Chapter 21

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The grand "Marauders Reunion" was a very momentous occasion.

Mainly because James went and announced it to the entire food hall in the middle of lunch. The idiot. Most everyone knew that this probably meant a prank of some kind, and that everybody should probably watch their backs, except for the snobbish first years, who thought that they were above it all. They were probably the one's who should have watch their backs the most.

The rest of the day was spent in paranoia or joyful anticipation for most people. What would they do this time now that the marauders were back in action? The answer came in sixth hour, when a shriek could be heard from a bathroom, when the water ran red.

"MARY WHAT IS THIS!" Emmeline shouted.

"I DON'T KNOW!"Mary replied.

After a few seconds of calming down and turning off the faucet, the conversation continued.

"It looked like blood."

"So it does."

"Why does it look like blood?"

Mary put her hands in her jacket pockets. "Love, if I knew, I would have told you."

"This is the marauders thing isn't it." Emmeline sighed.

"What! Turning the school's water supply a bright red?"

"I'm gonna taste it."

"Why would you taste it!"

"To see if it's actually blood or not."

While Mary clenched her teeth, Emmeline reached out to turn the faucet on, before reaching her hand under it and taking a sip.

A pause.

"It's fucking Koolaid."


"We've done it lads!" James shouted as they left the boiler room.

Remus winced. "Yes, yes we have James. Could you not yell it directly into my ear?"

"Yeah, sorry" he replied sheepishly.

"I can't believe you knew how to get into the supply for the water fountain."

"Eh, used to hang out a lot down there when I was in first form with Lily."

"Well that's, depressing." Sirius said.

"Well hey, I've got you lot now, as well as Lily."

"Very true my friend." James slung his arm around Remus' shoulder.

"Honestly the hardest part of this was carrying the koolaid into school without getting spotted was the hard part." Peter sighed, he was the one elected to buy and smuggle in the drink mix for Moony's prank.

Sirius smiled. "Can't wait for Filch to try and prove we did it with no evidence."

While the marauders continued laughing about it, the merriment was brought to a end when someone clearing their throat was heard.

All of their eyes widened, and Remus was the first to turn around, only to see, Minerva McGonagall.

"Care to explain as to why you all are her instead of your appropriate classes?"

Remus' mouth became a thin line as he shook his head and tried to avoid eye contact with the professor.

"Right then, I'll be seeing you all in detention for the rest of the week."

"Going soft on us Minnie?" Sirius asked, a wide grin still on his face.

"Would you like me to extend your punishment to two weeks?"

Sirius shrunk back, "No, professor."



After detention, James and Sirius convinced everybody that they should have a "night on the town" to celebrate the reconciliation.

"James, we're underage and my mum will kill me if I'm out late." Peter pointed out.

"Tell her you're staying at my place!" Was his rebuttal.

"It's a school night."

"Well then tell her that you're studying with Remus over here for a test!"

"Why me?" Remus asked with a confused look on his face.

"Because you're the only one here that puts effort into studying, love." Sirius froze at the last word, they didn't even mean to say it! It just slipped out. He nearly kicked himself in embarrassment, but Remus had thankfully chosen to ignore it.

"Yeah, fair. That sound good to you Wormy?"


"Well, now that's settled, what do you lot want to do?" James rebooted the conversation.

"I have an idea, maybe, but it's mildly dangerous and could get us hurt."

"Those are the exact kind of ideas we need, Moony!"

"Any of you ever seen 'Across the Universe'?"


Once again, after some phonecalls to parents, and assuring Ms. Pettigrew that Peter would be perfectly fine staying with Remus, Potter Manor became host to even more teenage shenanigans

"All right then, who wants to volunteer?" Remus said, leaning on the roof's railing.

"Wormtail?" Sirius turned and asked him.

"Oh what, is it pick on Peter day?"

"No you're just the best option, we all know how terrible you are at golf." Sirius shrugged.

"Because it's one of the most boring sports in human existence!"

James cleared his throat. "If you two can't decide then I'll do it."

"Attaboy, James!" Sirius pat him on the back.


Remus gripped onto the handle of the golf club, trying to get his sweater pit of the way. "Well then. Here comes the mildly dangerous part. James, you ready?"

"Uh-huh" he mumbled, not exactly a good time to talk with a golf ball just a few inches from your face.

"Right then." Remus lifted the club up in the air, and swung.


The ball went flying out onto the lawn, earning some cheers from Peter and Sirius, who normally would have found this very boring, but it seemed that the game taking place on a rooftop and using people as the tee renewed their vigor.

After a few rounds of the most idiotic game of golf ever conceived, Peter had gotten a call from his mother, who probably realized that teenagers don't tend to pull all-nighter while studying unless it's the comfort of their own house.

So while Peter and James left to handle that situation, it left Sirius and Remus alone, on a rooftop, again.

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