Chapter 9

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CW! There's some Orion and Walburga in this chapter, so, some discussion of trauma. Also some bad writing and hormonal rage.


The rest of the day was fairly normal for everyone, Barty and Reg sat in the back of their classes, Barty firing insults at all their teachers, while Reg actually paid attention and wrote down notes.

Sirius was innocuously flirting with Remus, before actually seeing the bin pin on his bag and internally screaming and dancing like the sap he is. Though he did manage to keep it internally, only whispering to James about it in there history class, while Remus' was in his advanced maths class with professor Kettleburn.


When Regulus walked back into the house he ears the muffled voices of his parents in the living room. He assumed they were about to leave for one of their "events", usually meaning investment meetings with other rich assholes.

The door was closed, so his parents voices were muffled, but loud enough to hear from the entryway.

"It's just not working anymore Wallburga!"

"I know, Orion. Which is why we must tighten our grip on him. We don't Regulus to turn out like his wretched brother. It seems that our discipline is not yet enough to prevent the boy from becoming a filthy sinner, get him away from that disgusting Crouch boy. We need to fix him."

"It's decided then?"

"Yes" the harsh voice of Wallburga Black rang out, far less muffled to Regulus now that the door to the study was open.

He opened the door and feigned walking straight inside so that his parents wouldn't question that he was listening in, that would lead to a far worse fate.

"Regulus, Straighten your posture, you look like a homeless man." Walburga stared daggers at him, seemingly withering his soul from a single look.

Regulus nodded and silently straightened his back, then stepped out of the way. His jaw was clenched as to hold back his anger at his parents.

"Regulus, after supper your mother and I shall be leaving for a meeting. we will be back at 11 o'clock, do not wait for us."

"Yes father." He said it in a cold manner, emotionless, a stark contrast to what he wanted to say, which was mostly laiden with scathing insults and excessive amounts of cursing.


The dinner was strained at best and downright headache inducing at worst. The scrutinizing stare of Walburga and Orion bored holes into Regulus' skin, it seemed to hurt worse than anything else he had ever experienced.

Whatever the fuck they were "planning" was not happening. Not today, not ever.

Regulus saw his parents to the door and nodded his goodbyes.

His parents walked out of the house and everything seemed to collectively release a breathe, even the paintings of long dead relatives on the walls seemed to carry a more relieved expression.

Regulus however, was livid. They dare to insult him, his brother, his freedom, and top it all off, one of the few people who has ever cared about him? Bullshit.

Regulus burst into his room with a crystal clear plan in his mind. He'd finally had enough. So he grabbed his bag, ripped open his wardrobe and shoved all the clothing he could inside. He zipped it up and looked around the room, covered shelf to shelf in the "approved books" that his parents had allowed, and his family crest, mounted to the wall. He grabbed the books with false dust covers, and placed them into the bag. He debated leaving it at this, but then, something, flipped.

A manic smile climbed it's way onto his face, and he did the only thing he could think of. Climbing up onto his bed for leverage, he grabbed the top of the shelves, and with a furious yell, smashed it down onto the ground. He continued to do with with everything else in the room. Everything that reminded him of his stupid bloody parents, stupid family. The sound of he bookcases crumbling to the ground felt like the greatest catharsis Regulus had ever felt. A symbol of his last stand.

He yelled out, to no one in particular, but to everyone all at once. "TRY FIXING THIS ASSHOLES!"

Eventually, all that was left standing was him, the crest, and the tears he hadn't even realized were there, he was so absorbed in his own storm of rage. It was then and there that he decided to make the most idiotic decision of his life. Probably.

Still panting with the effort that it took to bring down the shelves, he looked down and made a fist with his hand. And after a deep breath, he punched through the wall.


A few minutes later, he admired his work, pages of the bible torn out and scattered around the room, three antique bookshelves lie in chunks on the ground, and as for the crest? It was nothing more but pieces of rubble. The only place that let you know where it was, was the hole in the drywall, and the blood that splattered it, matching Regulus' fist.

He pushed back his hair out of his face, regaining his composure. Surprisingly, he didn't regret destroying his room, normally he would start breaking down and panicking, but, considering that he was bolting before he'd have to face any sort of punishment for his indiscretion, he wasn't very worried.

Regulus took out his phone and made a call to Barty.

"Hey, Reg what's up?"

"I need a place to stay"

"Shit, what happened, you alright?" A sense of panic entered his voice.

"I'm fine, mostly. I just need to get the fuck out of this house."

"Right. You want me to come get you from the tube?"

"Nah, I'll walk."

You could here a small bit of confusion in his voice,"Right then. See you soon, if you're comfortable with it, we're talking about what happened when you get here, I hope you know."

"Oh I know. See you in a minute Barty"

"See you"

Regulus then hung up the phone and took a deep breath, he was really doing this. Finally free of this god forsaken house. He grabbed his suitcase, rucksack, an extra jacket just in case, and left. Never once looking back.


I've binged two shows in one day and I am most definitely not okay. So tired but it's so worth it. Anyways I can neither confirm nor deny that this chapter was written because of you know outlets for anger because I'm weird like that.

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