Chapter 5

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Florian Fortescue's ice cream parlor was a little known shop. It sat between two very large buildings. It also had an atmosphere of joy, mostly attributed to it's bright colors and the people who worked there. Which is exactly why the group from the party for invited there. It also helped that Lily and Remus always got a discount since there friends Alice and Frank worked there.

Soon after everyone had made their way home and dealt with their hangovers, Lily had invited everyone to the parlor to hang out and get good food.

Most everyone had gotten there early, even James, with his chronic lateness was one of the first people to arrive, along with Dorcas, Marlene, Mary, Peter, Remus and Lily.

It was a calm, pleasant conversation, one that very well suited the atmosphere. It looked like something that you would see out of a movie or a bad fanfic, a group of teens nerding out and talking about their favorite shows.

Then came Sirius. In his leather jacket covered in pins, jeans covered in patches, and a Runaways t-shirt that he had been wearing since he was 15.

"Hello there, lesser beings!" Sirius burst into the little shop, getting confused looks from an old couple in the corner. As well as a chuckle from another guy at a booth.

"Hello there asshole!" Called out Marlene, throwing up her middle finger as he came to sit down at their table.

He slid in-between James and Remus and crossed his ankles before replying in a deadpan. "Now now Marls, there's no need to declare your undying love for me, your girlfriend is right there."

Marlene rolled her eyes, "Oh yes, the most beautiful man I've ever seen, take me I'm yours." before pretending to throw up.

Everyone laughed at Sirius and Marlene's performance. Dorcas even starting a short round of applause.

"The lesbian and the gay man, a secret trist that will last a lifetime." James commented moving his hands through the air as if outlining the title.

"Truly a story for the ages" Peter added on after taking a bite of his strawberry cheesecake ice cream.

The conversation carried on, though truthfully, Remus was still stuck on the whole, Sirius being gay thing. With no explanation as to why. I'll have a crisis about that later, just focus on the conversation.

When he did tune back in, he had know idea what was happening. Only that Dorcas was making a comment about Lily being secretly in love with James, and then Lily threatening to gouge out her eyes.

"Well that was unnecessarily aggressive Lils." Mary cut in, preventing all out war, as she normally did.

"Sorry" Lily leaned back in her seat, eating her cherry jubilee in a sulk.

Peter looked around for a moment and then sighed, "sorry, I've been zoning out for the past 15 minutes, what just happened?"

"Not much really. Lily threatened me for insinuating she liked James."

"Yeah makes sense"

Everybody shrugged in agreement with Pate and went on with their day. Continuing to talk about their movie preferences, till it eventually landed in an argument with James, Lily, Marlene and Dorcas.

"That last letter was bullshit! You didn't get any updates in Charlie's life and it was just a stupid ass speech!" Marlene yelled at the boy across from her.

"That 'stupid speech' made me cry!"

"That's cause you're a slut for hope!" Dorcas replied. Getting even more weird looks from other customers.

"I would have liked an update on Charlie's life as much as anyone, but that wasn't the point!" Lily tried explaining, again.

Then Alice interupted all of them. "WOULD THE LOT OF YOU SHUT UP!"

They all sat in silence and ate their ice cream. Though the other customers did miss the free entertainment.


A pretty short chapter but.. yea yk

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