Chapter 7

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In Lily Evans opinion, James Potter was and is an arrogant toe-rag of a human being who never has and never will understand the meaning of no. Sadly she still had to deal with him on a daily basis, since her best friend had quite obviously developed a crush on James' best friend. Even if Remus' hadn't realized it. Bloody idiot.

However, her opinion slightly of James improved slightly, when the day after Sirius and Remus' rendezvous, James came up to her in the halls.

"Hey, Evans."

Lily whipped her head around to stare him down, hopefully it would get him to go away. "What, Potter."

"I promise I'm not going to ask you out this time." He put his hands up in surrender.

Lily rolled her eyes, but let him continue.

"So, am I crazy or is something going on with Remus and Sirius"

Lily made an 'oh' face before saying, "Definitely something going on there, they're just blithering idiots who haven't figured it out yet."

"Okay cool. What the hell should we do?"

"Normally I would say we let them work it out themselves, but knowing Remus, he's probably going to suppress it for years because" she then switched into her best Remus' impression, " 'nobody could ever enjoy my company' dramatic bitch."

"Same with Sirius. He knows he has one, just thinks that Remus is straight, I'm just waiting him see the bi pin on his bag and freak out to me about it."

Lily laughed at this, "We're best friends with two blithering idiots aren't we."


They both sighed and continued to walk to their next class.

"Like, what about that whole thing at the party! They disappeared for an hour, didn't think anybody noticed, and then just, waltzed back in and started getting fucking sloshed?" Both of them shook their heads.

"Sirius is such an oblivious, rich idiot"

Lily gave him a look and said, "Need I remind you that you're also apart of a posh rich family?"

"Well yeah, but I'm Indian. Sirius still has the white privilege."

"True, true."

A quick moment of silence. The bell would be ringing in a minute, and both of them would probably be late for class, but it didn't really matter.

"The world really fucking sucks doesn't it."

"It really does."

"I mean, just because I don't look like a fucking stick, and you aren't ghostly pale like the majority of England, means we're lesser! It's bullshit!"

"I mean, way to state the obvious Evans."

"No need to be a prick!"

"Wait, I didn't mean it like that it's just, I agree with you, completely. But, I don't know, I'd rather not focus on the hate in the world and just, try to make it better."

Lily let that sink in for a moment. "That was surprisingly eloquent, Potter"

"There's a lot more surprises where that came from"

"And we're right back to being an arse."

A wide grin spread across his face, "No need to be a prick, Evans."


Later on in the day, shortly after lunch started, and Sirius and James had finished their debate on the nature of hot dogs. Another very strange conversation happened.

It was all very sudden, James was pulled off into an empty closet, and before he could he get a word out, someone started kissing him. Though he did very quickly realize who it was.

When the person pulled back James asked, "Regulus?"

"Who else dimwit"

"Even when you're trying to get in my pants you still insult me."

"You're very easy to insult, and I'm actually here for a more important matter."


"How has Sirius been holding up since everything happened?"

"He's been doing okay. He's been talking non-stop about this guy that he likes."

"That Lupin kid?"

"Yeah." He paused, "How do you know?"

"I saw them in the park the other day." It wasn't a complete lie, just, a half truth, he did see them, just, heard them as well, having a very private conversation, while holding hands.

"Wait! They're dating!"

"Nah, I could just see the look on their faces."

"Ah, okay. But, yeah Sirius is doing well."

"Well that's good"

A thought suddenly hit James, "How are you holding up in there"

"Okay, debating on just moving in with Barty at this point."

"He's pretty chill."

Regulus snorted, his best friend was anything but 'chill'.

"My offer still stands you know." James said.

"I know it does, I'm just– I still need time."

"It's okay, I get it. Well, not really, but I respect that."

"And that is exactly why I pull you in broom closets in-between classes."

"Speaking of, do you think that we should get back to them– or?"


Regulus pulled the other boy into a kiss.

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