people used him to try and get answers for the homework from him. Other than that, nobody acknowledged him. Especially since all the rumors about the large scar across his face faded out, people had even less reason to talk to him.

Of course, Lily; his best friend, refused to let him be invisible, and would often try to convince him to get into an after school club, or come with her to parties. Remus would cave occasionally, coming with her to a house party and watch her get wasted and slap anybody who dared to make a shitty comment about her weight. While he sat in corner, sipping whatever out of a red cup, trying to avoid the dancefloor or any other possibly embarrassing event.

It was just another Wednesday where there was an argument about a house party that had come up, when something happened that changed their lives as they knew it.

"Lupin would you shut up and come party with me this weekend! I can help you with your chemistry homework afterwards"

Remus sighed and looked down to the ground as he kept walking to his next class, "Fine."

He really was awful at chemistry. Especially since Slughorn was so awful at giving instructions.

Lily nodded at this, satisfied and waved to him and skipped ahead of him to get to her class. The very next moment, he ran into someone because he wasn't paying attention.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't-"

Remus had started to apologize before he looked down to see, Sirius Black. Most dramatic arsehole this side of the Thames, as Lily referred to him and his best friend, James Potter. However at this moment he had no idea how a person who couldn't be above 170 centimeters could ever be as bad as James Potter. That was before he returned to his senses and stepped back.

"No need to apologize Lupin, this your stop?" Remus paused for a moment at this, Lupin? They'd never spoken to each other before, Remus had always called him 'Potter's friend' or 'The punk one'. He suddenly felt happy that somebody knew his name, and actually used it.

After a moment he looked up at the door and saw the bright pink sign taped to the door in a loopy font, 'Prof. Umbridge' and sighed, "Unfortunately, yes."

"Same here. Planning on giving her exactly what she deserves today, foul woman." Sirius said it with a smirk, his stormy grey eyes flashing with mischief.

For once, Remus smiled back, rather than immediately walk into the classroom and avoid Sirius for the rest of the day, "I quite look forward to it, Black."

"As do I" he bowed and opened the door for Remus, the latter rolling his eyes, but walked in and held the door for Sirius nonetheless.

Later, around halfway through the class period, Professor Umbridge, or umbitch as the students had taken to calling her behind her back, went to get out of her pink cushioned chair. Which was when she found out that she couldn't.

Everybody in class tried to hold back their laughter at her squirming in the seat she was now attached to. Except for Sirius. He openly laughed and slammed his fist against the table, while Umbridge kept yelling.


Sirius just kept on smiling and laughing, "I'm so sorry ma'am, but I just don't think I can get out of my seat"

Then, it was at this exact moment, Sirius making his snarky comment, Umbridge' still writhing in her seat, that shit hit the fan for Remus. He started laughing uncontrollably, almost not being able to breathe he was laughing so hard.

Their teacher, unfortunately did not find the situation nearly as funny as Remus and Sirius (and the rest of the class) thought it was. Which lead to one of the janitors, Filch, coming down the room and getting her out of the chair. After he had left it was in a sickly sweet, revoltingly saccharine voice, that Umbridge' sentenced the two boys to detention for the rest of the week.

That meant 3 days. Three days of most likely awkward interactions for the both of them. A new reason why Remus was avoided, and a new way Sirius had tried to make his own reputation stick. The idiots.


It was a long time ago I wrote something.. my write style has changed because of school and things a lot haha 

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this love y'll

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