in another life

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Chapter 49. In another life

The AC from the house contrasts greatly with the warm humid night air.

The house was easily distinguishable from the rest in the neighborhood by the lights and loud music.

We approach the house and the front door is already open. Teens and young adults are sprawled across the yard playing beer pong and lounging around.

We enter the house and LED lights illuminate the inside as bodies of costume-wearing people dance and walk around. 2000's pop music is blaring.

Amber grabs my hand and I follow her as Cooper leads the way to the kitchen area which has significantly fewer people than the entrance.

"There are so many people," Amber notes and I nod my head in agreement. There were more people than I had ever seen at all high school parties combined.

"Hey!" A girl's voice causes us all to turn around. It's Bree who wraps her arms around Grayson who looks all too amused. She's dressed in a lifeguard outfit with a white one-piece and red spandex. 

"Later," He waves to us and leaves to who knows where with her.

"Want a drink?" Axel asks and I nod, "Me too please," Amber asks and Axel makes us each a drink.

I stare at the pink liquid and take a sip, "This tastes just like pink lemonade," I state and Amber agrees.

Before I knew it, I was on my third drink and I was tipsy. Axel and I had just finished cup pong with two random guys we met. 

We won the match and as I'm cheering I turn to Axel who's looking at his phone.

"Is everything okay?" I ask out of curiosity and Axel looks up at me then at the guys across the table, "Yo can someone else play with her?" He asks them and they grab one of their friends next to them.

I turn to Axel in astonishment, "What's going on?"

"Care, I'll be back before this round is over, I just have to take care of something," He tells me and I shake my head, "I don't know anyone here, I lost Amber."

"I promise I'll be right back okay, I'll explain everything later," there was something different in his tone, I can tell he was doing his best to conceal worryment.

I hesitantly nod and within a few seconds, Axel's gone in the crowd of people.

"Ready to play?" A girl with pretty long black braids asks me. She's in an Ashley Boulet costume, the friend of the boys I assume.

I nod and she throws the first ball and it lands right in one of the cups.

"Woo! We already make a great team!" She enthusiastically states and I smile at her, agreeing.

I glance over my shoulder as if Axel is going to magically reappear.

I can't ignore my feelings of discomfort and worrying, part of me debates running through the crowd to follow him.


An extremely familiar male voice comes from behind me.

"Luca?" I blink a few times to register what felt like I was imagining.

"Carolina! I can't believe you're here, what are the odds we run into each other?" He warmly greets me. He's in a Clark Kent costume with a shirt half unbuttoned revealing a Super Man shirt beneath.

"Wow, I really didn't expect to run into you at all, who do you know here?" I yell in attempt to be heard of the music.

"One of my friends who got invited just invited me and I figured why not," He shrugs before doing a once over of my costume.

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