Chapter 8

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A few moments after Regulus and James, encounter, both of them made their way to the great hall, seemingly forgetting that they were still in a school, even if it was a damn castle in London that was nearly as big as Kensington palace.

It would an outrage if anybody found about the two boys. Not only would the long time rivalry between the group of mini fascists, and . It would also probably mean harassment for the both of them.

Which is precisely why, when James returned back to his table he was a painfully bright red and refused to speak about it.

"You doing alright there Jamesie? Evans kiss you or something?" Sirius said.

It was a simple shake of his head, which  James immediately regretted.

"Oh! Finally get a chance to snog someone else?" He took a cursory glance over James, then a smirk grew across his face.

"Apparently more than a snog given the  hickeys on your neck. Look at you prongs! finally getting some after years of pining away at Evans. So, who's the lucky person?"

James slammed his face onto the table before mumbling something along the lines of "your brother". Thankfully Sirius hadn't understood and just let him be with that, before continuing to sing his praises.

"Pete, isn't it amazing!"

"Not particularly, you know I have no interest in the matters of Prongs' sex life, or anyone's for that matter"

"Who's sex life?" A new voicw joined the conversation, one belonging to Remus Lupin.

Sirius very quickly cleared his throat before replying, since he had a feeling his voice would have been at least an octave higher if he didn't.

"Uh, James. He was gone for the first half of lunch and now his back with hickeys on his neck and his face red as a bloody tomato."

Remus' sat down at the table, "Ah. Now, tell me, why are you discussing your friends sex life when he is–" he spared a glance towards James, "very clearly uncomfortable with it."

"Thank you Remus! Sirius you're being replaced"

"I'm offended Potter! And besides, we never get to make fun of you, normally you're either much more discreet or not  getting any action at all."

Remus started chuckling at this, making Sirius' face gain a light blush and a very wide grin.

James looked over to Sirius' and wiggled his eyebrows, earning a light punch to his arm, to which James pretended to faint.

"I've been attacked! Jostled! By my own best friend at that, I feel so betrayed. When the time comes I expected Wormtail to murder me, not you!"

"Wait, why would I try to murder you?"

"I don't know, one day you might snap because of the pranking and then suffocate me in my sleep."

"Eh, I'd be too lazy to."

"I must say this is the strangest conversation I've ever been apart of."

"Eh, You get used to it, we, the mauraders are a strange folk, unlike any other"


"Eh, group name we came up with when Minnie caught us on one of our pranks"

"Oh yeah! I'm pretty sure I got detention that same day."

"What, why?"

"I snapped at Binns, For some reason I always get moody or sick whenever a full moon comes 'round"

James was the first to reply to him, "Aw look at that, little Remus gets moon moody"

"Moony!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Pardon?" Remus' was immensely confused at this, but intrigued as well.

"Your mauraders nickname!"

"Woah, woah, who said we were letting him in the mauraders"

"I did, got a problem with it, James?"

"Not at all, I'm just wondering whether we should discuss it or not."

"I'm cool with it" Peter shrugged.

"Then it's decided, I dub thee, Remus whatever–your–middle–name–is Lupin, Moony the fourth Maurader."


"What?" Sirius tilted his head.

"My middle name? It's John."

"Well that's a very anti- climactic middle name"

"Sorry to disappoint" Remus deapanned.

"No, it's, it's great"


While Sirius was making heart-eyes at Remus, Regulus just so happened to be getting questioned by his best friend, Barty.

"Would you shut your trap about it."

"No I will not, I need to know exactly who you were just hooking up with, and then I need to congratulate you for finally getting with someone"

"Congratulations aren't in order, considering I've already 'gotten with' this person before"

"Wait, wait, you actually got a guy, and didn't tell me!"

"I don't really believe it is any of my business as to whether or not I tell you about my hookups."

"I am you're best mate, and even if right now I'm personally not interested in those pursuits, doesn't mean I don't want to hear about your escapades!"

"You're very strange, Crouch"

"You're the one hanging out with, Black"

"Solely for the entertainment I assure you."

"I'm wounded, but not surprised."

Regulus rolled his eyes with a smirk.

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