Chapter 10

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Regulus arrived at the Crouch household with a very intense smile. Which was immensely concerning for Barty, who had to step back and blink a few times before he processed everything.

"You're smiling"

"Yeah, people do that sometimes" Regulus stared at him for a moment.

"Yeah but you don't!"

"I am perfectly capable of smiling Crouch."

"Sorry, sorry. Let's get you in, come on the guest bed is all set up."

He remained planted where he stood, "You're sure your dad and mum are okay with this right?"

Barty quickly ushered Regulus in and shut the door before answering.

"That's debatable, sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission my dear Reginald"

"You know I hate that name"

"Hence why I still say it, you do look quite funny when you're mad, like a shrew."

Regulus had an annoyed look on his face, "Fuck you"

"Aw love you too babe"

The two boys made their way upstairs and Regulus was set to sleep, Barty giving him a quick goodnight before going off to his own room.

However, Regulus couldn't sleep. He wasn't able to normally, but this was worse, like he had some sort of unfinished business and couldn't rest until he did it. Why the fuck am I comparing myself to a ghost?

Then, it hit him. Like a freight train.

So Regulus very quickly picked up his phone, and made a call. He took a deep breath, and pressed the button.

After a few rings, he picked up.

"Yes?" A very groggy voice came through the speaker, the voice of Sirius Black.

"I left."


"I left Grimauld place."



"You need me to come get you?"

"No, I'm over at Barty's I'm good for now."

"Good. Now, tell me why you decided to call me, AT MIDNIGHT WHEN YOU COULD HAVE TALKED TO ME TOMMOROW MORNING"

Regulus could hear a muffled voice in the background saying something along the lines of 'shut your mouth I'm trying to sleep'. With far more profanities.

"Sorry Moony, just wondering why my little brother decided to call me for zero reason."

You could practically hear Regulus' eye roll.

That same voice spoke again, belonging to the so-called 'Moony' "I don't give a fuck, just stop yelling and let me get to sleep"

"Stop cursing moony, he can hear you!"

"Listen, I'm sorry to interrupt your bickering, but I do need to talk to my- Sirius, about something."

"All right, one moment and I'll head outside."

Regulus sat in waiting, trying to process multiple things, the main one being, that voice was not James' and the other being, that they were probably sleeping in the same room, hell, the same bed even. Was it that Lupin boy that he'd started hanging out with? Probably.

"All right, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"It's, about that phone call, back in March."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, I hope you know, I didn't mean any of it. I was just, angry. And confused."

Pain seemed to seep through the wires of the phone.

"I know. But that doesn't excuse it."

"I'm so sorry, I- I was awful."

"I'm not willing to forgive you. Yet"

You could feel Sirius' heart drop and then leap back up at this.

"Thank you."


"Thank you, for giving me a chance."

"Of course."

"Well, g'night then."


Sirius hung up the call. And Regulus was finally able to get some sleep.


After that, interesting phone call. Sirius made his way back to the room that Remus' and himself were sleeping in.

"What was that call about?" You could tell that Remus' was extremely tired, but was forcing himself to stay up to make sure Sirius was okay.

"Regulus said that he got out of our parents house."

Sirius crawled underneath the maroon covers before Remus was able to reply. "That's good isn't it?"

"It's amazing."


Sirius had a grin across his face, "Yeah."

Remus sighed, "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"Of course"

"I just, can't stay in that house if my mum isn't there anymore."

"It's fine Remus', I'm sure that James doesn't mind, and she'll be back before you know it."

"I really hope so pads." Remus sighed and pushed his hair back out of his face.

"You're calling me pads"

"Is that bad?"

"Nah, just means you're a true Marauder now"

"Good to know"

The two smiled at each other and laid down, Sirius internally screaming and getting far too giddy, while Remus' was far too tired, and fell asleep almost instantaneously.

Sirius sighed when he thought that Remus' was asleep, before whispering, "I just want to hold you, and say it will be okay."

But, sadly, it really wouldn't be okay. The world could only stand still for them for so long.

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