Chapter 4

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Sirius Black could be described as a lot of things; rebellious, charming, flirtatious, family dissapointment, very gay, and possibly gender queer (he hadn't had time to have a crisis about that yet). But recently, the most common used was a variation on 'Potter's friend'. He never resented James for this. It just seemed that people thought he was nothing without James. Which was bullshit on a whole other level the likes that Hogwarts had never seen. But after "the incident" had happened last year and he started staying at the Potter's, nobody seemed to acknowledge him as a human. Instead a way to get to James, fuel for the gossip mill, or to be popular by association.

He had felt more and more like a ghost these past few months. Watching his own life and those around him as a spectator, watching the girls that flirt with him in the halls like it was a shitty rom-com, only actually jumping back into the scene to shut them down. It seemed now that very few people could pull him out of this state, help him feel alive again. Those people were James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Marlene McKinnon, and most surprisingly, Remus Lupin.

Sirius hadn't truly known Remus for long, but he absolutely knew that it was a friendship for the ages.

However, it was very distressing to wake up and find his head on Remus' lap on a couch in a house he did not know. He very quickly sat up, and after the dizzying feeling went away, he started to mull over what happened last night.

Okay, so, I got there, talked with everyone. James was being an idiot, Remus didn't mind. Then we went out back, up to the roof, then, that. We didn't fall of the roof did we? Nah, then I probably would be dead. Okay, so we got back inside, and somehow ended up here, OH SHIT THIS IS MARY'S HOUSE. crisis averted, I think.

Sirius then looked over at the boy next to him. Which immediately stopped all rational thought, because all he could think about was how great Remus was. He had ear length dirty blonde hair, that somehow managed to look great at ungodly hours of the morning. his eyes were closed but Sirius could very well remember the dark brown that reminded him of hot chocolate with his uncle Alphard. Even the scar that winded it's way across his face only seem to accentuate just how hot he was. Wait, hot? Do I like him? Probably.

Sirius was pulled out of his thoughts, when said hot guy started to wake up.

"Morning?" Shit, even his voice is hot? What the hell, this isn't fair.

Sirius cleared his throat before replying to Remus, "morning. How you feel?"

"Okay. Just kinda tired. Glad I inherited the iron liver."

Sirius chuckled, "the what?"

"Iron liver. My dad had a real hard time staying drunk, he could sober up in less than an hour unless he drank the good stuff. I inherited that, good part is I've never had a hangover"

Sirius chose to not acknowledge the first part of that as well as the implications, thinking that he would probably talk about it in his own time. "Lucky bastard. My head is pounding in my ears right now"


Sirius winced at the noise, his headache really was awful.

"Shit, sorry."

"Hey no swearing" he said in a joking tone.

"I will swear however much I fucking want to thank you very much."

"I'll tell Professor McGonagall on you"

"You won't"

"Yeah, you're right." Sirius sighed and laid back down on the couch. Then he smooshed a pillow onto his face, trying to cover up the blush he felt crawling up his face, planning to destroy and betray Sirius' life.

"You want me to go get you some water?"

"Yeth plea" came the muffled voice from underneath the pillow.

Remus rolled his eyes with a smile at Sirius' idiocy. Then groaned in pain as he got up, sleeping upright was not good when you had chronic pain in your back. A constant reminder of his father's final mistake.

But it's best not to dwell on one's trauma early in the morning.

So Remus pushed away his grimace and made his way to the kitchen. He'd been to Mary's apartment a few times before, Lily, Mary, and himself had movies nights every once in a blue moon.

Meanwhile, Sirius was contemplating how much of a fool of himself he made. His face was still in the pillow, and his thoughts were running a mile a minute, contemplating how the hell he was gonna get over yet another straight guy, and how the hell he could do that without cutting off their friendship entirely.

There was an interruption in the form of Remus pulling the pillow off of Sirius' face.

He sat up slowly, all the while complimenting and thanking Remus. "You're a godsend you know that, an angel on earth. Obviously not as angelic as myself but still a god."

Remus gave him a look that said 'you dumb fuck' before replying in actual words. "Wow, even when you're trying to compliment someone the narcissism is loud and clear."

"Well what else would you expect my dear"

Remus had to admit, hearing that last line come out of Sirius' mouth made him smile a little. He was really glad to have a friend like Sirius.

"So, mr. I don't get hangovers" Remus chuckled at this, giving Sirius an unnecessary confidence boost. "What are your plans for the day?"

"Probably gonna sit around, finish up my homework"

"What classes?"

"History, english and art."

"Ah, very artsy"

"Yeah no shit"

Sirius gasped and feigned a horrified expression, "No need to use such vulgar language my good sir!"

"I disagree."

Sirius, in his eternal petulance only had this to say, "Fine then, you're not invited to my birthday party."

"I wasn't planning on going." Remus' shrugged, thinking that it was probably just a joke.

"Wait, seriously?" He was a little bit dissapointed, his birthday was only a few weeks away, and he did want to invite Remus, if if his original statement about it was meant to be a joke.

"No, your Sirius."

"Using the joke against me? That's not allowed!"

"I just did."


"Drama queen"

They both laughed and kept talking, even though Sirius still had the nagging thought in the back of his head that he wouldn't have this for long if he did have a crush on Remus. So he would appreciate it while he could.

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