Chapter 26

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A few hours after the "Blizzard Affair" (as James and Sirius dubbed it much later on) James, Sirius, and Remus were all sitting in semi-silence. Waiting for the pin to drop. Or at least that's what Remus and James we're planning on. Sirius, on the other hand, was just trying to find a comfortable position to sleep on the couch that didn't mess up his hair.

Soon enough, James couldn't take the silence. "Alright, you two need to start talking right now before we have another disaster of a falling out."

A few seconds of silence, tension continued growing like vines, sneaking it's way throughout the room.

"Remus and I are going out!" Sirius blurted. The previous tension shattered entirely.

"FINALLY!" James nearly fell out of his seat he was so excited.

Remus blinked a few times, he was anticipating James reacting wildly different to this. "What?"

James soundly ignored him and fumbled over opening his phone. "Hold on just one moment, I'm texting the group chat."

"You have a group chat about us?" Remus said, even more confused.

James looked up. "Yes, now Moony, I would appreciate if you didn't interrupt, this is time sensitive."

"How is it time sensitive! And besides, we agreed to go out on one date, nothing more!"

Sirius raised his brow, "I recall you making out with me in the car, I think that's different from our supposed 'one date'."

Remus froze in his place, and very deliberately stared at the wall. While James' squeal could probably be heard a block away.

"You have no idea how excited I am." James said with a wide smile, crooked teeth in all their glory.

"But I very sure you're going to tell us." Remus sighed.

"You bet, now, let's get everybody on call." He turned his attention back to his phone, while Sirius laughed and Remus shook his head.


A few days later, the snow was melting, and it was getting a little bit warmer. Spring was coming soon after all. It was weaving it's way into the air, a pleasant feeling for most (except for those who had allergies.)

It was also, when Sirius and Remus decided to have their date. Since it was cold they decided to stay indoors, no matter how much Sirius insisted they have a picnic in their park (the couple resolved that next time they would go, probably Valentine's day)

It all started with a drive to Dominos for a 20 oz and a pizza, much to Remus' chagrin.

"Dominos is vital to the movie watching process, Moony!"

Remus sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes so that the light from the storefront sign didn't "Fine, as long as there isn't any pork."

"Oh yeah, cause I'm going to get Hawaiian with extra bacon."

Remus have him a disgusted look, mainly because of the pineapple on pizza.

"Kidding! I'll just get a plain cheese."

"Thank you" Remus beamed.

While Sirius went inside to order, Remus was reflecting. So far, he wasn't too nervous, minus the nagging thought that only Lily had ever seen his house, and he was terrified that Sirius would walk out the moment they saw the living room. But hopefully, it wouldn't matter. If anything, this felt less like date, and more of a casual Saturday night.


Where Sirius was going to meet his mum.

Where they were probably going to end up making out or- no. Not going to think about that.

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