Chapter 22

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"We really do have a tendency of finding ourselves on roofs." Remus began, sitting down cross-legged on the edge of the railing.

"We really do." Sirius sat next to him, swinging their legs to distract from the awkwardness.

"Hey, uh, did you get a chance to open up my birthday gift for you, since you didn't open it at the party?" Remus inquired.

"What? Oh, I don't think I did."

Remus looked down at the grey roof tiles below, "Oh."

"I'm really sorry, honestly. Just got caught up in everything I suppose."

"No, it's fine." It wasn't. At least not for Remus.

Sirius knew this, and tried to repair the situation."If you want I can open it right now?"

"Nah, it's fine."

Sirius rolled their eyes and grabbed Remus by the wrist to drag him back down to the ground. "Nope, I'm opening it right now."

Remus found it futile to argue, but was glad that Sirius wanted to open it. "Okay, fine! Just stop wrenching down on my wrist please."

Sirius very quickly let go once Remus said that, gaining a bright blush across their face. "Um, sorry."

He waved his hand, "You're fine, let's just get downstairs and then get this over with."

After a short climb down to the window that they came from, and then a walk to Sirius' room, Remus sat down on their bed while Sirius grabbed the bag, while Remus was regretting his entire life up to this moment.

"So, you want me to open it right now, or-" Sirius paused and waited for Remus to respond.

"Yeah yeah, get on with it." Remus said with a smile, still sweating up a storm.

"Well now you're just going to make me go slower."

"I really have put myself in a tough spot, haven't I."

Sirius only laughed. And after a few excruciating minutes of Remus begging to open it faster, and Sirius fighting against their impulsiveness and opened it even slower, until finally,

"Why the fuck would you make this?" They stared down at the canvas that was now in his lap, covered in stars, (the Canis Major constellation) and a the moon cycle around it, with gold accents and what looked like a resin coating on top.

Remus smiled, though he was still taken aback. "Pardon?"

"I said, why the hell would you make this."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because, it's- too much! I mean, fuck, look at it!"

"I did, the entire time I was painting it."

"I refuse to accept this."

"Well too bad, you have to because I'm not taking it back." a quick pause.

"Thank you." He says with a smile.

"Of course." Remus smiled back, silently hoping that Sirius wouldn't read the card that came along with the painting. Mainly because it was entirely embarrassing and made when he was delirious and tired at 2:00 a.m.

"I'm going to hang this up as soon as you go to bed, just so you know."

"Oh what, so your hammering will wake me up?"

"Maybe, maybe not, we'll just have to see won't we " they shrugged and started to strut out of the room, Remus taking a moment to process, before running to catch back up.


Soon after James returned, and after a quick game of Mario Kart where Remus won (much to Sirius' dismay). They all went to their rooms for the night, though Remus and Sirius stayed up late, as per usual.

Sirius, as promised hung up the painting. But not before an envelope fell out from the wooden frame. They leaned down to reach for it, wondering why Remus didn't tell him about it while opening the present earlier.

Sitting down on the bed they opened the letter, curiosity and anticipation slowly growing, wondering what the letter could say. Though they definitely didn't expect what was there.


I have a small confession. Forgive this pouring of my heart.

Recently, I have began to regard you as much more than just a friend. Despite my mistakes, and possibly irreparably destroying what ever we had before.

I believe I must tell you that I have developed feelings for you, though I fought tooth and nail to deny it. Because it's the reason why I lashed out. But it seems that you used to feel the same before everything.

My feelings for you intensified that night in the park. I was further wowed by your tremendous snogging skills.

If I'm being honest, I did mean what I said. Because I was scared, angry, and worried. But I want you to know that I do care, I was forcing all of my worries onto you and you'll never know how sorry I am for my actions.

You're so special with your wild ways. The way you handle your self shows great generosity, patience, and great fun.

I know that to you I'm just a ass and a fool, and that any feelings you had for me have been obliterated. but I just want you to know, that I believe that you're truly amazing to me, despite your flaws. And despite mine I hope you can forgive me for what I've done.

Yours whenever,
R.J. Lupin



More wolfstar trash for y'all✨

Sometimes I forget people actually read this and I get really startled when I see the reads. Absolutely make my day though. Quick reminder that you're all valid, and worthy of love, affection, and respect no matter what. Also drink some water.

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