star gazing

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Chapter 8. Star gazing

"Sorry I left you, I heard you left with Stephen, and Jared wanted to come over" Amber sighs through the phone, "it's cool, I didn't leave with Stephen though" I murmur the last part stuffing my face with popcorn.

"I saw he wanted to talk to you! What did he say?" She asks eagerly, I take a deep breath debating on what to say. Amber knows about my crush on Stephen. He's the only one I've ever had, but her happiness and his matter more than my dumb crush.

"He wanted to know if you were on the market... I told him yes" I suddenly feel the same ache I did last night after telling her, "I am talking to somebody you goof, well now I am, your film body and baseball catcher Jared, he asked me out last night" she squeals and my mood is already better.

"That's awesome" I smile, I'm very happy for her, I know she's liked him for a while, but I had no idea he felt the same.

"Thanks... but hey I'm sorry about Stephen, if he can't see how awesome you are, that's his loss" she sympathetically adds and I nod knowing she can't see me.

"Thanks..uhh.. I gotta go I have some stuff to do" referring to the teen wolf marathon I was was having before she called.

We exchange good byes and I turn back on teen wolf. I pause the television again from the sound of something hitting my window. What now?

I bounce from the bed trudging lazily to the window. I open my curtains pulling the window up to see Axel sitting on his ledge with a bag of skittles.

"Need something?" I ask and he stuffs more skittles in his mouth, "Are your parents home?" He asks and I shake my head, my grandma and brothers are out of town visiting relatives leaving me alone all weekend, "I'm coming over"

I snort unattractive at this, "like hell you are" I look down at what I'm wearing, a white The Killers t-shirt with rainbow pajama pants and fuzzy mid calf socks, my hairs in a low messy bun and I'm wearing my thick black nerd classes. I look like hell broke loose on me. He sets down his skittles on the ledge stepping back into his room disappearing. Where'd he go?

I hear my doorbell ring, there's no way.

I run down the stairs opening my front door to see Axel wearing a back pack.

"Hi" he smiles brushing past me into my house, I stand there for a second in shock. I close the door walking up stairs. He's not in the living room or the kitchen. I walk down the hallway in my entering my room to see Axel looking around my room at all my posters and drawings of mine.

"You like these bands?" He asks and I sheepishly nod, "and you drew these?" He asks pointing to my drawings and I nod again feeling embarrassed.

"You make movies?" He asks looking at my shelves of films and I nod admiring my endless stacks of films Olly, Amber, and I have made over the years. Usually Olly and I recorded, wrote the scripts, and did everything else while Amber was our actress.

"You came to my house to do homework? Couldn't you do that at your house?" I ask watching him as he unfolds his back pack at my desk turning to me, "and miss the opportunity to annoy my Care bear?" He sarcastically asks with an cheesy smile taking a seat at my desk.

"I need help anyways, besides if I fail any classes then I won't be able to take your spot pitching" he teases taking out a psychology text book and a blue notebook.

I open my mouth to argue about him taking my spot but he cuts in "Don't worry Garcia I'm not taking your spot, even though if I wanted to I could, but I'm actually interested in a different spot" he explains patting the seat next to him.

I reluctantly obey sitting next to him staring at his work, "you need help in psychology?" I ask and he nods, "I'm not doing too hot in that class"

After explaining him all about the brain and about every mental illness we are currently learning I didn't even realize I dozed off.

I'm woken up when my face hits the desk hard because I slipped off my hand. Ouch.

I hear Axel chuckle beside me and I'm suddenly reminded he's right next to me staring directly at me.

"Why don't you ever wear your glasses?" He asks leaning in closer to my face studying me and I shrug, "I don't know, it's far sightedness, I don't need my glasses, plus I don't like them on me"

He's quiet for a moment, he eyes just search my face as if he's looking for the answer for something.

"I do" he simply says and I feel my cheeks burn from the compliment and our now close proximity. His face only a few inches from mine, his brown eyes boring into mine, I notice specks of darker brown in his eyes and how mesmerizing his gaze is.

"Wait! What time is it?" I exclaim standing up from the chair, he grabs his phone looking at the screen, "uhh... 1:30 a.m"

"Oh my goodness" I murmur in a panic tone, "if your parents are coming home soon I'll leav-"

"Shhh!" I run out the room to my brother Jack's room opening his window, I ignore all of Axel's comments and questions as I slip out of the window onto the roof. I crawl from to the top of my roof hoping I don't fall to my death.

Once I make it to the top I sit flat on my back watching the stars. I've been waiting for this day all year, around one to two a.m a meteor shower can be seen from Earth. I'm not sure what it is about stars that intrigues me, but I could simply watch the stars forever. Watching the stars makes me feel small, but in a good way. Like we are all apart of something much bigger, I get lost in them, someplace I wish I could be forever.

"What are you doing up here Care bear?" Axel asks laying down next to me, "there's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight"

A faint gasp leaves my mouth as a star shoots across the sky.

"You like to star gaze?" He asks sounding genuinely interested, "more than anything"

"Why's that?" He asks, I take a deep breath and really think, "it's like getting lost into a place that doesn't exist where time is nonexistent, you can get lost at anytime at any age, like the time I was camping with my brothers outside and we watched the stars. Or when I was thirteen, I snuck my grandpa out of his hospital bed to the roof and we star gazed. It's like in that place you are the exact same person you were a long time ago, how life just keeps happening, just like the stars, something infinite"

"It's just something that can't be described, something epic and beautiful in its own way" I say completely entranced by the sky.

"It sure is" he simply replies, I turn to him to see he's staring at me now.


More updates coming (:

Qotd : "I'll be waiting up counting the stars" -unknown

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