Chapter 17

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That Thursday was supposed to be a good day. Hope was back home and functioning, Umbridge had a substitute. But something always had to go wrong when it came to Remus' life, mostly due to his own neurosis, especially this time.

Lily snapped her fingers in front of Remus' face to get his attention. "Hey, dumbass!"

He lightly shook his head and tuned back into his surroundings, Slughorn's obnoxiously bright chem class. Before replying softly to Lily."What?"

"What's been going on with you? I'm starting to get worried."

"Nothing, I'm fine, I promise." It was a total lie, and they both knew it.

So Lily gave him a look, and Remus sighed.

"What happened between you and Sirius? We all saw it happen. One day you win a fight for him and the next you're not even on speaking terms. It's been going on for nearly a week now."

Remus put his head in his hands before whispering to himself, "I fucked up, bad."

"Well I figured that much."

Remus looked back up at her, brow furrowed and his eyes red around the edges.

Lily snapped out of her joking attitude. "Shit, okay. You want to leave?"

He nodded.

"Okay, just let me talk to professor Slughorn real quick."

She walked over to his desk and managed to convince him to let Remus and her go. Remus had no clue how she did it, possibly that he was a very big fan of favoritism (as well as nepotism), and she was one of the lucky ones.

Remus stood up, still wary, and his back hurting like a bitch.

When they finally reached the faculty bathroom, Remus slid back down onto the floor and almost started crying, Lily wanted to ask him, bit figured if he actually said anything he would start crying, so she just sat next to him and gave him her shoulder to use as a headrest, though he did need to lean down a little to reach it.

Sorrow seeped into his bones and seemed to stick. Pit, regret, all of it condensed into one sentence."I screwed everything up, and I don't know if I can fix it."


Meanwhile, Sirius had become attached to the hip to James, and if they were in different classes, Marlene. He was very good at hiding his emotions around other people, he just couldn't let himself be alone, because then he would think, and then he would crumble apart all over again.

It was lunch when Marlene confronted him about his behavior.

"Black, what the hell is going on with you today?"

"Why whatever do you mean, M and M?"

"You know what I'm talking about you tosser. You're practically attached to me and James today! And I'm sure if you had more classes next to Peter you would be all over him too!"

"I- I want to talk about it, just, not right now." The wound was too fresh in his mind to recall clearly. The words that cut him open like a knife, the anger behind them, the worst was the eyes. Remus' big amber eyes normally full of wit and light were angry. Filled with red hot rage. It was how Sirius knew that Remus had meant it.

"Please, Sirius, talk about it to somebody. You can't keep hiding you know."

"I know." He whispered.


While Sirius and Remus were having their crises, James and Regulus were having a conversation of their own.

James was putting back on his shirt when he started to talk. "Regulus, I want to talk with you about something"

The blue eyed boy turned his attention fully onto the other person in the broom closet. "Yeah?"

"What are we?"

"Whatever you want to be."

"Well, I want to be in a relationship with you."

"Oh." He wasn't quite expecting that.

"Is that not what you want?"

"No, no, it's just, I thought you liked that Evans girl"

"I can like multiple people you know."

"Well yeah, obviously, but I thought that I was just a kind of– a replacement."

"What?" James was incredibly confused. Why would Regulus ever think that? He cared, he really did.

"It's stupid, I know"

"No, Reg, it's not stupid. You would never be a replacement I promise that. I just want to know what we should consider each other."

"Well, I'd be happy to be considered your partner."

"Same here, partner." James said with a smile.

There was more to talk about, obviously, (such as the state of Potter's crush on Ms. Evans) but it was more than enough for them right now. Maybe while the world was falling apart around them, they could relax for a while. That was, until someone opened the door to the closet.



Only 10 more chapters + the epilogue 

guys this. makes me kinda sad :/

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