Chapter 18

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Regulus looked up, expecting to see Sirius in an outrage and wanting to kill both him and James. Though that might have actually been preferable to what actually happened.

Instead, it was the one and only, Barty Crouch Jr.

Regulus sighed and pushed his hair back into place. "Hello, Barty."

James waved awkwardly, his glasses still askew across his face.

"I will ask this once. Regulus, this is the guy that you've been hooking up with?"

"Yes, Barty. What an astute observation." He didn't really want to bring up the whole 'oh hey we literally just decided we're partners now' lest it lead to more discussion than necessary.

"Well no need to be an asshole! I just wanted to know whether or not the idiot of Hogwarts was really your guy."

"I'm right here!"

Barry turned his attention."Hush, the adults are talking."

"I'm a year older than you both!"

Regulus rolled his eyes and looked towards his newly minted boyfriend."James, shush."

He frowned, but shut up and leaned up against the filing cabinet. Crossing his arms like a petulant child.

"Barty, you can't tell anyone, okay?"

"Alright then. But only if you buy me cigs for the next month."

"You're bloody rich! Buy them yourself!"

"That's where you're wrong. I got cut off last week, you were there. And you want to use up your parents blood money that you got before you moved out as soon as possible, correct?"

Regulus rolled his eyes, but agreed.

"See! Then it's a win-win situation!"

"Well, you lot think we should get back to class?" James cut in.

"I suppose so."


But it seemed revelry was not the order of the day for most everyone else. Remus was still on the verge of tears by the time lunch came around. Though he decided to avoid the lunch room to be somewhat courteous to Sirius. Remus owed him that, at the very least.

Lily had left him alone a little bit ago, after saying that she had a big test that day, Remus gladly let her go. Assuring her that it might help him feel better to be alone with his thoughts. However, to be honest he felt even worse now, with nothing to distract himself since his phone and books were in his locker all he could think was,

"I fucked up so bad."


"He fucked all of this up."

Was one of the few things that Sirius thought of since his talk with Marlene. He knew that people were going to say that he was "too overdramatic" after all, it was just a friendship, those fade all the time. But their heart still ached. Longing for something that shouldn't even be wanted. You can't just say something like that and still get to hold an important place in my heart! That's not how this works! He was absolutely determined to get Remus out of his head by the end of the day. Unfortunately, it didn't work that well.

It came to the end of the school day, James offered to take them home, Sirius said he'd walk. Trying to kick around the puddles that had gathered and let loose some steam. Though they did stop at Tesco to get a few snacks.

It took almost an hour to make it back to the Potter house, which meant that Sirius felt like collapsing straight into bed, but decided that they should probably stay up till dinner just so that nobody was suspicious.

Expertly avoiding James and Euphemia, Sirius made their way to the bathroom, trying to calm down, but eventually landed on putting on music to heighten the dramatics of the moment.

Sirius sighed and slid down the wall to the floor, trying to ignore the fact simple fact that, he missed Remus. More than he would ever care to admit. He was heart broken, over an idiot guy who kissed once. I'm pathetic.

Before he could get too into his wallowing, and probably cut their hair only to regret it immensely. James started to knock on the door.

"Padfoot, can I come in?"


"Pads, please."

"Absolutely not, I refuse to let you see me like this."

"I've walked in on you crying over Ten Things I Hate About You, I don't think it can get worse than that."

"Fuck you that is a great movie!"

"I'm not denying that! I just want to make sure that you're okay."

"I'll let you come in if we can watch it."

James sighed and leaned his head against the door frame.

"Fine, we can watch it later, just, let me in please."

Sirius didn't answer, just very quietly reached up to doorknob, and opened up the door.

James went to sit next to them, after a quick glance around and seeing that, thank goodness, he hadn't cut his hair. Otherwise he would probably be crying a lot more.

"Hey, Sirius, it's gonna be okay."

"I know. It still hurts though."

"Well then, you wanna talk about it right now or after we watch the movie?"

"Preferably never."

"You're going to have to talk about it eventually."

"Not if I can help it."

James sighed, he would have to get it out of them later.

However, in the meantime, Sirius dragged him down to the living room to watch Pump Up the Volume.

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