Chapter 3

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TW! There is some alcohol consumption in this chapter, mainly because, ya know, teenage idiots.

Emmeline Vance's party had become the only thing people were able to talk about by the end of that Friday. Which was just as well, since it took Remus' mind off of overthinking that stupid winky face from Sirius. This also meant that when Lily and Remus were getting ready for said party they were wondering who would be there.

"I mean, obviously Potter and his lot are going to be there, probably with the girls so we're going to have to tolerate them."


Lily whipped her head around. "Pardon?"

"You're going to have to tolerate them. I don't think they're all that bad." He shrugged.

The redhead rushed over from her wardrobe and gripped Remus' shoulder, "You've become infected, soon you'll be one of them. promise me, promise me, you won't become an idiot because of this."

Remus started laughing at this, unintentionally shoving Lily off of him. "You've gone mad Lils! All I said was that I don't think they're as awful as you as you perceive them to be"

Lily flopped down onto the bed and sighed, "I knew I shouldn't have let you go to that detention."


After much debate, (If you could even call it that, it was mostly Lily egging on Remus to let loose with his outfit) Lily and Remus were actually ready to go the party.

Remus was wearing a v-neck sweater and after some convincing from Lily, skinny jeans that were torn at the knees, with his beaten up doc martens for comfort. While Lily wore a light pink tank top with a white skirt and a denim jacket.

Remus drove them to the Vance house in his faded blue beater truck that he'd inherited from his father. Thankfully it didn't break down this time, and they didn't have to sit on the side of the road for half an hour.

The house was two stories, you could see people chatting on the porch and that the garage had been claimed by the stoners. Normally at this point Remus would have been nervous, however he found that it was easier to go to this one now that he knew someone other than Lily was going to be there. Marlene and Dorcas would probably be there too, but they tended to be one of the first couples to take over the rooms.

Walking inside the house was like stepping into a whole other dimension. It's like the atmosphere inside gained 70% more alcohol content and at least 80% more stupidity.

Lily automatically set the usual game plan into motion, "So, I'll go find Dork and Mars, you go get some drinks?"


"Alright, cool"

And so, Remus walked off into the kitchen and Lily scanned the room for their other friends.

A shout rose over the crowd, "LILY! GET YOUR AMAZING ARSE OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!"

"Found them." Lily muttered to herself, then ran over to to girl that was yelling at her, Marlene.

"Lily! It's so great to see you" she gave Lily an almost aggressively friendly hug, before letting go and standing next to Dorcas again.

"Yeah it is" she smiled, green eyes flashing with that so often seen Lily Evans charm.

"I'm assuming Remus is getting drinks?"

"Yeah. Oh! A historic event has occured today, I finally got him to wear those jeans with the rips in them that he's had for two years."

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