a splendorous time

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Chapter 36. A splendorous time

I was dying.

The heat of the unbearable bright sun was starting to finally get to me as I fill my water bottle up from the tank of Gatorade coach brought to practice. The sky is a brilliant blue without a cloud in the sky and it's abnormally hot for March.

My whole body is covered in sweat as I take a seat in the dusty dugout. The whole team has a break except for Nolan and Jared who are running laps for trying to flirt with the softball girls at the batting cages.

It's taking every ounce of my will not to tear this shirt off of me. Partly because the heat, other part, well, starts with a W ends in eSlEY.

"Carolina..." Grayson hums in a sing song voice as he drops down next to me, spreading his legs as he lounges on the bench.

"Grayson..." I add back in the same tone he uses. The dug out is almost empty, the rest of the boys still filling up their waters as we speak.

"How's my favorite pitcher doing?" He smirks which brings a small smile to form on my face, "Fine, and you?"

"Just peachy" he shoots back as his eyes close and he leans the back of his head on the wall, his smirk deepening, "Nice shirt"

My smile instantaneously drops and a scowl etches it's way into my face, "I was set up okay"

"Mhmmm" he grins and I roll my eyes, practice was coming to an end, and I couldn't of been happier. The whole practice I couldn't go ten minutes without a comment being made on my attire.

"I'm serious" I whine, my hands flying to my face pulling down on it dramatically as I sigh, "I needed to borrow a shirt this morning, and this was the one he handed me" conveniently.

"Of course Carolina, I believe you" He suggestively states only making me even more aggravated.

"Alright bring it in!" Coach cups his mouth and hollers at Jared and Nolan, who jug on over entering the dugout along with everyone else.

Their faces are beet red and there clothes are sopping with sweat as they breathe heavily. "Alright decent practice, next practice is next week and your game got switched to next weekend as well who you guys are facing" he explains never tearing his eyes away from his clipboard.

"Who are we facing?" An outfielder named Tristian asks, "Trenton High" coach responds.

I feel my whole body stiffens and goose bumps rise on my skin. I know I didn't hear him wrong, but I wish I did.

A nauseas feeling washes over me like waves, a lump is in my throat like I might simultaneously vomit at any moment. I felt angry yet sad, I can't handle seeing Quinton.

I feel eyes on me, I nonchalantly glance up to make eye contact with Axel for a moment. He slowly glances away, as if he doesn't care that I caught him staring.

I sigh glancing the other way, at least I had a week to mentally prepare myself for what was to come.

"Alright your dismissed take a shower, you all reak" he nearly gags as he flashes up a look of disgust. No one wastes time as they exit the dug out, I pick up my bag slinging it on my back.

I also exit the dug out, my head was throbbing still from last night and now the heat. On top of that my stomach was thundering with hungry growls. My mind was everywhere but here. Racing with millions of memories of Quinton. I couldn't get him out of my head, just knowing I'd have to pitch for him and see him when I bat causes cramps.

I knew there was no way coach would let me play out field on this one, they needed me to pitch this game. Trenton High has always been a rivalry of Plain view. I couldn't let my team down.

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