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Chapter 4. "Competition"

I shiver as the cold winter air blows sending my hair flying across my face. As I'm approaching my house I turn off The Bakery by the Arctic Monkeys that's currently blaring into my ears at an unhealthy volume. I stop in my tracks at the sight of a car in front of my neighbors home, a black Ford Mustang I'm currently drooling over.

Must be new neighbors, we haven't had any neighbors at that home in years. I quickly jog to my front door unlocking and stepping into my house immediately embraced by the warm air.

I trudge up the stairs waving to my grandma who's in the kitchen frying up some falatas. I'm relieved as I finally reach my room closing the door behind me.

My room is oddly colder than usual, I glance over to the window which is opened for some reason. I run over to it about to close it but then I realize something, the neighbor's window, which is about an arms length away, the room is now occupied. Please be a hot college kid.

I close my window shutting my blinds incase it ends up being a pervert. I slip out of my school uniform into my baseball pants and a t-shirt slipping on my socks and cleats along with it. I quickly tie my hair into a high pony tail putting on a random cap with it. I glance over at the clock to see I still have time.

With that I plop down on my bed turning on Teen Wolf. Seriously, are the boys on that show all out of a lab? Like Dylan O'Brien? Hella heart eyes for him.

"Car car?" A muffled voice asks with a knock at my door.

"Come in" I yell lowering my television down as my younger brother Miguel tip toes into my room closing my door quietly behind him.

"Why are you being so sneaky?" I ask and he immediately shushes me as he graciously waltz unto my bed, "grandma thinks I'm doing homework right now" he explains in a whisper and I nod my head signaling I understand.

"Anyways... I really need your advice Care" Miguel whispers in a low tone, "more boy trouble?" I ask and he reluctantly nods.

Miguel is my youngest brother who's in eighth grade who has recently came out that he is gay, my other younger brother who's a sophomore, is Jack, a lady killer. Miguel goes to an all boys school private school. Jack goes to a catholic private school he got into from a scholarship with lacrosse. We all live with my grandma who's very religious, so Miguel has never came out to her, only Jack and I.

"Shoot" I say with a shrug and he takes a deep breath before explaining, "okay so Kyle told me that he loves and wants to be with me and all, but he still hasn't told his parents or his friends, so at school he ignores me completely..." he explains and I nod for him to keep going, "Well... I just wish he would be open about it" he adds with hurt evident in his voice.

"Well.. I'm sure he doesn't want to keep it a secret on purpose, he's probably just scared of what people will think of him" I calmly explain as he nods.

"You are right, but here's the twist" he adds chewing his bottom lip nervously, "he has a girlfriend" yikes.

"Okay... well you should always respect other people's relationships even if one of them isn't happy"

"I know that Care, it's just... I wish people wouldn't hate us... for being us... you know?" He asks in a shaky voice like he might cry and I feel my heart shatter. I pull him into a tight hug unsure of what else to do.

Have you ever seen somebody you love in true pain? I'm not sure about you, but nothing hurts me more then to see my family upset. Especially since I'm aware Miguel gets taunted at school for just being his self.

"It'll get better, I'm not just saying that Mig, it will, people on the outside world don't care like how they do in middle school, people hardly even care in high school..." I explain desperately wishing I can just take his pain away.

"Thanks Care" he mutters letting go of me wiping a tear that escaped. We both suddenly jump in startlement as my door busts open to reveal a furious Grandma at my door.

Fear can be described in many ways, to me, true fear is my grandma when she's angry. I observe her stance as she's in the doorway, she's short and plump with scrawny arms. She has one flip flop on and the other in her hand. Her gray hair is into a low bun and she looks as if she's ready to charge like a bull.

"Miguel! I said do your homework, not bother Carolina!" She yells with a thick Spanish accent making her way to us raising the flip flop and Miguel's eyes widen in horror.

He immediately jumps off the bed running past her as we both chuckle as she puts her flip flop back on.

"I don't know what to do with that kid" she mutters walking out of my room leaving the door open. Her head soon reappears in the doorway, "oh before I forget! We won't be home when you come back from practice" she adds, "where will you be?"

"I'm taking the boys with me to the night time mass" she explains before slamming my door behind her.


"Did you hear the news?" Justin asks gaining the attention of all the guys and me on the field. Practice starts in about a minute, but coach hasn't showed up yet, so we are all sitting in the dug out waiting, Wesley, not here yet either thank goodness.

All of shake our heads and a sinister smile tugs at the ends of Justin's lips.

"We might have two pitchers now, well one, that new kid Wesley" as those words leave his lips it's like everything is in slow motion. I blink a few times registering everything he said while a few 'oooouuuu's erupt in the crowd of boys. he can't be telling the truth. Justin is the coaches son however, so he would most likely know before I do.

I let out a bitter laugh "you are funny Justin.. there's no way coach would ever replace me" he's crazy, delusional, just locker room rumors that's all. Coach is like the father I've never had, there's no he would participate in such a preposterou-

"Alright boys head out the fields" Coach announces emerging into the dug out along with Axel trailing behind him.

"We are having a scrimmage, Wesley you're pitching" coach adds throwing a bucket of baseballs at Axel. I feel my face fall to the floor, I can't move, I'm still standing in place as the guys all head to the field.

"Hmm.. what was that? Coach would never replace you?" A boy named Gavin teases earning a few chuckles from around him.

I direct my attention to my "competition" who has a triumphant smirk on his face I desperately wish I can smack off.

How could he replace me?


Qotd : "if the hurt comes so will the happiness" -be patient

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